Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Design and decor

Most of us are accustomed to the classic swing door option and present something else in the interior of their apartment.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

However, modern interior doors can be quite unusual. How can they save space, create an interesting, fashionable design?

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Very easy - install sliding interior doors.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding doors - for or against

Opening the door along the wall is called sliding. Invented such a design in advanced Japan. Installing sliding interior doors allows you to solve a number of significant tasks:

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Substantial savings in space. In order to open the door does not need to use the extra space. Therefore, this version of the design features is ideal for minimal areas.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Maintain the principle of zoning. This type of door construction can serve not only as an interior divider, but also be installed within the same room.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

In this case, the possibility of dividing the room into zones is achieved.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Such a model is especially relevant for studio-type apartments, the premises in which different-age family members live, if necessary, a temporary fence from society, for example, for sleeping or working.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

The solution of functional problems. The sliding door can be multi-fold. The presence of several segments allows you to vary the degree of opening.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Adjusting the space of passage, opening size solves some practical problems: the possibility of unhindered passage with large objects, the effect on air circulation, light flux.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Improving the aesthetics of space. The sliding door can serve as a stylish element of the interior. Unusual design will complement the modern design. Made in an unusual style, the sliding door can be the centerpiece of the room, surprising, attracting the eye.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Despite significant advantages, this door design has some disadvantages:

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Installing the mechanism of sliding interior doors requires a free space on the sides of them. Read here! Corner wardrobes - which one to choose? Photo review of popular design options!

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Such a structure should move freely along the walls. This need limits the ability to load furniture and other elements of significant space near the door system.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

The noise accompanying the opening may disturb the peace of particularly sensitive persons. It is better not to install such constructions in rooms where there are small children, elderly people.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas
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The cost of sliding doors is slightly higher than standard hinged doors. This is due to the relative complexity of the rail mechanism. High-quality system will cost much higher.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Given the advantages and disadvantages to determine the need and the possibility of installing a sliding door design is quite real.

Types of sliding doors

There are several options for sliding interior doors:

  • Standard;
  • Radius;
  • Harmonic;
  • Coupe.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Standard construction can be single or double. A small room with a small doorway will gladly accept a single canvas.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

For a modest space where every centimeter counts a single-leaf construction will be the best solution.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas
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A roomless room with doorways of sufficient size will suit the standard double-wing version. It will be practical and unusual to push the doors only to the required width.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

The radial model perfectly complements a special room, because the sash moves along a circle. This version of the door will fit into non-standard space, will add style to the room.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Folding harmonica option will achieve maximum functionality. Sash, consisting of several narrow elements, allow to vary the size of the opening, save space on the sides of the structure.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

In addition to the doorway, the coupe variant occupies the entire area of ​​the wall, replacing it. This model perfectly divides the space into zones. Most often used in studio apartments, living rooms, combined with kitchen.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Any sliding system suitable for interior doors can be made of glass, plastic, wood or materials based on it. The canvas can be combined and contain in its composition still cloth or mirror panels.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas
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Do-it-yourself sliding interior doors

A wide choice of materials for construction, repair and components allows you to independently embody any design idea.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Creating and installing a sliding interior door can easily be done by hand.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

First you need to decide on the option of mounting the structure. The sliding door can be mounted in an invoice or in an integrated way.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

It is easier for a newcomer to deal with an overhead option. Built-in mounting requires more skill, additional work on the arrangement of niches in the walls. In addition, it is necessary to determine the model of the door itself.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Next comes the preparatory stage in the form of measurements and calculations. To perform the marking of mounted mechanisms, it is necessary to know the width, height of the door itself. During the marking it is necessary to use a level, otherwise the finished door may turn out to be a curve.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

The main work - mounting guides. It is required to know exactly the options for their attachment. It is better to think over all the subtleties of work in advance so that unpleasant embarrassment does not occur.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

In the well-fixed rails, install the rollers, fix them with plugs. The final stage is the joining of the doors to the rolling mechanism, the addition of the design with the necessary fittings.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior door can significantly expand the functionality of the room, make it modern and stylish. After weighing all the pros and cons, do not be afraid to take up the job and install it yourself.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Presented photos of sliding interior doors, will help determine the appearance of this modern design.

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Photo of sliding interior doors

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas

Sliding interior doors - 75 photos of design ideas