Sill on the balcony - how it should be
When you carry out installation processes on the balcony, of course, all stages are important. Each person settles it taking into account their own wishes.

Experts advise to pay more attention to the window sill on the balcony. Only he, fulfilling his mission, is engaged in protection from the ingress of cold air and damp into the room.

And also, if the space is converted into a room, then the window sill is an important decorative detail.

At the very beginning, carefully weigh and think about what it will serve for and what tasks it must cope with.

In our article you will be able to see photos of the window sill on the balcony, and how it copes with all its purposes.
Balcony window sill, how it should be
Sills are made of different materials that determine the quality. It can be a natural stone, chipboard or MDF.

Not bad as plastic windowsills on the balcony perform all the functions that others. Whatever material is, their width is almost a meter, and the length is up to 6 m.

The thickness can be said that it does not exceed 20 mm., And it is considered 1 m high from the floor.

Varieties of windowsills designed for balconies
The most popular PVC plates, unlike other ones, are inexpensive and have a minimum of drawbacks.

At installation they are not demanding, they are not deformed under the influence of various indicators of humidity. The composition of these structures - 100% PVC.

Due to its excellent structural characteristics, the window sill is able to withstand heavy loads. And this is not the main advantage of plastic plates.

- They are not active when ignited.
- Plastic surfaces do not change the appearance when contaminated; they are wiped with a wet sponge dipped in any detergent.
- Window sills are not heavy, which affected the ease of installation.

- They are made in different colors, and everyone can choose the design to your taste.
- Long service life to save your own money.
- Not expensive, designed for different categories of the population.
Installation of a window sill on the balcony and its main processes
Make a window sill on the balcony with your own hands is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the order of all stages. Let's talk about how to make the window sill on the balcony.

The wall surface, where the stove will be mounted, is cleaned of dust and debris and is degreased using antiseptic agents.

- All the cracks are hidden foam.
- Next, under the window opening is set the design of the profile in the form of a stand.

How to fix the window sill on the balcony? And it’s very simple to help the screws, bolted to the profile at a distance of no more than 15 cm.

When carrying out installation work, adhere to all permissible norms and maintain the correct slope, which should not have more than 1 cm.
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From the outside for a beautiful look, the window sill is covered with decorative details in the form of plugs.

Nothing is difficult, if you are not confident in your abilities, then ask for help from specially trained people.

There is another way to install a window sill on the balcony. When this mount is carried out with screws. Metal brackets will provide support for the plate. The option is good, in the event that the sill will not be affected by different types of loads, otherwise it will be damaged.

The purpose of the window sill on the balcony
Each person uses the window sill for a variety of purposes. If the balcony is connected to the room, then its application expands.
It can be a table top or bar counter. When the space is intended for work, it is already a table.

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Designers have noticed that in most cases shelves are equipped on windowsills and are used for winter gardens or small kitchen gardens where varieties of all kinds of vegetables are grown.

Depending on the price categories you can put a window sill on the balcony from a variety of materials, as well as in any color palette.

For what it will be, you are already serving these individual needs. Do not forget about the loads that will affect the plate. Think over all the moments at the very beginning to avoid extra costs. Good luck and let you succeed.

Photo windowsill on the balcony

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