Rococo style in modern interior

Design and decor

How to create a rococo style in the interior?

This style appeared at the very beginning of the 17th century, in France during the reign of King Louis XV (1715–1723). And the most striking example of the interior is the Palace of Versailles. The elegant and exotic rococo style is also directly related to the ancient culture of Pompeii and Ancient Rome. Many designers compare the playfulness of Rococo with the Baroque style, but this is rather a frivolous interpretation, because in fact, there are few common features between them.

Photo: large mirrors in a gilded frame will help you emphasize the features of Rocco's style.

Photo: large mirrors in a gilded frame will help you emphasize the features of Rocco's style.

112-rococo style in modern interior

  • Features of the room
  • Basic Rococo Room Design Techniques
  • The color palette of the room
  • Conclusion
  • Historical information

    After this style gained popularity, it not only won its place in the homes of noble persons, but also spread throughout Europe, and continued to reign until the end of the XVIII century. For this epoch, the key was the term "elegant style", which very accurately characterizes the Rococo style. When creating a style, of course, was not thought of as something grandiose, but had to be focused on creating a homely and cozy atmosphere, light grace and even flirtatiousness.

    Features of the room

    An elite luxury style in the interior of the room is undoubtedly a rococo style, as shown in the photo, and an ordinary apartment in a panel house is hardly suitable for such decoration. But the interior is great for decorating a country house or cottage, with the condition that the house has high ceilings and spacious rooms.

    Photo: decorating the ceiling with stucco in the interior of the dining room

    Photo: decorating the ceiling with stucco in the interior of the dining room

    Photo: children's room, decorated in the style of Rocco

    Photo: children's room, decorated in the style of Rocco

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    Basic Rococo Room Design Techniques

    A feature of the design of the space in the Rococo style are the rounded corners of the walls, which are later decorated with special fabric wallpaper, they are finished with an original design. You will also need carved panels, with gilded ornaments and an abundance of mirrors, thanks to which the room visually expands.

    The floors in the Rococo style are recommended to be decorated with marble or ceramic tiles, but the baseboards should be curved, but their height does not matter much.

    It is necessary to have a small, but real fireplace, covered with marble tiles, with a shelf on which there are watches, porcelain figurines and bronze or gold-plated candelabra on the sides. Above the fireplace there is a large mirror, in a semi-antique gilded frame.

    Artificial lighting of the room is characterized by an elegant chandelier with bulbs in the form of small candles, or crystal pendants. This style will complement the small sconces, resembling sea shells.

    Characterize the Rococo style and various candelabra, and candlesticks, placed throughout the room.

    Photo: a fireplace is a must-have element in a roko style living room.

    Photo: a fireplace is a must-have element in a roko style living room.

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    Photo: chandeliers and lamps with candle-shaped lamps

    Photo: chandeliers and lamps with candle-shaped lamps

    The color palette of the room

    Rococo style is characterized by pastel colors and light colors, although there are not only white, beige and pearl colors, but also pink, marble or blue. They fill the room with serenity, add romanticism to the room.

    The use of light pastel colors creates the illusion of airiness and privacy, with a slight hint of intimacy, especially in the design of boudoirs and bedrooms.

    Floral patterns and soft waves, including those with gilding, allow you to plunge into luxury and comfort, and, of course, such a room cannot be imagined without antique statuettes, painted ceilings, stucco moldings, and curtains made in furniture upholstery.

    Special attention should be paid to large painted floor vases, it is desirable that they be made of earthenware or porcelain. Crockery, cutlery should be made of silver.

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    112-rococo style in modern interior

    112-rococo style in modern interior


    Sad as it may be, but in the modern world, the Rococo style in the interior is rather difficult to find, it is mainly found in those who can afford luxury and expensive furniture, and this style is usually either a bedroom or a living room.

    Creating such a style in your home, it is worth considering that it is aimed primarily at comfort and coziness, and even small details in the design play an important role. The furniture that is in the room should be made of natural materials, and upholstery and textiles pleasant to the touch.