Pvc balcony paneling - 80 photos of the best design ideas
Each person individually selects materials for finishing work. It is necessary to choose the right strategy, weigh the pros and cons of each of them.

Next, we will tell you almost everything about PVC balconies. If not only sheathing is carried out, but also warming, then be extremely demanding on the quality of the panels.
Balcony, if desired, can be upholstered on both sides, both internal and external, but on condition that it is glazed.

After the restructuring, this small room is easily connected by a room, while increasing the space of the kitchen, hall or bedroom.

In our article you can see the most popular examples of plating in the photo balcony pvc. There are several types of finishes.

Inner. It is carried out in the case when the balcony will not be insulated, not demanding way of covering the inside.

External Used when the balcony is cold, but in this case, the interior will remain unsatisfactory.

Integrated. The balcony is finished with PVC panels on both sides. This option is the most popular allowing to equip a room in a small room with furniture, warm floor.
The right approach to the choice of panels - a successful result of installation
Before you choose PVC panels, examine the temperature readings that will affect the design.

The design of materials should be selected at their own discretion. Experts recommend combining the decoration with the interior of the room and the external facade design.

Beware of fakes, require product certificates to further save the budget.

PVC panels for the balcony can be of different shades and textures, modern manufacturers have tried very hard to please their consumers.

PVC panels good or bad
If the manufacturer company has modern equipment, the raw materials for the materials are the best, and all the technological processes have been sustained, then the panels are of high quality without flaws. Read here! The walls on the balcony - how to make them? What color to choose? 88 photos of design ideas!

Convenient to use. They are easily mounted and cut. PVC panels are fastened with liquid nails or staples. If the work is carried out correctly, there will be practically no garbage.

Long service life. The material copes well with different indicators of humidity. If it includes modern special additives, then the sun's rays will not spoil the original appearance.

Easy care and cleaning
PVC sheeting is wiped every six months with ordinary detergents.
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Eco-friendly. They do not harm the human body and are suitable for interior and exterior upholstery.

Additional heat insulation. If both sides are covered with PVC panels, then the heat will remain in the room for a longer time.

Cheap. This positive quality influenced widespread use among the population.

Step by Step Installation Guide
We check the parapet, its condition and the quality of the reinforced concrete structure. If it is not damaged too much, we carry out reconstruction, but when his condition is not very good at all, then it is better to build a new one from foam blocks. This decision is made directly by a professional builder.
- The necessary quantity of an expendable material is counted, the surface is measured, the type of fastening is selected.
- The frame is prepared using metal strip welding.
- Further in the same lanes you need to drill holes for fixing the rails, which are bolted.
- We prepare PVC panels, cutting them according to the measurements made earlier.
- In the same way, finishing is performed on the outside of the parapet. If your work experience is small, then follow the saying “Measure seven times one cut”. Do not allow the presence of gaps.

For exterior plating, choose UV resistant material. If you do not follow the rules during the selection, then the balconies sheathed PVC in a few years will lose beauty, and the material will crack and you will have to re-do the installation.
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You can independently carry out all the work, but the stages are complex and it is better to seek the help of specialists. They will make the upholstery quality, and pvc paneled balconies will please their owners.

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