Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Design and decor

A fairly standard room size is 18 square meters. m., often found in the apartments of the old, "Soviet" sample. Such a room can be called spacious only with a big stretch, but, nevertheless, these dimensions are often enough to accommodate all the necessary items in it and to obtain the required functionality from the room.

It is possible to organize a functional and truly original living room interior even in the absence of a lot of experience in interior design - the main thing is to have the desire and the proper level of imagination. In addition, before selecting the desired design, you can view photos of finished works and choose the most favorite option.

Some useful tips when choosing a design

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Before you begin to change the interior, you need to take into account some very practical tips that will help you finally choose the interior and save you from the mistakes often made by beginners when designing the interior design of a room of 18 square meters. m

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

When developing a design, one should adhere to the “golden mean” rule: it is not necessary to unnecessarily load space with unnecessary details - as a result, this will turn the room into a kind of warehouse, and upon entering the room there will be a feeling of strong clutter in the room.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

To accomplish this task, the following guidelines should be considered:

  • living room looks more expressive if the design is decorated with bright or light colors. In addition, light colors visually significantly increase the space;
  • if it is possible, it is worthwhile to install spacious windows in the living room bedroom - this contributes to filling the room with bright light, which not only enlivens it, but also creates the illusion of a large space;
  • A large amount of furniture will lead to excessive cluttering of the living room. If you plan to design a bedroom living room on an area of ​​18 square meters. meters, then in this case, a transforming bed is ideal, allowing you to significantly save space. You should also not use large chandeliers - a small chandelier will fit better into the design of a small living room;

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

  • instead of cabinets, the opening of the shelf will look great - they do not clutter up the room, while having the same practicality and functionality as closed cabinets. They look pretty organic small photos;
  • if you plan to design the bedroom and living room in the same room of 18 square meters. m., then in this case, you can apply the effect of a bright wall, which markedly separates one part of the room from the other. The interior is also original, representing a combination of red and gray tones;
  • If it is necessary to visually increase the height of the room, then light colors should be used in the design of the ceiling - the glossy ceiling does a good job with this.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Surface decoration and decor

We will try to sort out in stages how the interior of the bedroom should look like, combined with the living room.

In the apartments of Soviet construction, namely, Khrushchev and Brezhnev, the ceiling is quite low - this significantly affects the perception of the room, visually making it even smaller than it actually is. It is worth looking at a few photos of such apartments, and it will immediately become clear that the architects used typical projects based on minimalism.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Naturally, it is technically not possible to build up walls in an apartment and therefore one has to resort to design tricks that help to visually “lift” the ceiling in the apartment. After all, the height of the room depends on the height of the ceiling, even illusory. You can increase the height of the ceiling using various color variations and artfully designed lighting.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Do not use when decorating the ceiling dark colors - the top of the room should be lighter than other areas. Perfectly help stretch ceilings with the use of glossy material. Or use other coatings, preferably reflecting light.

A large chandelier, located in the middle of the room, will nullify all the efforts made to increase the space - even if it is of quite high power and perfectly illuminates the room. It is best to use spotlights, placing them around the perimeter of the room.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

The interior of the walls in the room should also be maintained mainly in bright colors - the main thing is that the design of the walls be darker than the ceiling. It is not recommended to use in the decor large and rich patterns with clearly defined lines. You should also limit the use of dark colors. For example, you can see a few photos.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

The use of non-contrast patterns on the walls will give a lightness to the atmosphere of the room, and with the help of strips on the walls you can achieve a visual increase in the room. Using an interior with horizontal stripes, it is possible to achieve a visual expansion of the space, and vertical ones contribute to a visual increase in the height of the ceiling. Select a certain part of the room can be a combination of dark and light colors.

Light wood or coating materials that imitate wooden surfaces are perfect as a floor covering - their use will add to the atmosphere a room of comfort and warmth. If an open layout is used in the apartment, then in this case it is necessary to use a coating that does not differ in its texture and color from the rest of the coating used in the apartment. This contributes to the visual increase in the size of the room.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Before the start of repair work it is necessary in general to already imagine what the whole room will look like. Design of a living room-bedroom on an area of ​​18 square meters. meters looks not only functional, but also very nice, besides there is no need to install various partitions that divide the room into separate zones. In this case, light designs look more organic: curtains, sliding screens, and even a bar counter. Much depends on the designer's imagination - various photos of ready-made works will help in the selection.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Changes without major overhaul

If you want to change the interior of the living room bedroom by 18 square meters. m., but there is no desire or ability to overhaul the premises, in this case, you can resort to rearrangement of furniture, using some tricks.

A huge role in the design has not only the amount of furniture in one room, but also its true placement. No need to unnecessarily clutter the room with a large number of cabinets or other furniture structures. The best option would be to use a coffee table, a soft headset and several open shelves for different things.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

No matter how strange it may sound, but the denser the furniture is to the walls - the less free space in the living room bedroom. No need to save every square centimeter of space, trying to concentrate free space in one place of the room - respecting the distance between furniture and walls contributes to a visual increase in free space in the room.

Living-bedroom 18 sq. M. m. - this is not a very spacious room, and therefore it is recommended to use transforming furniture options. It can be dining and coffee tables, sofas, etc.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Swing doors will be better to replace the sliding, as they significantly save space in the room.

Making the interior of a small room, should adhere to a certain style. High-tech design stands out among them. It is a rather popular area used in interior design - it is based on minimalism both in furniture and in decorations. Below are photos of room design in various styles.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

You can also use the modern style - its difference is the use in the design of elegant lines. Recently, a simplified version of the decor is popular - eco-style, for the organization of which it is necessary to use natural materials that give the room a “rustic” flavor and warmth inherent in wooden houses. It is useful to place in this case, family photos on the walls.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Do not use heavy classic furniture, richly decorated with decor. For its use requires a room design in dark colors, which will significantly reduce the size and without this small room. In addition, it is rarely possible to combine all the elements of furniture in such a limited space while achieving free space. This is especially true of rooms with dimensions of less than eighteen square meters. m

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Windows should be left as accessible as possible and not block them - this will allow to fill the interior with daylight, leaving no shaded areas. When repairing it is possible to slightly change the dimensions of the window, thereby increasing it. There are options in which apartment owners installed windows almost all over the wall - we offer you to read a photo of this design of a living room-bedroom with 18 squares.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Light and bright materials should be used not only in decorating walls, but also when choosing curtains and curtains on the windows.

The use of mirror surfaces contributes to a visual increase in space. For this, furniture with mirrors is often used.

Functionality is not at the expense of design

The combination of two rooms into one is a fairly common design solution used for small areas. The most common is the combination of a bedroom and a living room in one room of 18 square meters. meters We suggest to pay attention to several photos of various options for decorating the room.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

Given the versatility of the room and its small size, the best solution would be to use a soft corner - transformer. In the afternoon, this furniture serves to receive guests, and in the evening it turns into a very comfortable sleeping place.

Those who are not looking for easy ways, and agree to carry out full-scale repairs, are offered to use hidden structures - furniture in this case is embedded in a special podium or wall and unfolds as needed. The result is an interior consisting of one room, which can be completely transformed in a few minutes. The bed, which has been put into a wall or a special podium, opens up a full-size living room, and after the transformation a cozy and large bedroom is already being made.

Living room bedroom 18 squares - interior design photos

The design of the bedroom, combined with the living room, looks more effective when zoning the space. In this case, you should follow certain rules:

  • the bed is not recommended to be placed near the entrance, the optimal location is near the window;
  • to isolate the bed, you can use curtains or through shelves.

With a well-designed design, it will be quite possible to place two rooms on the same square, you just need to show imagination and follow the recommendations.

In the choice of interior design you will need photos of embodied design decisions.