Lime color in the interior
The use of lime color in the interior
Lime color is not used very often in the design of an apartment. Designers in their own defense say that it is quite difficult to combine with other shades of color. In a certain category of inhabitants, green is associated with longing and illness, but such an opinion can be disputed.

The positive effect of light green in the interior
The green color in the interior is a mass of energy and cheerfulness, it has a beneficial effect on activity and gives a positive. Studies show that this color contributes to a faster recovery. In the rooms where the green color reigns, it is impossible to be in a depressed mood, it leads away from feelings of depression and dissatisfaction and calls to conquer the world. The lime color in the interior, as well as the orange one, is considered the color of an uplifted soul spirit and a sudden surging feeling of inner happiness.
Tip: if a splash of bright green color starts to irritate because of its profusion, then it is quite possible to dilute it with other shades, without detracting from the original value.
The combination of light green color with other shades
The lime color leads friendships with many shades of color palette, but it is especially advantageous that it will be overwhelmed next to the same bright and pure colors that it is itself. An indispensable rule - before the owners decided to apply the light green color in the setting - this is the obligatory presence of the sun in your room or perfectly tuned artificial light. The sun and the grass, and in our case, this is exactly the combination that we want to recreate, and what can look more natural? The combination of colors in the interior can be done as follows:
- light green and white. This neighborhood creates a sense of strict interior, captivating for its purity. It will have a slightly sublime character, and talk about the presence of the taste of the owner of the room.

- lime and fuchsia. Choosing approximately the same tone in its saturation, it is possible to emphasize each of them favorably. There is no need to be afraid to overdo it, they ideally complement each other and create a sense of celebration around them.

Photo: dining room combining white, lime and fuchsia
- light green and turquoise. Using together these two colors, you can not be puzzled by the purity of shades. These paints perfectly reveal each other. Of course, if the owners look to the embodiment of simplicity and neutrality during the interior design, this is not the option, but fans of color euphoria will come to an extraordinary delight.

- light green and blue. This combination is associated with fresh greenery and the sky, the sea and the coast, surrounded by greenery. Such a neighborhood of colors will appeal more to pacification than to arouse. It is most often used in rooms intended for children.

Photo: green and blue is most often used in children's rooms.
- light green and caramel pink. This combination is a classic of the genre. Playing on the combination of bright green and soft plush upholstery (namely, pink is associated with it), you can create an unusual mixture that you always want to return to.

- light green and brown. One of the most natural combinations. It can be made and contrast, and quite soft. Furniture in light brown colors together with light green tenderness will create a feeling of fluidity and smoothness. If you want to create a more catchy interior and severity of lines, then a dark brown palette will come to the rescue.

Photo: furniture in light brown colors together with light green will create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort
- light green and black. This combination causes a feeling of strong contrast of all negative and positive. And green will be a life-affirming vision of the day, and black will be a manifestation of the night. If you try to dilute this combination interspersed with gray and gold, the situation will look truly luxurious. Such interior decoration will be beneficial both physically and psychologically, and it turns out to be extremely status.

- light green and green. In addition to fresh and sun-glowing light green, there are a large number of other shades of green. All of them are simply ideally combined with each other, complementing or, on the contrary, shading. They are easy to combine, creating unique combinations.

- light green and red. With the classic green one, you can always feel yourself the creator of your own mood. If you want spring and relaxation - please: bring a little red into your salad setting. Instantly a bright heap of pleasant memories and positive mood will burst into your house. These two colors will glow and attract attention.

Tip: To avoid irritation in the combination of red and green flowers, you can add black, dark brown or white.
Lime color in winter
Naturally, the most beneficial green color will affect our mind in the winter. But in the summer, a feeling of intimacy with nature in the apartment will not be superfluous. Lime color is suitable for almost every corner of your home, because it will find a use everywhere and will keep your mood in good shape. Thanks to his cheerful mood, he will not leave room for dark thoughts in your apartment. Green tone in a room designed for relaxation, will help relieve excessive tension.