Lilac color in the interior - solutions and ideas

Design and decor

We make an interior in lilac color

The choice of lilac color for interior decoration is typical, above all, for people with a creative and sophisticated character. Shades of lilac and purple in design create a unique atmosphere of gentle mystery and awaken inspiration. This is easily seen by looking at photos of stylish modern interiors in a lilac palette.

Light lilac color in the interior is able to bring a feeling of lightness and airiness, casting associations with delicate and fragrant clusters of lilacs. Depending on the chosen tonality and saturation, combinations with other shades, lilac is suitable for decorating the bedroom and living room, kitchen and bathroom.

152-lilac color in interior solutions

Photo: children's room, decorated in lilac tones.

Photo: children's room, decorated in lilac tones.

152-lilac color in interior solutions

  • Lilac in the interior of the bedroom
  • Lilac in the interior of the kitchen
  • Lilac in the interior of the bathroom
  • Color combinations
  • Lilac in the living room interior

    To decorate the interior of the living room, you can choose both rich lilac, and its light, muted options, depending on the desired atmosphere in the room and the overall style. Before starting repairs in a house or apartment, it would be a good idea to study photos of finished interiors in lilac tones.

    Calm tones are particularly well suited for wall decoration, and brighter ones are best left for furniture or color accents. For example, for cushions, rugs, paintings, decorative tableware and other accessories. Lilac color in the interior welcomes the use of golden decor, which is especially important for the classic style.

    You can fully build a living room color scheme on shades of lilac, but in this case, you should introduce contrasting colors as accents. For this purpose, perfect yellow or orange, crimson, rich blue, green. In addition, lilac combines perfectly with the texture of wood, both light and rich reddish or even deep dark.

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    Photo: living room in a country house

    Photo: living room in a country house

    Lilac in the interior of the bedroom

    The interior of the bedroom should be designed in a calmer range than the living room. The atmosphere should promote relaxation and sound sleep, as well as distract from thoughts. Therefore, the muted lilac in the bedroom can be combined with pure white color, various shades of beige, as well as other pastel tones - mint, lemon, blue and so on. Saturated shades of lilac can be applied to bed linen and other textiles, as point accents.

    Tip: in the interior of rooms with windows facing the sunny side, it is worth using cold tones of lilac. They will bring a feeling of freshness and coolness to the room.

    It is well suited for lilac and for the nursery, and children of various ages - from toddlers to teenagers, boys and girls - will love the room in lilac color. The younger the child, the brighter tones you can choose for the nursery. And older students will appreciate the stylish combination of lavender with pearl-gray, white and other soothing colors.

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    Photo: decorating the walls in the bedroom with lilac wood paneling.

    Photo: decorating the walls in the bedroom with lilac wood paneling.

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    Photo: bedroom in the attic

    Photo: bedroom in the attic

    Lilac in the interior of the kitchen

    Lilac color in the kitchen is suitable for wall decoration or kitchen apron, as well as for sets and accessories. It will serve as an excellent background for light wood, metal household appliances.

    If you combine a delicate lilac color in the interior with white, pink, light green and yellow, add floral prints, painting and woodcarving, cute ruffles on curtains and tablecloths - you will get a very cozy kitchen in vintage style. Simple patterns on textile elements, such as cells or stripes, will allow you to create a design in the style of country. A rich lilac glossy facades of kitchen units suggest an ultra-high-tech style. A special highlight in the kitchen will bring a lilac LED backlight, which looks best on a white background.

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    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    Photo: LED ceiling lights in the kitchen

    Photo: LED ceiling lights in the kitchen

    Lilac in the interior of the bathroom

    In the bathroom shades of lilac is best combined with white, gray or black, as well as a blue or green palette. Fans of eccentricity can even get lilac plumbing. In this case, it is important to very well choose the range of finishes, think over the combination of lilac color in the interior, so that the bathroom does not become too elaborate.

    Lilac loves the abundance of light, so you should carefully consider the organization of lighting in the bathroom. Otherwise, in the absence of sunlight, lilac can make a small bathroom room cold and gloomy.

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    Color combinations

    Light shades of lilac perfectly combined with:

    • white and beige, sand, cream, gold;
    • apricot, carrot, yellow;
    • mint,
    • warm brown;
    • sky blue
    • purple, grape, fuchsia.

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    152-lilac color in interior solutions

    More saturated lilac looks good in combination with:

    • white, steel gray, pearl;
    • lemon and pastel yellow, ocher;
    • sky blue and denim;
    • pistachio.

    On the Internet, you can find a lot of interior photos in lilac color and draw ideas from there to decorate your own room.