Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement

Design and decor

The owners of small apartments have always experienced some difficulties with the presence of at least the minimum useful space in the room.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

After all, they practically cannot conduct any experiments with restructuring, and at the same time if you look at the kitchen photos on the balcony in small apartments, this is an interesting option, but more often the most ordinary warehouse is arranged there, where absolutely all things are stored, which are still a pity to throw out, however hardly anyone will take advantage in this life.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Literate can be called those apartment owners who decide the most responsible approach to the issue of changing the layout and the kitchen on the balcony in the apartment for them becomes a way to save space and its rational use.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

The need for documentary permission

If the kitchen on the balcony is your wish, then, first of all, it is necessary to reconcile the procedures for redevelopment with all BTI services.

Otherwise, during the registration in the future of any inheritance or in the case of the conclusion of further contracts for the sale of this property, there may be some difficulties that significantly spoil the mood.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

As a rule, one of the penalties for unauthorized redevelopment is either a fine, or a decree, the essence of which is that the apartment must be brought into its original form.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Many people mistakenly think that obtaining permits is difficult enough and this is generally an expensive procedure.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

However, in this case, it is always necessary first of all to remember that in the future, re-carrying out various repair work may end up being much more expensive.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

When it is decided that there must be a kitchen with access to a balcony, in this case, the owners under the law are simply obliged to comply with a number of restrictions and a kind of standards.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

This will avoid in case of incorrect execution of redevelopment of various emergencies that may lead to victims. What is the procedure for coordination in this case, and what organizations are involved in this?

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)
  • First, you need to invite experts who regularly make redevelopment. They will be able to advise what is necessary and how to do it specifically in your situation.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)
  • Secondly, the documents must be transferred to the BTI.
  • Thirdly, safety in general is checked by the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Fourthly, it is necessary to coordinate all received documentation with the housing office.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

After completing these procedures, you can already begin repairs.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

The most popular way to redevelop

The modern kitchen interior on the balcony can be absolutely any. At the same time, there are two ways of redevelopment.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

The first is considered to be the most costly and difficult at the same time, while the second is easier and simpler in terms of documentation.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

In the first case, glazing is required if previously these works were not carried out. If the balcony is represented by a loggia, then it is very important to replace the cold glazing with a warm one.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

To do this, today used or plastic windows, or various decorative windows from designers.

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Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

After dismantling the windows and doors, you can begin the process of warming. Today, often the remaining walls are drawn up in the kitchen, as a work surface or a bar counter.

How to create comfort on a new balcony?

It is necessary to think over the kitchen design on the balcony as carefully as possible so that in just a couple of years you don’t get tired of it, and you don’t have to repeat all the procedures on legalizing redevelopment.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

It is best to first pay attention to the curtains in the kitchen with a balcony and choose them so that as a result, the space taken out on the balcony of the kitchen is almost nothing outwardly different from the main area.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

When finishing it is necessary to use the most moisture-resistant and practical materials.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

It is better to pay a little more for repairs than initially thought, rather than to subsequently correct what goes out of fashion, investing even larger sums.

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Having begun arranging the space inside the room, remember that in no case can you make heavy loads on the floors. Only small kitchen cabinets can be installed in this part of the room.

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Photo of kitchen design on the balcony

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

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Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)

Kitchen on the balcony - ideas on the design and placement of furniture (85 photos)