How to decorate the nursery with their own hands
The interior of children's rooms is significantly different from adults. Children are more interested in bright colors, fairy tales, a sense of wonder. To diversify the design of the nursery, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of designers or to spend fabulous sums on exclusive decor. No one except you and your children can know better how to decorate a nursery, it can be easily done with your own hands. Co-creation is a great way to instill in your child a sense of beauty and captivate him with a new hobby.

Wall decoration in the nursery is a crucial stage in the development of the child as a person.
Painting the walls is one of the easiest ways to decorate the nursery with your own hands, anyone can make the simplest drawings, even if the last time he kept his brush in school. The theme of the paintings depends on the age of the child:
- Large images can be used in the baby’s room, but it’s better not to choose colors that are too bright;
- Children 4-5 years old will like images of heroes of favorite cartoons and fairy tales;
- In a junior high school student, you can paint walls with drawings symbolizing his hobby;
- A teenager’s room may be strict, but a child may also want a brighter room design, decorating the walls with images of their favorite groups, actors, etc.

A simple drawing on the wall can be done by hand.
As for the color scheme, the chosen shades for drawings on the walls should be combined with the rest of the design of the children's room. When selecting flowers should take into account the area where the painting. For a bedroom or work space, calm blue and green tones are suitable, but for the playing area you can choose the brightest shades.

In the bedroom area is better to use pastel shades with calm scenes.
What is required for wall painting
To decorate the walls of the room with hand-made drawings, you need the following:
- Paints (ideally acrylic water based);
- Broad brushes;
- Thin brushes for drawing small parts;
- Matt lacquer.

For wall stencils it is better to use a paint roller.
Acrylic paints are good because they are easily diluted with water to the desired consistency and applied to the surface. The finished drawing will not be accidentally erased by touching it with wet hands or touching the shoulder. To painting was durable, it is necessary to cover it with additional layers of matte varnish.
Important! With the addition of white acrylic paint, you can choose the right shades, and the perfect consistency should resemble fat sour cream.

Even a simple plot with bright colors will be a highlight of the interior.
Paints for painting the room need to be diluted carefully - if they are too liquid, then after drying, there will be ugly stains and you will have to repaint everything anew. To paint the wall of the nursery with your own hands, besides the usual brushes, you can use rollers and sponges, it is convenient to paint them or paint over large areas.
Important! Before starting work, do not forget to prepare containers with water for washing brushes and a palette where you will mix shades.

The main attributes of the young artist - a palette and paint brushes
There are faster ways to decorate the walls with a painting in the nursery with their own hands. These are ordinary vinyl based stickers. You can choose any drawing and stick it on the wall in a few minutes. The choice of pictures can be entrusted to the child, let him decide how to decorate his room.

Even toddlers can handle vinyl stickers
In addition to the stickers, there is a simpler version of the decoration of the nursery - an accent wall with matte paint. On it, the child will be able to draw with chalk whatever he wants and change the drawing at any time. This will protect children’s doodles from furniture upholstery and wallpaper, as well as develop artistic skills in the child.

The accent wall in the nursery perfectly zoning the bed of the child
How to paint the walls manually
To decorate the nursery with this painting with your own hands, you will need a clear order of actions. It is important to determine the location of the image, its size and color, as well as the method of applying paint, etc.
Picture selection
To begin with, find suitable pictures on the Internet, from which you will later transfer the sketch to the wall. If you are not able to draw, you should not immediately take on complex landscapes, knightly tournaments, space battles, etc. The drawing should be simple enough, it will simplify the task of drawing on the wall with your own hands.

Drawing can become an integral part of children's furniture.
Surface preparation
The wall under the picture should be perfectly smooth, if there are cracks and irregularities on the basis, they need to be leveled. Next, you need a white primer, on this background paint look brighter, and the shades are not distorted. When the base is aligned and primed, it is necessary to paint the wall in the background color.

Align and prime walls well before painting.
Drawing preparation
Before transferring the picture to the wall, practice on several printouts of the selected picture. At this stage, you can pick up the shades of colors, check how they are combined in the picture - when drawing an image on the wall of a child there will no longer be a chance for error.
Important! If there are many similar parts, it is easier to make a stencil than to draw the same thing over and over again.

With the help of stencils, you can accurately transfer the design to the walls of the nursery.
Sketch drawing
No artist begins to paint a picture, immediately imposing strokes. The basis of any painting is a rough sketch - the contours of the future color image. For drawing on the wall, use colored pencils, black or simple is better to refuse. Slate pencils can leave ugly stains. If you incorrectly caused any line, use the eraser to correct it.

A projector will help to draw a sketch on the wall.
In the first place, it is necessary to symbolically outline the boundaries of the painting, and then proceed to drawing first large and then small details. During long work on painting, your eyes get tired and you can skip mistakes, in order to avoid this, periodically examine the sketch from a distance. In order not to be mistaken with the scale, the picture on the wall can be transferred on the grid.

For drawing a sketch, you can use chalk or a simple pencil.
Painted in color
When the surface and the sketch in the nursery are ready, you can finally proceed to the mural itself. Do not dilute or mix acrylic in advance, they dry out too quickly. To make the image more voluminous, apply paint in several strokes.
Important! Before applying a new layer, make sure that the previous one has dried.

Even markers can be used to paint on the walls.
Brushes should be held at right angles to the wall. If you make small mistakes, correct them in the drawing with a thin brush. Decorating with a children's painting is a long process, so that the work is not monotonous, turn on the music or connect to the household process. At the very least, the smallest details are drawn, and the figure is given volume with the help of shadows and highlights.

It is necessary to paint on the walls very carefully so as not to spoil the picture.
Transfer the picture with your own hands through the stencil
With the transfer of the image through the stencil cope anyone who is not strong in drawing. Ready-made stencils can be purchased at hardware stores or ordered online. It is more convenient to work with PVC models, they can be washed and used several times. A cheaper option is regular cardboard, but this is a one-time item.

For stencils fit thick paper or cardboard
Stencil easy to do with your own hands, print the desired image. It can be transferred and cut out on plastic film, cardboard, plywood, etc. In the same way, you can draw your own original image.

Stencils can be printed on a regular printer and then transferred to a thicker base.
The finished stencil must be fixed on the wall using ordinary masking tape. Paint is applied with a brush or sponge. If you want a voluminous painting on the wall of the nursery, choose decorative plaster instead of paint.

For more voluminous patterns, you can use decorative plaster.
Ideas for professionals
If there are not enough stencils or a series of small images to decorate a child's room, you can wipe the whole wall or a large part of it. Such work is complex and will require artistic skills. If you are confident in your abilities and can do everything from and to do it yourself, this option is for you.

Such an abstraction in the nursery can be done by hand.
Location selection
If for small murals you can find even a small corner, then here you have to choose a specific wall. It is necessary to consider the location of sockets, sconces and furniture. Practice drawing several variations of sketches. Choose the most appropriate image considering all of the above. Before you start work, be sure to get the approval of the small owner of the nursery.

Future design is better to agree with the owner of the room
What is required
For painting the wall in the nursery you will need the same thing as when applying a small pattern:
- Acrylic paints;
- Primer;
- Luck;
- Set of brushes.

But since the whole wall is planned to be painted, a drawing ladder will be needed for drawing upstairs.
Sketch transfer
You can use different methods for marking the surface - they are all easy to do with your own hands. The easiest option is to draw a sketch by hand, you can also use homemade or purchased stencils, if there is a need to transfer to the wall a number of identical elements.

Here is another version of how to transfer the image. Draw the whole picture on a separate sheet of drawing paper or even on an old roll of wallpaper. Then put something soft under the canvas - a thick fabric or carpet. Carefully walk around all the contours of a normal pin, or use a special copy wheel. Now you can fix the paper on the wall and easily transfer the pattern to the surface. The result is a clear point contour.

Painting Tips
When the wall is prepared, the outlines are applied, it's time to start on the most important thing - decorating the surface with a painting. Here are some helpful tips:
- If you haven’t painted with acrylic before, do test strokes on a clean sheet of paper. Do not strain your hand; movements should be free and relaxed.
- If you want to apply a long line, do it with one sure motion. Short strokes will not look neatly in the figure, the risk to draw a line is too crooked as well.
- If you need thick lines, there is no need to draw them several times, it is enough just to press on the brush while drawing stronger.
- By pushing the soft-spin brush, you get circles or rounded lines.
- Always draw the main details first and only then draw smaller ones.

Try to draw at ease, do not be afraid to make a mistake - in most cases they are easily corrected. In addition, remember that you are not drawing a masterpiece for the exhibition, small errors in the painting of the child's room are unlikely to be noticeable to the non-picky eyes.

Applying varnish
The final stage of painting the walls in the nursery with their own hands. The lacquer layer will extend the life of the pattern. Wait until the paint is completely dry and apply a regular matt varnish. This will allow the walls to be washed without fear that the paint will be greased. In addition, the lacquer layer protect the painting in the nursery from fading.

It is easy to decorate a nursery with your own hands with the help of painting or ready-made drawings on a glue base, if you approach the matter wisely. Even if you have never taken a brush in your hands, there is an opportunity to decorate the walls with the help of ready-made stickers or to use beautiful stencils. Choosing an image, you should listen to the wishes of the child, as well as take into account the overall style of the child's room.