Furniture for the balcony - 75 photos of the ideas of the
Most people, unfortunately, do not rationally use those additional square meters in the form of a balcony, which are in almost all apartments.

Usually on the balconies store some tools and unnecessary things that are a pity to throw.

However, every year an increasing number of homeowners think about the need to use the balcony as an office, a room for rest or even a bedroom.

This is due to the fact that there is not too much free space in modern apartments, which means that every meter is highly valued.

And although this trend is becoming increasingly popular, still few people believe that you can make quite a cozy and functional room from an ordinary balcony.
But designers assure that even from the smallest balcony construction you can make a real masterpiece.

All you need for this is knowledge of the basic rules and subtleties of the organization of space, and properly selected furniture for the balcony and loggia, which will create the right atmosphere.

Subtleties of choice
It should be immediately noted that the main requirement for a furniture set, installed on the balcony or loggia, is its compactness and versatility.

Even if you have a spacious enough balcony, it is still smaller than any room, which means that the choice of furniture should be approached responsibly.

Only having thoroughly thought out the interior of the room, you can create a full-fledged comfortable room on the balcony in which it will be pleasant to spend time. That is why we strongly recommend that you pay attention to such subtleties:

The dimensions of the balcony structure - when choosing furniture for a balcony, you should always take into account the dimensions of the structure itself.

Furniture should be chosen in small sizes, since it should in no way close doors or windows. Read here! Hanger to the balcony: installation instructions and tips for choosing the right one (60 photos)

However, since it will not be possible to place a large amount of the necessary furniture set on the balcony, you should select only multifunctional models.

Glazing balcony construction - be sure to consider that if the balcony is not glazed, you must choose furniture made of materials such as metal or plastic.

Such furniture for a balcony to order makes a huge number of craftsmen, so you will not have problems with choosing the right design.

There is also an option with the acquisition of folding furniture, which you can bring to the house from time to time. Indeed, during the rainy period, the furniture will be affected by moisture and will last you for a very short time.
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Sunshine - do not place furniture set where it will be more exposed to harmful sunlight.

Dimensions of the doorway - when you choose a regular or wicker furniture for the balcony, expect it to easily pass through the doorway.

Any furniture has a shelf life. And sooner or later you will need to replace it. When this happens, you may have problems with its removal. Therefore, before you buy, make sure that the furniture set is well included in the doorway.

Do not neglect the purchase of folding and folding furniture - today very few people remember about this furniture, however, with its help you can save more free space.
The model range is quite wide, so you will not be difficult to choose the right model.

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Pay attention to the photo of furniture for the balcony, which is presented below. On it you will notice that high-quality folding furniture made in high-tech style was used, and the room was furnished in modern style. This option is quite popular and widely used by designers.

Order furniture or buy ready?
This question torments many apartment owners. Some people are sure that you can get a really high-quality furniture set only on the condition that it is made by a real master for you.

However, this is not quite true. Perhaps a few decades ago, this expression could be called truthful. But with the development of furniture production, the quality of the furniture produced improved, and its cost became more acceptable.

That is why for most people, still buying a ready-made set of furniture is more rational.

For example, furniture for the balcony of Ikea, the cost of which is much lower than that of similar models made to order, is strong, durable and of high quality.

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And the variety of a model range allows to be sure that any buyer will be able to choose suitable furniture for the house.

But in fairness, it is worth noting that for some homeowners custom-made furniture is the only way out of a situation where the house has a non-standard room layout.

After all, standard furniture produced by furniture factories is not suitable for unusual layouts.

Photo options for balcony furniture