Furniture for children's room - 150 photos of new furniture

Design and decor

It is necessary to approach the planning of the children's room especially carefully, because it is here that the child will have to spend a considerable part of the day in the most important period of life. It should provide safety and comfort, promote all-round development. Including stimulate the imagination of the original appearance.

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Let's try to figure out how to choose modern furniture for the nursery.

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Faced with the assortment of any store of children's goods, it is easy to be puzzled. The abundance of all sorts of subjects can be a real headache for a young parent. How to understand what exactly is worth buying, and what will be a waste of money?

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In the nursery, you can conditionally identify four zones, on the arrangement of which it is worth concentrating:

  • for relax;
  • for work;
  • for games;
  • for storage.

Four items immediately follow from this zoning, which must be purchased first:

  • bed;
  • Desktop;
  • sports complex;
  • cupboard.

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Look at the set of modular furniture of unusual colors, including all these items, made in the same style.

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Depending on the gender, age and interests of the child, their models are bought. Look at a photo of furniture for a nursery: what interesting ideas are offered by manufacturers!

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Choice depending on age

For a newborn

Making a nursery for the little ones, choose a delicate, pastel color scheme. Dark colors are out of place here. Complete the interior with a few bright accents, for example, variegated stickers.

Purchase safe and reliable furniture that reduces the risk of accidental injury to zero. Lacquered wooden furniture is not the place. When children begin to cut their teeth, they all pull their mouths: it is likely that he will nibble it and eat varnish. Note! Wardrobe in the nursery for the boy and girl. 100 photos of design options.

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The berth should have a height adjustment mechanism.

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A rocking-chair will be a good option for the mother: she has to spend a lot of time here, let her be a place where she can relax. In addition, on such a chair it is convenient to rock the baby.

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For preschooler

During this period of life, the child actively perceives the world, he is interested in everything and wants to climb everywhere. Take care of his safety. Minimize the number of sharp corners and mirrors. Glass is also better to hide away. Furniture should stand firmly in place, and drawers do not threaten to fall out under the weight of the hanging child.

For student

The basic requirements remain the same: stability, reliability, minimum angles and glass. In addition, the desktop becomes a mandatory attribute of the nursery. He should tune in to fruitful studies, but at the same time not be too strict not to discourage the desire to learn.

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At this age, many children have already formed interests and hobbies, therefore, choosing furniture, be sure to consider them. It is best to go for updates together.

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For a teenager

The best option would be to entrust the arrangement of the room to its owner. For a teenager, self-expression is extremely important, which he can fully express on his territory. Of course, you should not bring the situation to extremes, but the main thing is that he himself would like to be there. No teenager will not tolerate the imposition of another's opinion, so do not insist on your own, but try to find a compromise.

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Furniture for a teenager is like an adult, adjusted for size. Put into the room a wardrobe with a large mirror and a dressing table for a young girl.

Choice of furniture

Children's bed

It is the most important object of the nursery. First of all, it should provide healthy sleep and proper rest. Depending on the age, interests and number of children, your own type of bed is chosen: a cradle, a bunk bed, a fold-out sofa.

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Bed-type cars that look like a small car have become very fashionable. The bed attic will allow to release an additional place in a cramped room. Under this bed may be a desktop.

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Separately, you need to go to the choice of mattress. It is crucial for the growing body that the spine is in the correct position during sleep. Choose only orthopedic mattresses. They take the form of a lying body, positively affecting the health and quality of sleep.

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The mattress cover must be breathable so that it is comfortable to sleep at any time of the year. It should be easy to remove and rub off, to be pleasant to the touch, not to accumulate dust and static electricity, to be hypoallergenic. During the wash follow the instructions, otherwise there is a risk that the fabric will sit down.


As soon as the child learned to sit, he becomes necessary table. For the little ones, this may be a special table at which it is convenient to feed the baby.

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Growing up, children begin to engage in creativity: drawing, modeling, applications. In order to improve discipline, it is better to immediately teach a child to do it in a strictly designated place. Moreover, in this case, the apartment will not be in danger of accidental consequences of creativity.

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The student needs a full desktop. Well, if the tabletop will have a height adjustment. This will allow you to comfortably learn both the first grader and the teenager.

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Without this piece of furniture in the nursery is indispensable. To store the sliders and vests enough small chest of drawers. Many manufacturers care about the convenience of the mother and combine them with the changing table.

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For older children, it is better to buy a full wardrobe. Let it be not too big so as not to cause psychological discomfort. In addition to the shelves in it should be a place for hangers. The lower compartment is better to take under the toys: so the child will be easier to get them and clean.

In addition to the usual straight cabinet, there are such structures:

  • a spacious wardrobe with mirrored doors will visually enlarge the room;
  • corner cabinet saves space, so will be the best choice in a small nursery.

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Sports section

Of course, this element is not as important in the interior of a children's room as a wardrobe or bed, but even a small wall will not be superfluous. A small rocker or mini climbing wall is enough for a preschooler. Older children are better to build a complex. This also applies to girls: inculcate passion for sports and a healthy lifestyle in their youth.

Photos of furniture for the children's room

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135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

135-furniture for a children's room - 150 photos

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