Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design

Design and decor

The eurobook sofa is a very popular element of the interior, as it is not only interesting for itself, but also comfortable, reliable, and also reasonably priced.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

After folding, his bed becomes incredibly smooth.

An excellent solution was the fact that Eurobook sofas are delivered with drawers for linen, which are simply indispensable in small apartments, in which there are not many spaces reserved for storage.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

It transforms quite easily. It can stand tightly near the wall, without requiring an additional piece of living space for layout. A simple mechanism is fully consistent with a low price.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The design is designed in such a way that a special space for large pillows with synthetic down is located between the edge of the seat and the backrest.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

These pillows are placed under the back in order to achieve maximum comfort when sitting.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobooks have the following advantages:

  • The bed is perfectly level;
  • You can use different fillers designed for laying on a bed (among these you can select orthopedic);
  • Small size (especially if the model has no armrests);
  • Sufficiently capacious box for linen;
  • The simplicity of the mechanism - the key to long service;
  • A wide range of choices (there are also eurobook corner sofas).


Most sofas of this type have no mechanism. Therefore, a more precise definition is design.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The component intended for seating has the property of being advanced along rails made of metal.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The latter are made of solid wood. Upon completion of the algorithm of their actions, the back is lowered forward.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The principle of operation of the mechanism:

It is necessary to extend the seat. Thus, a niche will be formed between it, as well as the back - in this position it is possible to use a laundry box, since it is now open.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

There are models, on the legs of which there are wheels that simplify unfolding. If we talk about tick-tac models, then in them, when the seat is attracted to it, it rises a little, then quickly rushes up and smoothly falls into place. Read here! Sofa in the interior - recommendations for choosing when buying (80 photos)

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

It should be noted that the price for such a mechanism will already be higher.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

After leading the seat forward until it stops, the backrest is placed in the resulting space. The part turned to the wall in the folded state is now on top.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Its filler must conform to the whole structure in order to avoid uneven formations.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Now you need to pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of mechanisms.

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Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options


Reliability. There are no complex metal structures. There are no parts that would be set in motion at certain moments.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

This means that there is nothing to break. Of course, minor damage is not excluded, but they are minor, so the specialist will be superfluous.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Easy to use. Dismantling and assembly of the sleeping couch of the eurobook passes without effort.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Price being low. A design that seems too simple cannot be expensive.

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Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options


Unfolding. At the time of the layout, you can leave scratches on the linoleum or parquet, carelessly touching them with the legs of the sofa.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

This is eliminated due to the presence of wheels, which are attached to these legs. But their use is not provided for carpets, because after a certain time a knurled “track” forms, spoiling the look of the floor attribute.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

A place to sleep. It represents two parts and a joint area. There is no high-altitude drop, but sometimes the junction becomes tangible, thereby creating some discomfort while relaxing on the couch with the eurobook with a sleeping place.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Installation To easily disassemble the sofa, you must still leave the distance between it and the wall.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options
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Note: In reliably made sofas, all parts fit very tightly. In the event that you manage to push your finger between the seat and the armrest, you need to prepare for the fact that such a sofa will still be possible to use for some time, but this will not last long.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Soft fillers

Any soft sheet material, whether foam or polyurethane, or latex, can fill the seat. The price of this type of fillers will depend on their quality.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Foam rubber. This material is cheaper than others, because it quickly deteriorates.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

PPU On such material, sleep is provided on a hard surface. Because of this, it is better to use it for sitting. Also quite inexpensive.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Latex. Sleep will be comfortable on both natural and artificial latex. However, the price will be appropriate.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Spring block

Spring fillings are used for orthopedic sofas of Eurobooks. They represent two types:

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Dependent view of the springs (bonnel). In this block, the springs are interconnected. This kind of bond resembles a "snake".

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The most important advantage is not overpriced. However, it should be highlighted and fragility in operation. On average, the term of use cannot be more than 10 years.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

If at least one spring fails, the sofa will completely cease to be suitable, because, because of the tendency of the springs to the outside, the upholstery will irreversibly terminate.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

In addition, if the springs interlock, then at the time of making any movements by a person or an animal, they will emit noises.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Independent. The spring unit, which consists of springs, placed in covers, is an effective system of orthopedic type.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

This makes the seat very comfortable, and sleeping on such a sofa adheres to the correct position of the spine during sleep. The shelf life of this unit can reach 15 years. Sofas with such springs cost a lot.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Important note: Many mattresses write that they are orthopedic. However, it is not always necessary to trust these inscriptions.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

In order to avoid fraud, it is better to check the quality yourself. It is easy to do. First you need to take a glass filled with water (if there is none, then ask to bring it), then place it on the edge of the sofa.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

After that, you will need to sit in the center. If the quality is perfect - then the glass will not stir, and the water from it will not splash out.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options


  • Eurobook sofas are divided into several types:
  • No armrests;
  • There is one armrest;
  • There are two armrests.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The form of sofas eurobook implies two taken as the basis of the form:

  • Straight sofas
  • Couch corner.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

If the room is small enough, then the best choice would be a Eurobook sofa without armrests. The dimensions of his bed are identical to the declared sofa with armrests, and he is 50 cm smaller than the second.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

The inconvenience delivered to them is a pillow falling during sleep. To solve the problem, one armrest is enough, although for this you have to sacrifice a small area of ​​living space.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

It is advisable to have a sofa with two armrests, if you plan to mainly sit on it.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

In addition, the armrests can serve as tables, shelves and even a mini-bar. For these purposes, manufacturers use MDF.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Constructions of this type are additions to comfort, but eurobook sofas from manufacturers specializing in such slopes require a higher price.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Important note: The quality of the sofa can be determined by the armrest. Also, much depends on the seam: if it is threaded with thick threads and there is no “curvature” anywhere, then high-class professionals who used special modern equipment worked on it.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

A fragile thread with irregularities and other elements of this kind testifies to production at a very low quality level.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobooks sofas on images

For a more complete understanding, photos of Eurobooks are provided to help you decide where to place the sofa in a room or any other place.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

It should be noted that the color range, the quality of materials, as well as the style, can be very different, including extraordinary ones. One of them will certainly please this or that buyer.

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Photo of sofas eurobook

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options

Eurobook sofa - 100 photos of amazing models and design options