Ethnic style in the interior
Ethnic style: national peculiarities in the interior
For ethnic style is characterized by the use of household items, interior elements and furnishings that are inherent in any particular nationality. This concept is very broad and covers many styles, so in each particular case it is necessary to speak about a certain direction. Thus, ethnic style in the interior can be divided into:
- Indian; - Japanese; - Moroccan; - Egyptian; - Mexican; - Chinese and others.
At the same time, very often the interior is taken as the basis for the ethnic style, which was peculiar to the representatives of this ethnic group in antiquity. For example, the Egyptian style is the style of Ancient Egypt, which is in no way connected with the cultural characteristics of the inhabitants of modern Egypt.

Features of ethnic style
The design of the premises in this style remains relevant for several hundred years. It is used by both creative people, travel lovers, researchers of ancient cultures, and ordinary people who appreciate warmth and comfort. This direction allows you to decorate your house quite original, using the coloring of another country.
Ethnic styles have significant differences. This is due to the fact that they reflect the way of life of a community of people, their cultural traditions, which, in turn, depends on the position of the country, its climate and other conditions.
Now ethnic style has a lot of fans: it can be made interiors of not only a residential building or apartment, but also restaurants, shops or nightclubs. The flight of fancy of a designer with such a design of the room is not limited by anything; he can create an interior using all known techniques. There are three areas of ethnic style.

Photo: Chinese-style tea room

Photo: Arabian style bedroom

Photo: Moroccan bedroom

Photos: Indian style living room
Authentic ethnics
This direction describes the exact reconstruction of the interior, as far as possible. Typically, this design is resorted to when they make a themed restaurant, cafe, but you can also arrange a residential apartment. To do this, you should carefully familiarize yourself with how this interior looked in the culture that it will reproduce, how the walls, the floor, the ceiling were treated, what furniture and household items were.

Photo: Egyptian style
Tip: In a modern house, it is not necessary to reproduce all the technology of repair with great precision: for almost any authentic ethnic style, painting walls in neutral light colors and using properly chosen parquet will do.
Ethnic mix
The interior provides for the use of cultural motifs of different styles. The combination of motives of different cultures, nations and countries without knowledge of the subject can turn your home into a flea market. Therefore, think over all the details: what concept can combine different household items?
Make sure that there is no complete cacophony of color. Choose from the whole range of light, dark tone, one bright and several muted tones. All interior items that you will later select should be in this range.
Consider the topic: all items are selected thematically: hunting, night, sea, spring. Ornaments and drawings should represent a general style; it is better to choose one thing: oriental ligature, geometric ornaments, and plant motifs.
Tip: ethnic style involves the generous use of decorations and household items. For the interior to be harmonious, it is necessary that the number of small parts harmoniously looked with elements of furniture and large objects.

Ethnic accents
This type of design is the most common and simple to perform. Ethnic style in the interior, represented by the presence of individual accents, can be carried out in a regular apartment, even without an overhaul.
In order for a home with a neutral modern design turned into a room with any national flavor, minor details are enough. How to pick up such details?
Textile sets the mood: buy interior elements that match the chosen style - sofa cushions, rugs, bedspreads, curtains, tablecloth - everything that brings your own color to the interior. Pick up a few items of different sizes for decoration: a large floor vase, a lamp, a panel, a statuette, and several small souvenirs. This will be enough to not clutter up the room, and create comfort in it.
The basis of the interior should be one large object, for example, a carpet with ethnic patterns in the living room, a tablecloth on the dining table, or a bedspread on the bed in the bedroom.

Photo: modern Mexican style living room

What will tell the ethnic interior
With the proper approach, the interior in ethnic style will create coziness and warmth: in such a room you can relax from everyday fuss and get distracted from everyday affairs, plunge into the world of that country whose culture you chose for decoration. This style created with taste will show your guests that the owner of the house is an extraordinary, creative person.
It should be remembered that the national furnishings can carry negative energy. This applies to objects of worship, masks, hieroglyphs, some characters. Before you buy a particular item, study it: what it was used for, what purpose it served, what it means.
By cost, the organization of ethnic interior can be very different: in the authentic ethnics, it will be the highest, since it is necessary to order the manufacture of household items that are as appropriate as possible in style and corresponding to the cultural characteristics of the time in question. Ethnic accents in the interior allow you to fill your home with comfort at the lowest cost.
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