Classic entrance hall

Design and decor

You should not be limited to the design of the room and kitchen in your home, forgetting about the hallway.

Classic entrance hall

After all, the first impression of your home is made right there; it’s here that your friends and acquaintances first of all fall.

Classic entrance hall

Classic style

Quite often in modern housing corridor is a narrow and long room, devoid of natural light.

Classic entrance hall

Choosing the classics, it is necessary that other rooms were made in the same style.

To create the design of the hallway in a classic style, you need to choose high-quality furniture from well-known manufacturers.

Classic may have a female or male character. Female - more gentle, graceful and elegant. Male - sophisticated, brutal, pompous and luxurious.

Classic entrance hall

But they can be perfectly combined with each other. Examples of design of hallways can be seen in the photo of classical hallways, presented in large quantities.

Classic entrance hall

Classic hallways

Having chosen the classics for the finishing of the corridor, you should mean the following: expensive and high-quality furniture, luxurious mirrors, elegant accessories and forged parts.

Classic entrance hall

Looks great hallway classic white with the appropriate furniture.

For wall decoration, you can use wallpaper with a non-pronounced ornament or with a medium-sized floral pattern.

Classic entrance hall

Geometric designs or large flowers are not suitable for designs in a classic style.

If you want to create a bright accent that will emphasize the wealth and solidity of the owner of housing, you can beat the walls with expensive fabric material, or choose wall panels created from natural wood of expensive species.

Classic entrance hall

An additional decoration for the hallway can be elegant mirrors and elegant decor.

Classic entrance hall

The ceiling in the classic style must be white or decorated in pastel shades.

But to make it look not so formal, you can use stucco, ancient architectural details and elements.

Classic entrance hall

Flooring can serve as parquet. It is best if it is expensive, made of quality wood.

Classic entrance hall

Large apartments usually have long and narrow corridors. To visually change this impression, the corridor can be visually divided into 2 parts.

Classic entrance hall

Having broken the hallway into zones, using different flooring, you can also extend the life of the parquet. For example, putting a tile in front of the entrance.

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Classic entrance hall

Furniture Features

In the hallway in a classic style is to put the furniture calm colors, almost natural.

It is not necessary to arrange light pieces of furniture against the walls of the same shades, it will look dull and sad.

Classic entrance hall

To dilute this impression, you can put a floor made of dark wood, oak, wenge or walnut.

Classic entrance hall

If you choose dark furniture for the hallway in a classic style, it will look great against the background of cream, gold or beige walls.

Classic entrance hall

Required elements for a classic hallway is a massive classic wardrobe in the hallway, with a display case and a sofa with light upholstery.

When placing classic furniture for the hallway, consider symmetry.

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Classic entrance hall

For example, a door can serve as a compositional center, and furniture can be placed around it.

Furniture set

Dressing room where things and shoes are stored. She can serve as a wardrobe, with details and elements of classic design.

Classic entrance hall

In such a hallway you can put a small narrow bedside table or a small chest of drawers. They can also accommodate various accessories.

Classic entrance hall

In the corridor, a sofa or two chairs of the appropriate size will look great.

In classic style, it means free and uncluttered space. Given the modern small hallways, manufacturers produce elegant furnishings just for them.

Classic entrance hall

Modular furnishings are several sections that can be combined at your discretion, such furniture can also be supplemented with segments.

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Classic entrance hall

The classic design of the hallway is a luxurious and rich style, because it uses expensive high-quality building materials.

Classic entrance hall

But if you are limited in funds, this does not mean that you will not be able to allow yourself to arrange a classic hallway. After all, you can choose furniture from China.

Classic entrance hall

In this country, produced analogs of furniture from Italy, finishing materials and accessories, which are apparently no different from the originals.

Classic entrance hall

Photo of a classic hallway

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall

Classic entrance hall