Children's room zoning

Design and decor

How to divide the space of the children's room into zones?

Zoning a child's room allows the child to be accustomed to various activities, and the combination of different zones in the same room makes it easier for parents to monitor the child.

  • We design the room design
  • Basic rules for harmonious separation of space
  • Interior Balance
  • Design and personality

    Children's room should express the personal preferences of the child, and its design should be functional. The correct design of the room makes it possible to organically combine in one space a recreation area, a playroom, a study, and a living room. When dividing the space, it is necessary to take into account such important factors as the age and sex of the baby. For example, in the girl’s room it is unlikely that a sports corner would be appropriate, and the play zone would not be needed by a teenager.

    The design of the main surfaces should contribute to the concentration of attention of the child, not cause him aggression and feelings of anxiety. An overly saturated design will put pressure on the child, he will tire more quickly and get annoyed for any reason. Too dark colors should be avoided; it is best to stop focusing on the classic pastel color scheme. Examples of harmonious design of children's rooms are presented in the photo.

    Photo: room for girls

    Photo: room for girls

    Photo: a bed with drawers for storage will help save space in your child’s room.

    Photo: a bed with drawers for storage will help save space in your child’s room.

    Photo: room for a boy

    Photo: room for a boy

    The decoration of the nursery and all interior items must meet the requirements of environmental friendliness and safety, so it is best to give preference to natural materials and fabrics.

    We design the room design

    When designing a children's design, one should take into account the following factors:

    • room location;
    • dimensions;
    • lighting.

    Under the nursery, it is best to allocate a well-lit room located on the west or south side of an apartment or house, since the rooms with windows facing south or west are best lit. Such a room will not lack natural light.

    Considering the layout of the nursery, you should determine in advance the location of various zones. For example, the organization of the workplace implies the presence of a sufficient number of outlets, and the bed should not be located in close proximity to the door or window opening. The child will not feel comfortable if his sleeping place is located near the battery.

    107-zoning children's room

    Photo: spot muted lighting of recreation areas

    Photo: spot muted lighting of recreation areas

    Photo: placing the working area by the window - the most competent decision

    Photo: placing the working area by the window - the most competent decision

    107-zoning children's room

    Tip: as the child grows up, it will be necessary to transform the playing area into a living room or a study. Possible changes should also be foreseen.

    Basic rules for harmonious separation of space

    Zoning a child's room can be done by various methods. To divide the space most often used items such as:

    • arches;
    • screens;
    • decorative designs;
    • podiums;
    • furniture;
    • partitions;
    • textile.

    If the space of the nursery does not allow the use of partitions or zone the room with the help of furniture, then select one or another zone using lighting or textiles. The division of space in the nursery is a prerequisite, since it will help to accustom the child to order and systematize his learning process.

    The play area in the nursery is central to the design, it can be separated using mobile partitions or selected by combining wallpaper. You can separate the playing room using a podium or a multi-level ceiling.

    For the separation of space is often used multi-level design. Level zoning provides natural illumination of the entire space of the nursery, does not obscure it, and also solves the problem with the combination of various zones. At the level zoning it is necessary to create an ergonomic space in which the child will feel comfortable, that is, his movement should not be difficult, and the room itself should not be overloaded with unnecessary design elements.

    107-zoning children's room

    Photo: partitioning zoning

    Photo: partitioning zoning

    Photo: separation of the playing area by the podium

    Photo: separation of the playing area by the podium

    Photo: arch zoning

    Photo: arch zoning

    107-zoning children's room

    Interior Balance

    In order to create a harmonious space, you should be guided by ready-made design solutions. When choosing furniture for a particular zone, one should take into account its functionality and choose not the completeness that is available from the manufacturer, but the one that most fully corresponds to the dimensions and has elements that correspond to the purpose of the zone.

    Indoors should be designed storage system. It is best to order the cabinet furniture on an individual project, since such furniture will most accurately correspond to the size of the nursery. All components must comply with safety, ergonomic and environmental standards.