Children's room for two children of different ages of

Design and decor

In order to competently and tastefully furnish a room for heterosexual children, it will take more effort than thinking through the interior for one child. It must be borne in mind that children may have different interests, and if one is older, this also imposes some difficulties. How to competently zone a children's room so that children of different ages and especially children of different ages find it interesting to be in it?

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Main criteria

When creating a beautiful children's room design for heterosexual children, it is necessary to focus on gender, age and personal preferences (favorite colors, films, books) of each child. To please my brother and sister at the same time so that they would not quarrel over toys, beds and favorite lockers, it is difficult. From the very first stages of thinking about the future interior of the nursery before the repair, consult with both children and listen to the wishes of each. This applies to any details, ranging from the color of the walls, to furniture and large toys like a castle or a fabulous house.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

The interior of the nursery should take into account the personal preferences of the brother and sister - their favorite books, cartoons, movies. This will help to create a themed design and simply diversify the decoration of the room with your favorite things. The design should be bright enough to please both. Do not think that boys do not like saturated colors, painting half of them in blue, gray and brown. The interior can be easily diluted with yellow, red, bright green, turquoise, lilac shades. There is no need to tie the general scale to the gender, the interior should not be clearly "girlish" or "boyish." Variants of decorative finishing of children's rooms in various styles that can be enjoyed by heterosexual children can be seen in the selection of photos below.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


For decorative decoration of the floor and walls of the nursery, which would be suitable for two children of different sexes, it is best to choose hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly materials. The cork is good as a floor covering, it breathes, retains a pleasant warmth in winter, a good sound insulator, and its surface is quite soft. Carpet should be used carefully, dust and dirt easily accumulate in the pile, and it is more difficult to clean it. A good laminate or high-quality linoleum will fit well into the interior of the room, and their neutral colors will not distract from the basic design.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Kids love to draw, so washable vinyl wallpaper is the perfect choice. Such coatings are denser and stronger than paper ones, they allow you to hide minor defects of the walls. In the classic interiors of the children's wooden panels are appropriate.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

The ceiling is most often painted in white or milky. In spacious rooms you can use colored stretch fabrics, matte or glossy. Night sky, space, world map - all this will make the design of the ceiling more interesting. How to correctly apply in the design of the children's room different in color and texture materials for decoration can be seen on the selection of photos.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Zoning methods

When dividing a child's room into several zones or two halves for children of different sexes, you can use different methods, since there are many ideas. The easiest option is the color design and various textures of finishing materials. You can also divide a room using lighting of different intensity, each zone should be illuminated separately. Spotlights look stylish in the floor on the border between the two halves of the room or around the perimeter of a specific zone.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

More substantial methods are used on a large area:

  • Partitions of plasterboard (solid, stepped, with niches, etc.);
  • Sliding glass or plastic partitions;
  • Semi-arches, arches and columns; curtains; rack; indoor plants in high pots (option only for older children);
  • Aquarium (not suitable for the nursery, where the kids live).

Also used for zoning borders, decorative moldings, stucco. The choice of method depends on the chosen style of the interior and the dimensions of the nursery, in which two children live at once.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

How to furnish zones

In the design of the children's room, especially designed for two heterosexual children at once, each of whom needs to be pleased, it is difficult to manage without competent zoning. It is necessary for the actual convenience, as the interior, divided into zones, looks more harmonious. In order for both children to coexist comfortably within the room, personal sleeping places, lockers, drawers and separate shelves for things with toys will be required, and a place for playing is best done in common for playing together. If both children already go to school, you need a personal workplace for a boy and a girl - a table with shelves for books with textbooks, educational computers.

Important! If both children are younger, in the play area you need a softer floor covering (carpet).

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

If a brother or sister is older, a zone with toys can be made small, the teenager will have more time to study, work (maybe) and personal matters. There are several options for dividing one room for different sexes into different zones, some can be seen in the photo below.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


When setting up a children's room, it’s worth thinking where the children will sleep, it’s all the more important to decide this question if they are opposite-sex. When a brother and sister become older, everyone will need a private space. The easiest thing to put in the nursery is two separate beds, and the room itself is divided into two parts using color design, curbs, shelving, sliding partitions - it all depends on the size of the nursery. Beds can be arranged in several ways:

  • Along the opposite walls;
  • Perpendicular along the wall;
  • In one corner or opposite.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

If the beds are too close, shut them off with a curtain, a chest of drawers, a cabinet. When placing beds in one corner, place the beds so that the children sleep head to head. All of these options are more to the spacious children's rooms for two children from 18 square meters. m

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

If the area is small, it is easier to buy a bunk bed, it will take half the space. With such a purchase, there is a big risk that a brother and sister will quarrel for the right to sleep at the top, it needs to be solved as early as possible and as peaceful as possible. If there is no opportunity to agree and both stubbornly stand on their own, a two-story bed is not the best choice. Variants of furnishing a children's bedroom in a room for two children of different sexes can be seen in the photo.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Game Zone

Thinking over the layout of the children's room, it is necessary to allocate at least a small place where it will be equally interesting for two children of different sexes to play. If adolescents do not need a play area, then for a brother and sister up to 7 years of play are an important part of life. Kids are energetic, they need to constantly throw out the children's enthusiasm, so it is better to arrange a safe place where you can run, jump, play. Toys can be divided by interests, for example, a half of a girl can put a big doll house, and a boy has a hut or a castle. You can also equip a common area, interesting to both.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

When children are older, the soft surface in the play area can be replaced with the same as in the rest of the room. During the repair, also take care of sound insulation of the floor, the active games of the brother and sister will most likely interfere with the neighbors.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

It is much more interesting for teenagers to spend time, having fun and communicating with friends of their own age, so the play area can be transformed into something like a living room - puffs for sitting, perhaps a table, game consoles. How to fit into the design of the children's room 14 square meters. m play area, convenient for heterosexual children, can be seen in the photo.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Study area

The design of any nursery where heterosexual children live (which in itself is already a complexity) also implies the presence of a learning zone. If there is not enough space, a long table fits well into the interior, which will be comfortable for both. Often such a tabletop occupies the entire wall. In large rooms you can put on a separate table, it is best to find a place by the window, where there is more natural light. Do not forget about comfortable chairs and good artificial lighting.

Important! Since modern children need a computer not only for games, but also for study, it is better for everyone to buy their own laptop or tablet, if there is not enough space for two PCs.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Toddlers do not sit for lessons, but many people like to draw or sculpt something, to make applications. In order not to clutter up the already small room, it is worth buying transformer desks. With several design options for a children's room of 12 square meters. m with comfortable tables for two heterosexual children can be found in the photo below.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


The storage system is an important part of the design of the children's room, where two children of different sexes live together. Some people mistakenly believe that girls, especially teenagers, have much more clothes than boys do, so they need more closets. In practice, this is often not the case. If the size of the room is small, you can put one closet, dividing it into two halves. In this case, the facades may have different design, and the doors are signed with the names of brother and sister. However, if possible, put separate cabinets on the personal half of each child, this option is much more convenient.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

In addition to clothing, you will need storage space for toys for younger children and books for seniors. Teenagers often collect something, so you can hang open shelves on the walls. It is also convenient to store all sorts of stuff in drawers or large baskets, which can become part of the design.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

If a brother or sister is much older, most likely he or she will want to keep valuable or fragile things away from the youngest child. Light mounted shelves will help, where only a teenager can reach, or lockers that are locked. Variants of children's room design in the 16th century. m for children of different sexes, who have a very big age difference, can be found in the photo below.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Color solutions

In the nursery, where two children of different sexes, it is easier to arrange the surface in a neutral scale that everyone will like. But bright accents can be done at the expense of furniture and textiles. If both children are kids, the walls can be decorated with images of animals, flowers, characters from cartoons.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

It is also often with the help of flowers that divide the nursery into parts. While in modern design, they long ago abandoned the banal division into blue and pink, the interior should be one, despite the fact that a boy and a girl live in a nursery. Here are some harmonious color combinations:

  • violet with silver-gray, olive, emerald;
  • light pink and pearl;
  • yellow with turquoise, light green, blue, mint.

So that the interior does not seem to be too bright, individual parts can be colored - curtains, lockers, posters, photos, etc. The background of the walls can be more neutral: sand, beige, coffee, vanilla. Unusual lamps, bright pots with home flowers will diversify the design. How to choose interesting and original decorative elements in the room for children of different ages of different ages can be seen on the photo selection.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


Modern features allow you to choose any furniture that is suitable in a nursery for children of different sexes. This question can be entrusted to specialists, then they will pick up everything they need. If you want to make repairs from and to yourself, you should take into account several nuances that will allow more economical use of space - often typical apartments in high-rise buildings of the old buildings are not large. Modular furniture or multifunctional cabinet will easily fit into a small-sized children's room designed for two children of different sexes:

  • Bunk bed;
  • Sliding beds;
  • Folding tables;
  • Double countertops;
  • Shelving as partitions;
  • Corner furniture.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

All furniture intended for children or teenagers should be from the highest quality materials, strong, safe. Before purchasing, make sure the fasteners, legs, steps are safe. If there are kids in the room who have entered the phase when it is interesting to look under each cupboard and climb on any shelf, put plugs at the corners and do not purchase stepped models of shelves or cabinets. It is better to choose a set of natural materials. How to choose the furniture in the nursery for children of different sexes can be seen in the photo below.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


To diversify the design of the children's room, designed for children of different sexes, it is important to choose the right accessories, they will give the decoration a complete and cozy look, emphasizing the individuality of each child. Boys will certainly be interested in a sports area, especially if they go to the sports section.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

The girl will surely ask for a dressing table with a large mirror and drawers, where she will put the jewelry and cosmetics. Children 3-4 years old will be interesting colorful play houses, decorated in your favorite colors. Variants of the decoration of the children's room, intended for two children of different sexes, on an area of ​​12 square meters. m for review presented on the selection of photos below.

Important! Let the space be left on the walls - teenagers like to stick them with posters with their favorite actors, musicians or sportsmen.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)


Light is essential in interior design. With the help of lighting devices you can zone the space, highlight the decorative elements, visually change the perception of the room. So, the usual illumination of the walls, directed upwards, will visually make the ceilings higher. A large amount of natural and electric lighting will make the interior more spacious and airy.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Diffused overhead light is good for the playing area, but in the working space it is more appropriate to have brighter spotlights and good table lamps. In the bedroom area you should not choose too bright lighting, enough sconces with a quiet light. As for the lamps, it is better to choose a warm golden gamut, it is as close as possible to the sunlight, to which the human eye is accustomed.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Cold blue lighting tires eyes, begins to irritate, and also seems too dark, despite the brightness. People are not used to properly perceive objects in the light close to the ultraviolet spectrum, so the colors will appear distorted. Variants of repairing a children's room for children of different sexes with properly selected lighting can be seen in the photo.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

How to visually enlarge the space?

If there is very little space, besides compact multifunctional furniture, you can resort to visual tricks:

  • Large mirrors and glossy facades or ceiling visually expand the space;
  • Light colors and light fabrics on the windows make the interior of the nursery airy;
  • Light arches or glass partitions look lighter and sleeker than plasterboard constructions;
  • The abundance of light will visually enlarge the room;
  • Vertical and horizontal stripes are able to make the room taller or wider; small ornaments and drawings look more appropriate than large ones;
  • A large number of dark colors visually reduces the room;
  • Too sharp color gives deep black shadows, which does not contribute to the creation of a cozy space.

In a small room is not recommended to rest on a large number of decor, it visually clutters the interior.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

To create a harmonious design of a children's room, to be in which it is equally interesting for two heterosexual children, is quite a difficult task, of course, viewing photos with interiors only makes it a little easier. Choosing a design and style is not as difficult as reconciling two children in the same room, especially a boy and a girl. The interior must take into account the interests of both, while not oppressing anyone.

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)

Children's room for two children of different ages of different ages (110 photo designs)
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