Children's room for two children - finishing

Design and decor

Repairing a child’s room can be a real problem for parents. Adults need to take into account many nuances, and above all, safety, practicality and functionality. It is necessary to develop the design of the nursery with the participation of the child, trying to embody his dreams and fantasies. This task is complicated if there are several children in the nursery. Photos of successful options for planning a children's room for two children will help determine the furniture, colors and themes of interior design.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Even for heterosexual children, you can create an organic space with an individual approach.

Children's decoration

The main attention when choosing finishing materials for the nursery, should be paid to their safety. They must not release harmful substances into the air. The second important criterion for the choice of finishing materials is practicality. Floor and wall coverings should be easily cleaned from any contamination.

Children's room for two children - finishing

For registration of children should use environmentally friendly, safe materials.


The most suitable materials for children's flooring:

  1. Tree. You can use wooden boards or block parquet. Wood is an eco-friendly, durable, cozy and beautiful material. The disadvantages include low moisture resistance and the fear of mechanical damage.
  2. Bung. Does not cause allergies, warm and pleasant to the touch, easy to clean. The main disadvantage is the ease of damage to the coating with sharp and heavy objects.
  3. Laminate - a beautiful and affordable material with a large assortment of colors. For the nursery, it is recommended to choose a high class coverage. It is not afraid of moisture, scratches, the fall of heavy objects. The main disadvantages of the laminate - poor sound insulation and a cold surface. They can be leveled with soundproof material and under floor heating.
  4. Marmoleum - linoleum with a base of natural ingredients: cork or jute. It is a soft and durable material, resistant to moisture, mechanical damage, easy to clean. The main disadvantage is the high price.

Light brown, sandy, yellowish colors are suitable for the floor of the children's room. They look warm and comfortable, suitable for any style of interior. Interesting ideas for finishing the children's room for two children are shown in the photo.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Laminate warm, woody tones ideally fit into the interior of the children's room


When planning the decoration of the walls of the room in which children live, it is recommended to choose materials among the following options:

  1. Paper wallpaper. This is the cheapest option. Paper wallpapers are airborne, they have a low price, so it is not a pity to replace this material at any time.
  2. Washable wallpaper. From their surface, you can remove children's drawings or clay.
  3. Wallpaper for painting. Traces of children's creativity on the walls can be simply painted over. The main thing to pick up the next paint is darker than the previous one.
  4. Water based paint. It is safe for children, allows you to realize design fantasies, inexpensively.
Children's room for two children - finishing

Different wall covering perfectly divides the children's room into a play area and a recreation area.

Tip! One of the walls of the nursery can be distinguished by slate paint. It is odorless and allows you to draw with chalk, stimulating children's creativity.


For finishing the ceiling of a nursery, it is better to use inexpensive, but environmentally friendly options: whitewashing and water-based paint. The white ceiling is a universal option that will look good in any interior. In addition to white, universal can be called milk, cream and sand color. Real photos of a children's room for two children with beautiful ceilings can be seen below.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Peach shade of the ceiling creates a soft, cozy atmosphere in the nursery

If the height of the room ceilings is more than 2.5 m, then suspended and tension structures can be used. The most popular ideas to effectively highlight the ceiling are:

  1. Imitation of a blue sky with white clouds. Can be done with paint or photo printing. If you depict the sun in the sky, then in its place you can insert a lamp.
  2. The contour of the flower. Cut in drywall, equipped with LED backlight.
  3. Imitation of space or the starry sky. In addition to photo wallpapers, you can hang planets on the ceiling.
Children's room for two children - finishing

A multi-level ceiling with a blue sky helps to create your own fairy-tale world for children.

Layout nursery with two children

Under the plan usually understand the location of the furniture in the room. The layout of the nursery is carried out taking into account all the requirements necessary for the maximum comfort of children. Designers recommend dividing the nursery into 3 functional areas, characterized by different furniture, and possibly finishing. It is logical to start planning from a bed. Already built around him a different furniture.

Children's room for two children - finishing

With the right approach, you can successfully zone even a small room for several children.

Tip! For two children it is recommended to allocate the largest room in the dwelling, as the kids will spend a lot of time in it.

Sleep area

Many parents do not know how to equip a children's room for two children. For a start, you should consider the most important part of the room - the sleep zone. Everything in it should adjust for rest and relaxation. For this part of the room fit calm pastel colors.

Children's room for two children - finishing

The sleeping area of ​​the nursery is best arranged in light pastel shades.

Beds are separate

For proper rest, each of the babies should have their own sleeping place. Popular bed arrangements:

  1. Parallel. This is a traditional accommodation option for two beds, suitable for rooms that are square.
  2. Along the wall. Both beds are installed along the wall, and between them put a cabinet, a case, a cabinet, a screen or a chest of drawers. This type of layout is ideal for rectangular rooms.
  3. Backs to each other. Beds are put right next to each other, saving usable space.
  4. Perpendicular. The location of beds at an angle to each other is recommended for rooms in the form of a square.
  5. In different parts of the nursery. This option is relevant for rooms in which children of different sexes or children of different ages live. The location of the beds in different corners allows you to easily zone the space, creating your own corner for each child.
Children's room for two children - finishing

The most convenient arrangement of beds in the nursery is parallel to each other.

Tip! Designers recommend installing beds with linen drawers - it is convenient and practical.

Compact sleeping places

If the nursery has a small size, it is recommended to install compact beds:

  1. Bunk bed. It is made of wood, MDF, chipboard or metal. Depending on the style of the interior and the size of the room, you can choose a bed with a compact vertical ladder or a more comfortable diagonal. Modular bunk beds are often equipped with canisters and drawers built into the steps. Such furniture will help save space by replacing a dresser or wardrobe. Getting a similar bed it is necessary to consider height of ceilings. If they are below 2.5 m, then it will be inconvenient to sleep in the second tier.
  2. Roll out beds. Sleeps of this type are usually embedded inside the podium. On the podium itself, you can make a zone of study or games.
  3. Folding beds. Most often are built into the cabinet. When folded, they free up space for active games. Photos of a small children's room for two children with interesting layouts are presented below.
Children's room for two children - finishing

A bunk bed saves space and helps create an amazing interior in the nursery.

Study area

Each child should have his own workplace, after which he will do his homework, read books, draw, paint and sculpt from clay. In addition to the table, children need chairs, shelves, boxes for placing textbooks and writing materials. Be sure to consider lighting, installing a pair of mounted or table lamps. Options for the location of jobs:

  1. One large table at which the kids can sit comfortably on both sides. It is better to place it at the window so that as much sunlight as possible falls on the books spread out and notebooks.
  2. Two small tables, set close to each other.
  3. Two separate tables located in different parts of the room. This method is optimal if the room has two window openings. The most convenient options for working furniture in the children's room for two children can be seen in the photo.
Children's room for two children - finishing

A stylish large table along the wall will be an excellent option for a training table for two kids with a limited children's space.

To save space, you should use:

  1. Spreading table. When it is not needed, when folded, it takes up little space.
  2. Built-in table sill.
  3. A table leaving a windowsill, cabinet or other furniture.
Children's room for two children - finishing

Thanks to the sunlight, a window table helps increase children's grades in school.

Tip! In the process of arranging a child should not choose massive furniture. Let it be light and bright to visually expand the space.

Play area

For kids it is very important to have playing space. In the process of active games they do not interfere with various obstacles, furniture is recommended to be placed along the walls.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Compact bed allows you to equip a spacious area for games

Over the size and equipment of the playing area are thought of last. She is given the remaining space after placing recreation and study areas. The necessary elements of the game part include:

  1. Toy storage: wardrobe, chest of drawers, a couple of thumbs or special light bright baskets for toys.
  2. Soft carpet to make children comfortable, warm and safe to play on the floor.
  3. A small sofa. It can be supplied if the room is large.
  4. Two small tables with small chairs. Can be made of wood or light plastic. Such furniture is necessary for preschoolers. For small desks, you can sculpt and paint.
Children's room for two children - finishing

The presence of bunk beds in the nursery make it possible to organize luxurious play areas for kids

Making a room for two girls

In developing the design of the girly room, you should consider the hobbies and tastes of both housewives, look for common interests. Variants of the children's room layout for two girls are shown in the photo.

Children's room for two children - finishing

High beds with storage boxes and shelves create a very functional and cozy interior nursery for girls

Color design

For the design of the girly room is recommended to use these colors:

  1. Red. Stimulates activity, prompts to achieve the goal. It can be used for accents. The abundance of red causes irritation and aggression.
  2. Pink is the perfect color for girls' room. He creates an atmosphere of love and romance, helps to dream. Pink goes well with white, beige, cream and light gray colors.
  3. Yellow. Warm sunny color is essential for comfort. It stimulates ingenuity. If you use yellow for decoration, then on its background decorative elements of bright red color will look beautiful.
  4. Orange. Cheers up, charges with vivacity. This color is necessary for people with a calm character.
  5. Green is a soothing and relaxing color. Recommended for use in children where hyperactive children live. It can be harmoniously combined with romantic pink and active orange hues.
  6. Blue. The color of the cloudless sky contributes to raising the mood and increasing concentration. It will add a touch of freshness to the interior of the room. Blue will look beautiful in combination with pale pink.
Children's room for two children - finishing

Peach color is ideal for the decoration of the children's room of two teen girls

The choice of subjects

The most popular themes for the design of the nursery, in which two girls live:

  1. Princess. The girls' room should be decorated with wallpaper depicting a fairy-tale palace, Disney princesses, and textiles in soft pink. It is obligatory to install beds of white color with carved backs and canopies, a mirror dressing table with a soft padded stool, a pedestal or a table with carved legs.
  2. Flower country. Images of flowers and butterflies should be on curtains, bedding, decorative pillows. Create a suitable atmosphere will contribute to the wallpaper with the image of a flowering meadow, stickers in the form of butterflies and elves. Design in the style of the flower country for a children's room for two children can be seen in the photo.
  3. Cinderella. This design option involves the use of blue, white, pink, silver and gold colors. The main attribute of the interior is beds that look like a carriage. You can decorate one of the walls with a carriage with a horse and a prince.
  4. Dotted. This interior looks very nice. Peas can be wallpaper, textiles, stickers on furniture.
  5. Romance. In such a room are glued wallpaper with the image of hearts, silhouettes of love couples, angel figures are placed on the shelves.
Children's room for two children - finishing

Pink room for girls with a nautical decor looks very gentle and stylish

Design room for two boys

Having your own space has a great influence on the character of the future man. It is desirable to provide each of the guys with a corner with the most comfortable conditions for rest. A photo of a well-designed design for a nursery for two children-boys is presented below.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Solid furniture in classic style inspires the spirit of aristocracy in the room of two boys

Color solutions

The color scheme used in the design of the male room, usually includes:

  1. Shades of blue, which are traditionally considered "masculine." They contribute to the education of fortitude. Blue and blue colors are suitable for rooms in which modest and indecisive children live. They are recommended to use when designing a zone for games.
  2. Shades of green. Green has a calming effect on the psyche. It is suitable for the design of a game or study area. Green is recommended for children with restless children.
Children's room for two children - finishing

Decorated in green children's room will cause complete delight in the boys

Shades of green and blue are best used only in some pieces of furniture, finishing one wall, curtains, carpets, pillows and other decorative items. As a background, you need to choose calm colors: white, gray, creamy, sandy, beige, brown.

Children's room for two children - finishing

The dark blue shade looks great in conjunction with the muted red color in the boys' children

Popular topics

Rooms of two boys often make out in such topics:

  1. Cars. To implement this theme, a bed in the shape of a car is set up, wallpaper with a picture of a racing car or Lightning McQueen from the “Cars” cartoon is glued to the wall. Images of cars can be pasted on other furniture, for example, a wardrobe.
  2. Football: wallpapers with images of balls, silhouettes and photographs of athletes are glued to the walls, a carpet imitating a lawn on a football field is laid on the floor, and footballs are laid out on the shelves.
  3. Sea. To create the desired surroundings, you need to install a bed in the shape of a ship, hang seascapes, paste wallpapers with images of pirate ships or ocean islands, arrange antique chests around the room and store toys in them. The design of the children's room in the marine style for two children can be seen in the photo.
  4. Lego Inspiration for creating a colorful interior will serve the famous designer. Separate pieces of furniture in the style of Lego will have to make to order. The decor can be made independently by cutting out the blocks from drywall, painting them with bright colors and hanging them on the wall. The hands can make lamps and drawers of cabinets so that they imitate the details of the designer. In the tone of the decorative elements can paint the door and chairs.
  5. Camping. The main element of the interior in this style is a house-tent. It can be purchased in finished form or made with your own hands from textiles. In the corner you should put a sports complex, hang walls on maps, compasses and landscapes of the wilderness. Large backpack can be used as a storage of toys.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Zoning options

If the repair is carried out in the nursery, where two children of different sexes live, you should intelligently divide the space into two parts. Every child should feel comfortable in his corner of the room. As the demarcation of the nursery space will fit:

  1. Wall mural. So the boy’s zone can be distinguished with wallpaper depicting knights, cars or robots, and the girl’s zone with images of princesses, flowers, smeshariki, and cubs.
  2. Different colors. The female part can be decorated in pink, orange and yellow shades, and the masculine - in blue, blue and green colors. In this case, both parts of the room must be combined with elements of the third color, for example, yellow or orange.
  3. Plasterboard partition. Perfect for zoning a room with two teenagers. The partition can be of any shape and height, have shelves, glass inserts.
  4. Furniture: wardrobe, rack, dresser, table.
  5. Curtains and screens. These are mobile interior elements. They move or move easily. Successful options zoning child for two children with the help of curtains can be viewed on the photo.
  6. Sliding partitions. Sliding doors can divide one room into two parts completely isolated from each other. This option is suitable for kids of different sex or two teenagers. Sliding partitions are made of wood, glass, drywall. The mechanism of movement is created by the type of coupe. You can effectively highlight the interior with the help of a partition of the combined type: with glass or metal inserts, openwork elements, and stained glass.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Inspired by the ideas of designers in any home or apartment, you can create a beautiful and comfortable nursery. In the room where two children live, parents should create all conditions for the full development of their children. The decor of the nursery should not only be safe and practical, it should delight young residents, stimulate their cognitive activity and creative inclinations.

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing

Children's room for two children - finishing
