Children's room for a girl of 7 years
In the first few years of life, the needs of children change rapidly, especially when a child reaches school age - 7 years. Thinking through the design of the nursery for a girl of primary school age, one should take into account her personal preferences, as well as to equip the interior taking into account training loads. In addition to the usual areas for storing things, sleeping and playing games, you cannot do without a desktop with good lighting and shelving for textbooks and student notebooks. In the photo you can find a lot of different design options for children's rooms for a girl of 7 years, but in addition to the beautiful picture you should take into account many more details.

Room area
The interior design of the nursery depends on the taste of parents and children, as well as on the size of the room. The more spacious the area, the easier it is to embody many ideas.

12-14 square meters meters
The area is relatively small, when creating the interior of a nursery for a girl of 7 years, it is definitely worth considering. No need to put a lot of furniture, it is better to choose multifunctional models, they will not occupy too much space. It is necessary to resort to techniques that visually expand the space:
- The interior of small rooms will visually become more spacious if you hang a growth mirror or put a mirror wardrobe;
- In the nursery for a girl, light shades should prevail, the walls can be single-color or combine several colors;
- The design of the room is impossible without light, and in small spaces it should be as much as possible;
- Light translucent curtains do not weigh down the interior of the nursery;
- Glossy surfaces will visually increase the size of the room;
- If the nursery is elongated in length, the end can be illuminated, this technique will make the room wider.
Important! You must be careful with the ornaments, too bright or large drawings visually make the nursery smaller.
Variants of the interior of a small children's room for a girl of 7 years are presented on the selection of photos below.

20-30 square meters
This area for the nursery is enough to accommodate all the necessary girl 7 years. Styling along with the color scheme is chosen according to the preferences of the child, and the zones can be much more spacious.

The bedroom can be fenced off from the rest of the nursery with a screen or sliding partitions. You should not make solid constructions of drywall, they will make the room smaller, darker. The age of 7 years, the time when the child begins to learn, it is worth thinking not only about the girl's hobby, but also about studying. A convenient table with bookshelves, a bright lamp above solve the problem.

If the girl is engaged in music, in the children's room 20-30 square meters. meters enough space for a synthesizer or piano. A small athlete can be equipped with a corner with rings, stairs, a horizontal bar, and if you wish to install a simulator.

Color spectrum
Color affects the mood of people. Usually rooms for girls like to make out in pink, but for a child of 7 years it is too childish option. A completely pink room is too relaxing, while the schoolgirl needs to be focused. For the background it is better to choose shades of yellow, golden, peach, light green tones. If a girl insists on pink, she should be light, it is better to dilute it with brighter tones, for example, white, yellow, green.

Properly selected shades in the interior of a children's room for a 7-year-old girl will create the right mood. Choosing colors, it is necessary to take into account the temperament of the child. For calm girls, a bright neutral gamma is good, and for active girls, you can add bright, juicy colors to the design.

Additional elements and decor
Children 7 years and older usually already have hobbies, they go to circles, sections, and enjoy different hobbies. If a girl is engaged in dancing, she needs to do exercises and conduct independent trainings at home, so you can equip a mirror surface. If the child likes to draw, you can put an easel, and next to the cabinet with art supplies. A large magnetic board on the wall allows you to hang out children's work.

Since girls are often addicted to something, for example, cartoons or serials, games, the interior of a nursery can be arranged in accordance with a specific theme. For thematic design, images of your favorite characters are used, large photos with whole plots from your favorite cartoons.

Children's furniture
If the area of a room for a girl of 7 years is small, a convenient solution would be to use multi-level furniture in the interior, for example, a loft bed. Under the bed can be a table or shelves for personal belongings, books, toys.

In a large room you can put a bed on the podium, thereby highlighting the sleeping area in the interior of the nursery as a separate one. The bed can be decorated with a canopy of light fabrics with beautiful ruffles, bows or embroidery. As a reading corner, there can be a small corner sofa with a floor lamp or lighting from above. Also, even though the girl is only 7 years old, she probably has a lot of things, which means that she needs a roomy wardrobe. In the interior of large children's rooms you can easily fit a large wardrobe. In a small area, you can use corner models or compact dressers.

Since 7 years is the age when children start learning, it is worth thinking about the workplace in advance. First of all, it is important to monitor the girl’s posture, therefore, the choice of chair and table must be approached responsibly. It is also important to provide good lighting, the lamps should not be too dim - it will ruin the child's eyesight.

Interior styles
The design of the children's room for the girl also implies the choice of a particular interior style. The choice of materials, colors and forms largely depends on the style decision.

This beautiful style is liked by both children and adults. Modern is great for the interior of a child’s room for a girl of 7 years. The design uses natural materials, and the forms of furniture are rounded with elegant curves. Modernity is characterized by the absence of sharp corners, which in turn creates a stylish and safe space, which is very important for the nursery.

The colors in the design of a room for a girl can be bright and saturated, and the combinations are bold and contrasting. At the same time, you can choose for the interior a soft range and smooth transitions from one shade to another. Children's room in this style is not only comfortable, but also very beautiful, it is light, spacious, there is nothing superfluous in the design. Furniture because of complex shapes is often made to order, but this is a great opportunity to put a children's bed, for example, in the form of a boat, emerging from a thicket or a bed, as if growing out of grass and branches.

Modern as the style of the interior will appeal to children of any age. The combination of natural lines, colors and textures creates a harmonious and calm design that does not overload the psyche.

Universal style for a child's room, but the best of all this interior looks in spacious rooms. The design uses natural and expensive materials, the furniture is massive and bulky. The classic color scheme is calm and light, the walls, floor and ceiling play the role of the background and are almost never highlighted with accents. For finishing surfaces use light colors, sometimes unobtrusive strip or floral ornament.

But furniture and accessories, on the contrary, can stand out against the neutral background of the walls. Dark furniture on a beige, white or coffee background looks beautiful. You can do the opposite - white cabinets and cabinets on the background of brown walls. In the classics, draperies, heavy fabrics, brocade, expensive wood, crystal, and gilding are used. Such a children's room will be luxurious, as if the girl was in the castle of the princess.

High tech
This is a strict design and is practically not used in the interior of children's rooms, more suitable for adolescents. Sometimes this solution can be chosen if the room is intended for children of different sexes and ages, for example, an older boy and a girl of 6-7 years old.

Modern materials and technologies, strict lines and discreet colors are the basis of high-tech style. Popular modular furniture, the abundance of glass and chromed metal. In this style, you can make half the boy, and half the girls better to use softer combinations.

A minimum of furniture, discreet colors, functionality - this style is suitable for the interior of a small nursery. However, a 7-year-old girl can be bored in this setting, so the severity of style can be diluted with a brighter scale, and also add decor to the interior. Minimalism in this case is maintained only in the selection of furniture.

What should be avoided in the design of the nursery
There are several things that have no place in children's rooms:
- Computer with TV. Young children still can not control themselves in terms of restrictions on entertainment, as a result, instead of lessons, they would prefer to watch cartoons or play at the computer. School PC or laptop is better to put in the room or room of the parents.
- Poisonous plants should also be removed away from the children's room (spurge, oleander, etc.).
- Long pile easily collects dust, so carpets are not the best way to decorate the interior of a children's room. For the same reasons, you should not buy too many soft toys, they turn into dust collectors.

These simple rules will allow you to create a cozy and safe space in the room of a girl of 7 years.
The design of children's rooms requires a special approach, especially if they are younger children - about 7 years old. In addition to the beauty of the interior, it is important to think about safety and practicality. Materials must be durable and hypoallergenic, colors are calm, and the room itself is bright and spacious.