Children's room design for a teenager boy

Design and decor

Children react emotionally to their surroundings, so planning the interior of a nursery is necessary with all seriousness. The boy's room is his personal space, in which there should be comfort, comfort and visual appeal. In developing the design of the room for the boy should adhere to his interests. Only in this way the finished interior of the nursery will be able to please its owner.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

When making a baby room for a boy should be guided by his interests.


For children choose finishing materials that are environmentally friendly, durable and easy to clean. Photos of options for finishing a child’s room for a boy can be viewed below.


For the walls of a boy's room, it is worth choosing coatings from practical materials:

  1. Water based paint. It is safe, and then you can just paint over children's drawings on the walls. The little boy will love the walls painted by hand. It is not necessary to have professional skills. You can draw a simple drawing, but bright colors.
  2. Washable wallpaper. They are the ones most suited to the little boy's room. From the surface of such wallpapers are easily removed drawings, dirt, clay particles.
  3. Paper wallpaper. Fully environmentally friendly, cheap cost, so you can not feel sorry for them and often change.
Children's room design for a teenager boy

Most often for the boy's room choose blue

How to make the walls in the children's room for a boy? Traditionally, the vertical surface in the men's nursery is recommended to make out using green, blue, brown, gray tones. They should be diluted with warm yellow, cream and beige shades.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

For the boy's room, the design of the walls in brown shades is perfect.


As a ceiling covering for the nursery use:

  1. Whitewashing and paint. Pros: simplicity, low cost, versatility. Minus - the need for alignment.
  2. Suspended construction. Pros: no need to align the ceiling, improved sound insulation, the ability to create multiple levels, embedding the backlight, finishing can be done with your own hands. Minus - reducing the height of the room.
  3. Tension cloth. Allows you to realize a lot of original design fantasies: to make the ceiling surface smooth or curved, glossy or matte, monophonic or with photo printing. Cons: set by professionals, reduces the height of the ceilings.
Children's room design for a teenager boy

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling perfectly fit into the interior of the room for a boy


When choosing a flooring the most important indicator - safety for the child's body. The most suitable materials:

  1. Bung. Differs in environmental friendliness, elasticity, good sound insulation properties and shock-absorbing surface. This material is rough to the touch, so you can not be afraid that the child will slip, running on the floor. Disadvantages of cork: high price, the inability to install a floor heating system.
  2. Laminate. High-quality laminated boards of high class are distinguished by durability, durability and moisture resistance. Under them you can install a floor heating system. Laminate cons: slippery surface, the presence of non-natural components in the composition, noise.
  3. Carpet - warm, soft and comfortable material. It is easy to fit and dismantle, has a large assortment of colors. The negative side of using carpet in the nursery: it accumulates dust and can be an allergen.
Children's room design for a teenager boy

Laminate flooring is very easy to use and looks just great when combined with a carpet.


The choice of furniture in the nursery should be carried out taking into account the age of the boy, the dimensions and functionality of the room. So if the room is intended only for sleeping, then you can put only a bed and a wardrobe in it. If the room will be used even for games and studies, then you cannot do without additional furniture. Photos of furniture in the nursery for the boy are presented below.

Resting place

Bed - the most important piece of furniture in the room of the child. The height of the bed is selected depending on the height and age of the tenant. The small owner should be comfortable sleeping on his bed. Carefully consider the choice of mattress. Orthopedic models will be most suitable for a growing body.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Special attention should be paid to the orthopedic mattress.

Work zone

The boy should have a working surface, behind which he will read, do his homework, draw, sculpt from clay. Desk should be selected depending on the age and height of the boy. A small light plastic table with a small chair in the set will suit a baby of 3-6 years old. A child over 7 years old needs a big table. You can purchase a computer desk, but with a spacious countertop.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Since there is a lot of time at the table, it should be comfortable and well lit.

Storage locations

A boy over 3 years old must have a closet for storing personal belongings. Cabinet furniture to choose made from quality materials: natural wood, MDF or chipboard. Plastic designs look bright and are cheap, but they are not very durable.

Attention! When buying furniture made of chipboard, you need to ask the seller about the presence of a hygienic certificate. Poorly made furniture from particle board can release into the air hazardous substances - formaldehydes.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The boy's room must be equipped with comfortable and functional cabinets.

In a spacious closet with a full load installed hangers for school clothes, linen drawers, shelves and baskets for toys. By installing such a cabinet, you can refuse the dressers, pencil cases and pedestals. In a small room a corner wardrobe will look good.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

To accommodate the boy, a closet with deaf facades of bright color will suit: yellow, green, blue. The baby will like to see on the doors a photo print with the image of cars, favorite cartoon characters. The design project of a nursery for the kid can be seen in a photo.

Children's room design for a teenager boy


The most functional decoration in the nursery - curtains. In addition to decorating, they protect the room from sunlight and prying eyes. To prevent the sun or the moon from shining on the child during sleep, you should choose curtains from dense, but light, natural fabrics: cotton, calico, linen. Curtains should not accumulate dust.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

An important point in the design of the window opening is the installation of a cornice. It must be securely attached so that with a strong twitch behind the curtains, the eaves will not fall on the child. Curtains should be easily closed and opened so that the baby can manage them independently.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The remaining elements of the room decor depend on the chosen theme of the interior. It can be models of cars, airplanes and ships, posters of popular actors or music groups, a punching bag, a telescope or binoculars, a telescope, and more. Do not clutter up the room with unnecessary elements, such as vases. The boy should use all the details of the interior, or get aesthetic pleasure. The beautiful design of the children's room for the school boy is shown on the photo.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Age criteria

In the design of the room, the child's age is of great importance. So the children's one-year-old boy and teenager will differ radically.

From birth to 3 years

Creating the interior of the room for a newborn, parents can fully rely on your taste. For walls it is recommended to choose a pastel color finish: light yellow, pale blue, olive, apricot, sand, beige.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The furniture in the room of the newborn should create maximum comfort first of all for parents. It should install:

  1. Baby cot. A child up to 6 months will be comfortable in the cradle. Then you have to replace it with a bed with high sides, in which the boy will sleep up to 3 years.
  2. The storage of things. For storing clothes and items for the care of the baby is recommended to put a chest of drawers. As the child grows up, the number of his clothes increases, for storage of which you can additionally install a pencil case or cabinet. In order for the baby to learn to pull out and fold his belongings, he must reach all the shelves. For toys, you should purchase a special box or basket.
  3. Baby changing table. This is not a mandatory element of the interior, but it is able to facilitate the care of the newborn. In children's stores you can find models of drawers combined with a changing table.
  4. Sofa or couch for parents or guests. If the child is small, probably his mother will have to be on duty at the bed at night.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

A child at this age must create the conditions for full development. On the floor you can lay a learning mat, for example, with the image of the letters of the alphabet. First, the baby will learn to crawl on it, and then - learn letters from it.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

From 3 to 7 years

At this age, children are curious, quickly learn new things. The baby needs a place where he will draw, sculpt from clay. Physical activities will be useful for the child, so you can install a wall with a rope and rings in the room. If in the children's room for a 3-year-old boy, it is planned to install shelves or a dresser, it is necessary to make them low so that the child can independently get their contents.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Tip! Preschool children restless, constantly actively moving. To avoid accidental injuries, you should choose furniture with rounded corners that have no sharp edges.

Making the interior of the preschooler's room, it is recommended to use bright colors, images of cartoon characters.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

From 7 to 10

Most schoolchildren have their favorite cartoons and heroes of them. Baby tastes must be used while planning a repair. At this age, the child will be happy to design their premises in a specific subject. The original design options for the children's room for a boy of 7-10 years old are shown in the photo.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The student’s room must be zoned. The game part can be filled with bright colors, and the working should be arranged in soothing colors. The environment should not interfere with the work process.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

From 11 to 16

It is necessary to decorate the interior of the room together with a teenager who will be happy to fulfill his fantasies. As an interior style, a guy can choose concise hi-tech or mysterious cosmic style. He may want to hang posters of rock stars, superheroes, or athletes on the walls.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Part of the undergrowing room should be equipped in accordance with its talents and interests, for example, installing a piano, a sports corner, an easel with paints. Photos of the design of the children's room for a teenage boy can be seen below.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Style decisions

To date, the shops sell a lot of furniture and decor, stylized under a certain style. To create the necessary atmosphere, it is not necessary to acquire extremely expensive interior elements. Children grow up quickly, their tastes change with age. After a few years, the child may want to change the situation and parents will feel sorry for the money spent. Most of the stylistic elements can be done by hand or purchased for little money.

Sea style

Create the desired entourage using photo wallpaper. They can depict the endless sea surface with a pirate ship, a sandy island with palm trees, the underwater world. If you focus on the furniture, not on the finish, then for the decoration of the walls sand and sky-blue colors are suitable. If the room is in the style of the captain's cabin, the walls should be painted in the colors of natural wood.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The central element of the marine composition is a bed made in the form of a ship. Factory production models look very realistic, but are expensive. You can simply attach a rotating steering wheel to a wooden bed, and install a canopy in the form of sails from above.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

For interior decoration, you can use: chests, maps, steering wheels, compasses, lifebuoys, barometer. Textiles are recommended to choose in monochrome white or blue color, with white and blue stripes. On the furniture is to attach stickers with imitation windows. The interior design of the children's room for the boy in the marine style can be seen in the photo.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

High tech

This laconic and functional style is more suitable for teenagers. Guys love everything about high tech. The main style range includes white and gray. Black is too dark for the baby's room. In the nursery you can and should use bright colors, but in small quantities. So, in a room with neutral tones, it will look good with a wardrobe and a bed of bright red, juicy lime, rich purple or blue.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

In the high-tech style must be present built-in lights. Spotlights and LED strips are placed around the perimeter of furniture. LEDs do not have to be white or yellow. Unusual will look red, green or blue lights. The main thing is that it blends harmoniously into the interior.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

English style

This style is relevant for teenagers and students learning languages. The color scheme includes: red, blue, white, marsh, mustard, beige, brick and burgundy. If the walls are covered with wallpaper, then vertical stripes, floral patterns, monograms can be depicted on them. Wall mural can depict the London landscapes with local attractions: Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square. Images of red telephone booths, double-decker buses, cars of English brands, popular music groups from England, such as the Beatles, are popular. For the walls are suitable scenes from English films, for example, from "Sherlock Holmes" for a teenager or "Harry Potter" for a younger boy.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

The image of the English flag can be placed on the wall, curtains, bedding, carpet. The interior may contain images of English letters or words. They will contribute to the speedy assimilation of the language.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Room for two boys

In the nursery with two boys, you need to create an interior that is convenient for both tenants. To prevent future disputes between men, all functional items in the nursery should be purchased in duplicate at once. Photos with design ideas for the children's room for boys can be viewed below.

Rest zone

If the room has a large area, it is worthwhile to put two separate beds. They can be divided with the help of figured partition, dresser, cabinet, curtains or screen.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

A more compact option for arranging a sleep area is to install a bunk bed. The alternative can be two roll-out beds or a pair of folding sofas.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Games Area

Arrangement of the game part of the room depends on the interests of the boys. There you can put a basketball hoop, wall bars, an easel for painting, a tent or a hut. It is worth putting a carpet on the floor. It is also necessary to think about the storage of toys. You can use a pair of children's lightweight plastic chest of drawers, several chests, baskets or boxes with pictures of your favorite cartoon characters.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Work zone

For homework students can put two small desks or one long desk. Each workplace should be equipped with shelves for books, drawers for writing materials, table or wall lamps, comfortable chairs. If you plan to put a computer or laptop in the nursery, then in order to avoid quarrels they will have to be purchased in the amount of two pieces.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's for the boy - own small world. When creating the interior, parents should not only rely on the child’s age and needs, but also personal preferences. Having shown imagination and resourcefulness, you can create an interior that will delight the child, make him proud of his room and enjoy spending time in it.

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy

Children's room design for a teenager boy
