Chandelier of thread

Design and decor

Over time, any interior can become boring, and there is not enough time and desire to take drastic measures to improve and upgrade.

121-thread chandelier

Do not despair, there are plenty of ways to update your design by creating original objects with your own hands, which not only refresh the bored interior, but also add fresh notes, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

Things and household items, created by himself, will double the eye and repeatedly becomes the object of conversation among his guests.

121-thread chandelier

At the same time, the creation of such items does not require significant monetary costs and the possession of special knowledge. Suffice it to determine the idea, and look around at the sides in search of suitable materials.

121-thread chandelier

In this article, you are invited to the material, which will consider the idea of ​​creating your own light fixture, but rather to say the ceiling of a material such as ordinary thread.

121-thread chandelier

To learn about the rich variety of chandeliers created with the help of threads and glue, just look at the photos presented. The shape of the size of the color is truly amazing, and this attribute of the decor can perfectly fit into any interior room, giving originality and freshness of the idea.

121-thread chandelier

So, let's begin…

Tools and materials

Having set out to realize your idea of ​​creating a chandelier from threads, you will need:

  • Balloon;
  • A string of threads of medium thickness, preferably wound onto a bobbin;
  • A jar of Vaseline or any fat cream;
  • Tube with glue PVA;
  • Electric cartridge;
  • Power cord with plug under the socket;
  • Any utensils for mixing adhesive mass.

121-thread chandelier

After all the preparations, you can directly start making the ceiling for the future chandelier from threads. Note! Decoupage hours in the kitchen - step by step instructions with a master class (100 photos)

121-thread chandelier

Instructions for making

We take a suitable jar for mixing the adhesive mass, and dilute the PVA in it with water in proportion, for one part of the water there should be three parts of glue.

121-thread chandelier

We inflate a balloon to the desired size of our future product and fasten it.

In the place where the cartridge will be located and winding up the power cord, mark a ball with a pen or felt-tip pen about 70 mm in size on the ball.

121-thread chandelier

Lubricate the entire surface of the ball with petroleum jelly or baby cream, so that the threads do not stick to the ball and all efforts are not in vain.

121-thread chandelier

We take in hand the thread wound on a bobbin and coat it with an adhesive mass.

121-thread chandelier

We take our ball in one hand, the threads in the other, and proceed to winding the thread on the ball without taking the marked area for the cartridge. In this case, it is desirable to monitor the uniformity of winding, the more uniformly the winding will be performed, the more elegant the product will look.

121-thread chandelier

Wound up, untie the ball and inflate it slightly. This is done with the aim of better coupling the threads together.

121-thread chandelier

Now that the winding is complete and the ball is pumped, it is necessary to glue it in several layers.

121-thread chandelier

Glue must be given time to dry, then leave our billet for about 8 hours, and preferably at night until complete drying.

121-thread chandelier

We lower the ball and extract it through the hole left of our finished design.

121-thread chandelier

In order to give shine to the fabricated ceiling, the sphere is varnished and left to dry.

121-thread chandelier

On this, the manufacture of a chandelier from threads can be considered complete, it only remains to assemble it and hang it in the room. Note! How to update the table with your own hands - instruction and master class for beginners (80 photos)

121-thread chandelier

Lampshade DIY

Using this technology, you can create at least an attractive lampshade for a floor lamp or a lamp.

121-thread chandelier

Only as a ball, it is necessary to use a pattern made of cardboard or another suitable in shape and size of the object on which the thread will be wound later.

121-thread chandelier

Photo chandeliers from threads

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier

121-thread chandelier
