Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Design and decor

If you are in search of a bedroom for a teenage girl for 15 years, then you have a young lady growing up. For some reason, parents imagine that the design of a room for a girl should always be some kind of toy, like a house for Barbie. It all must be pink, with ruffles and frills, and in flower. Be sure to need a whole collection of various boxes and decorative boxes. If you have already noticed where to buy all these decor items, then we advise you to wait a little with purchases, because your daughter can flatly refuse to live in such a marshmallow kingdom.

Remember yourself when it was very difficult for you to contact adults, but you wanted to be understood so much. Do not aggravate and so fragile composure of the child, choosing the design of the children's room without his participation. Yes, in your girl's fantasies, the decor may be too bold, perhaps you will even be offered some kind of gothic or military style. But you, in turn, can easily convince her. Just help your daughter to make a suitable choice, for example, together looking at catalogs with a photo of the interior of the bedroom for a teenager girl of 15 years.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

The design of a room for a teenager must first of all have the correct lighting, more daylight and less artificial lighting, which, as is known, damages vision. The bedroom is her personal space, in which everything should be necessary for a child of 15 years old: a bed, a large closet, a comfortable desk for studying and a computer, a dressing table and a corner for relaxing.

Basic rules for the arrangement of a child's room

  1. Safety is most important! Try to make everything as safe as possible that could harm your child. Sockets with protection, furniture without sharp corners, wires in the cable channels, so that during active games no one gets hurt or fell. The less years a child has, the more the safety of his personal space must be considered.
  2. Environmentally friendly materials must be laid in the repair budget for the children's room. Do not save on furniture and materials for decoration! Because your children breathe, their development, success of their studies and emotional background in general will depend.
  3. More practicality. Do not clutter up children's rooms with unnecessary interior items. Let everything that is in the room serve some purpose, ideally all the furniture should be multifunctional, modular, easily replaceable.
  4. Good lighting is very important for children's rooms, because for children's eyes reading and playing in low light are almost guaranteed vision problems in the future. Place the working area near the window, place the lamps on the side of the opposite working hand of the child.
  5. Bed preferably away from the entrance. Alternatively, you can put it on the canopy to beautifully separate the bed from the rest of the space, zone the space.
  6. All zones of the room should be divided: by color, furniture, decoration, so as not to create confusion, unnecessary confusion. And there, where the order is outside - there will be order and in the head.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Color solution

The design in the bedroom of a 15-year-old teenage girl in marshmallow-pink shades is not as relevant as it used to be. Although, of course, all children are different, maybe your daughter just loves the color pink. Just try to shade it a little color accents: white or blue, yellow or green. The color scheme in the design of the room for a girl can be very diverse, there will be much less restrictions than in the boy’s bedroom.

Color palette options:

  • bright colors in combination with dark shades (green, yellow, red, orange, etc.);
  • turquoise with pastel brown;
  • blue and light green.

The interior of the bedroom of a 15-year-old teenage girl should not be overlooked by the white color. It is important that the design of the room is not oversaturated with dark tones, so let the white dilute the dark spots, if any, and visually expand the space of the bedroom. Beware of the riot of colors, too motley design in the bedroom can quickly get tired of 15-year-old girl. Color accents, on the contrary, will be very useful: bright lamps, panels on the walls, textiles and furniture facades.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Zoning room space

Multifunctionality is a very important quality for a bedroom, design by design, and girls somewhere have to prepare for classes, take care of their appearance and fold their favorite toys or dresses and jeans somewhere. Therefore, dividing a room into separate zones for sleeping, working and relaxing will help you quickly concentrate on what you need. You can divide a room into zones by decorating the space of the room with different colors and lighting. Furniture fits best modular, so you can easily replace and combine its parts with each other.

In the sleep area for the girl should be a screen, a curtain or a sliding panel to separate the most intimate place of the bedroom. What is better to choose - a bed under a canopy or in the style of minimalism, let her decide herself.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

It is advisable to arrange in the interior of the room a separate seating area, a soft corner with a sofa and armchairs, where the hostess will be comfortable to receive guests. In the interior of a small room, instead of a bed, a folding sofa and a chair-bed will fit just in case a friend is allowed to stay overnight. The ideal option for a small room is a bunk bed with a desk under it. Now you can find any bedroom sets for children, along with a wardrobe and bedside tables, it all depends on the size of the space in your room. Bean bags and padded stools will fit well into the seating area in a small room. Poof can be a very multi-functional thing; it is used both as a storage box and as a stool, and if you turn the top of the lid on the cover, it will be able to function as a coffee table.

To study and work on a computer, you must have a separate workspace. It is best to put one large table, equipped with a place for a computer, and pedestals for writing materials, a cabinet for school uniforms can immediately go to it.

If your daughter is interested in some kind of sport or hobby, it is important to leave a place for these activities. It can be simulators or wall bars, chest of drawers for needlework.

In the room for the girl, you need a wardrobe, so that all the clothes of the young lady always hang neatly, do not hesitate and are in perfect order.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Interior design in different styles

When choosing a suitable style for the interior, be sure to take into account the opinion of her daughter, at the age of 15 she already has her own formed tastes and interests that cannot be simply ignored. Find a compromise that will suit her and you, so as not to increase the already aggravated difficulties of mutual understanding.

The design in the room of a teenager allows mixing several styles at once, this makes him more modern. We advise you to pre-sketch the room in color on paper, or to look at the photos of ready-made options in the catalogs. Thus, you will avoid mistakes in the wrong combination of colors and styles and will be able to understand whether your choice will look harmonious enough. Together with the child, you can go to the building stores to give him the opportunity to show his determination, to feel a little more mature. Any child will be happy to be in the center of the bustling events around the repair of the children's bedroom.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Dormitory for two girls

When there are many children in a family, it is always a lot of joy, but it is not always possible to allocate a room for each child. Therefore, they try to have two same-sex teenagers live together. Two girls quite peacefully fit in one bedroom, the main thing is to be able to harmoniously separate for each lady their personal space. Try to keep all things, interior items in the room of the sisters were the same, otherwise you will not avoid jealousy or envy. As a room divider can be a rack. In the interior of a very small room, place the bunk bed.

Another useful asset for the room of two girls can be potted plants. Caring for plants instills responsibility, frugality, besides plants give extra aesthetics to the decoration of the room.

Now there are a lot of different styles in the decoration of the bedrooms, one of them will surely please your daughter. Take into account her opinion and allow a little to be in the role of a designer, which will undoubtedly help you get closer to a teenager in such a difficult period for him.

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo

Bedroom for a teenager girl 15 years old - photo