Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Design and decor

Recently, natural materials are very popular. This is a tree, a stone. It is about the last version and will be discussed.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Previously, the finishing of the balcony with a stone was not so much in demand, because the price segment and the large weight of the material were taken into account.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Now experts have made similar material, which is more practical, costs several times less. With the help of such a substitute you can easily perform installation work yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

This type of material is easy to care for, and also has many other qualities. About them, and its other characteristics it is worth stopping and talking in more detail.


If you are not sure what type of material to choose, then consider a few points.

Natural stone is a traditional finishing option, its price is quite high, at the same time it is heavy, it will be inappropriate for a small balcony.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

If we talk about the decoration of a balcony with a decorative stone, then it is worth saying that its composition is cement, sand, ceramics, paint, and other components.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Every year, technology and composition change, manufacturers are looking for new solutions to improve the formulation, so that even the most fastidious buyer will find his own.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony decoration with artificial stone is safe and does not harm health. Also, comparing these two species, non-natural is very close to a real stone. In appearance, they are practically no different.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Decorative stone on the balcony is different color depth, modulations. At damage of an artificial material, color will not change. Another difference analog is smooth and easy care.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options


If you equip balconies under a stone, strengthen the slab. After all, the natural material is quite heavy, and after the installation is completed, the load will be several times larger. Read here! Small Loggia - 84 photos of the best ways to conveniently arrange

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

If you choose the material for durability, then give preference to natural.

Finishing the balcony under the stone is easier with the use of an artificial counterpart, because it is easier to cut, fit without any problems.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Assembly robots can be done by yourself. This can not be said about natural material. Only a specialist will be able to properly and accurately perform finishing work.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

The price of artificial material, respectively, below. One square meter ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

So, analog is also an excellent choice. Now you need to choose the right type of this material.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options


Manufacturers offer many analogues that differ from each other in their texture. Allocate basic types:

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Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options
  • analogues of polished stone;
  • analogue of natural material in the form of uneven chipped panels;
  • analogues of natural colorful colors, unusual color combinations;
  • analog of brick material.

It is not necessary to trim the entire area, you can use artificial material only for a small area. It all depends on your preferences. Usually, stone corners are covered with stone.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

The remaining areas are painted over. With the right combination of colors and shades you can achieve a fairly good result.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Important! It can be clearly seen on the photo of the decoration of the balcony with a stone, which will be complemented by flowers. Green decoration is the best option available to everyone. Thus, your balcony can become a winter garden, please the eye and become the envy of many.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Design balcony stone

Experts advise to use a stone in the design of rooms, a balcony is not an exception.

If you are not able to purchase natural material, use its almost identical counterpart.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options
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The stone will perfectly fit into any situation, make it more colorful and lively.

Decorating the surface with small accessories, such as flowers, plants, you greatly improve the situation.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Decide which part should be finished this way. After all, if only a part, for example, corners, the rest of the space can be painted in the appropriate color.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Prefer neutral, beige, sand shades. They always win, because they can be supplemented with other combinations, they will fit any style design.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Do not be afraid to experiment, and then everything will turn out.

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Photo finishing balcony stone

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options
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Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options

Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options
Balcony stone trim - 65 photo design options