Antique style in the interior
How to arrange the interior in the antique style?
Today, the fire of interest in everything that is associated with antiquity does not fade. Literature, art, theater, and even the antique style in the interior - much of what we have in modern culture was due to the existence of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

Features antique style in the interior
The magnificent ancient Greek and Roman monuments still make admire their beauty and inimitability. The triumphal arches, the Colosseum, the statues of gods and goddesses, the unique painting is so harmonious and amazing that today they are a standard for imitation.
Antique style can be described using three epithets:
- monumental;
- majestic;
- front door
Such an interior distinguishes museum nobility. This is a timeless classic, a fashion that will never pass.

In order for a house or apartment to acquire antique features, it is not enough just to build a portico with two columns of marble. Indoors must be noble and complete.
To build a semblance of an ancient Greek temple or palace of an ancient Roman patrician in an apartment of 40 sq. M. m, of course, will not succeed. You can create an “eternal” interior only in a spacious room with high ceilings. Otherwise, there will be a vague parody of antiquity or a cluttered uncomfortable room, pressing on the psyche of its owner.
Do not get carried away with excessive decoration of the room, this style is very self-sufficient and does not require any additional decorations.
The features of this style include the following:
- arch-order cell (triumphal arch);
- the ceiling in the form of a dome, painted, complemented with embossed images;
- wall painting (murals);
- facing the floor (originally ancient masters laid out mosaic floors, later they began to cover with carpets);
- as additional accessories are floor painted vases, small terracotta figurines;
- color palette - bright colors (blue, green, red, gold, yellow, black, ivory).

In this style, you can create any room. To decorate the walls in the living room, bedroom, kitchen using fresco painting. The plot of such images is usually based on ancient Greek and Roman myths, but can be on natural, historical or military themes. Frescoes decorate one of the walls, the others are painted with matte paint or put decorative plaster.

Photo: decorating walls with frescoes

For many ancient Greek and Roman architectural objects there was a caisson ceiling (made from intersecting elegant beams, niches are formed between them, which are decorated with rosettes and other decors, they are painted). You can also decorate the ceiling in a modern apartment, for example, in the living room or hall. The surface of the ceiling can be simply painted and decorated with gypsum or polyurethane rosettes.
Tip: Matte tension structures with or without a print are ideal for an antique style with a modern twist.
For the ancient style is characterized by the use of a large number of stucco. This can be, for example, a panel of moldings with ceiling lamps located in them. Decorative stucco elements and columns are painted in solid colors (white, beige, light gray, ivory), additional decoration with gold leaf with aging effect is allowed.

Photo: coffered ceiling
An ideal option for a floor in an antique interior is a tile of warm colors with decorative inserts.
For residential premises, you can use a parquet floor.
Tip: use cheaper than parquet, laminate, but only it is desirable to close the carpet.

Antique furniture
The following forms of furniture were characteristic of the “eternal” interior:
- benches;
- ordinary and ceremonial chairs (klismosy);
- simple desktops and low tables of a trapezoidal shape with three legs in the shape of animal paws or griffin figures;
- as additional accessories - small chests, baskets, cabinets.
Antique-style furniture should look expensive, even if it be an imitation of high prices. It should be made of natural wood, decorated with carvings, inlaid with gold, ivory.
The modern interior can be decorated with antique furniture, which has obvious traces of time.
Tip: if you want to save, then use inexpensive modern furniture, but only artificially aged using various techniques.
Antique interior is filled with luxurious soft furnishings of streamlined shapes with carved frames, made of natural wood, with expensive upholstery and gilding.

Elements of antique decor
Be sure to decorate the room with at least one sculpture, paintings, tapestries with scenes of ancient myths.
In the antique interior should be high Greek vases with drawings on the marine or natural theme.
Lamps in the form of torches - the perfect solution for such an interior.

Photo: Greek Vases
Use a large number of textiles: decorate ceilings and walls with a cloth, cover entire walls with curtains with a complex drape.
Today, the antique style in the interior is a classic with a modern twist.