Wardrobes in the bedroom - 170 design photos. fitted and


Professional designers are sure that in the bedroom not only the bed performs the role of an important and full accent.

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The same can be said about the wardrobe in the bedroom. But at the same time they also remind that in modern interiors too bulky things look repulsive and inappropriate.

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It is worth avoiding their use in every way, however, it was not so easy to do this until recently.

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This was due to the fact that a lot of things were stored in the cabinets. They were not possible to replace them with smaller furniture products that would look more elegant.

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But after the first wardrobes appeared, this problem was completely solved.

The main advantages of using wardrobes

It is through the wardrobe in the bedroom with a small area that you can ensure the most rational use of free space.

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In addition, such furniture will look more attractive and will be a good substitute for a classic cabinet due to its durability and a wide choice of interior filling, facade design.

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It will help to hide extra things, because its capacity indicators are very large. You will receive not only a lot of spacious sections, but also several rather deep shelves and drawers.

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Also, it can be conveniently located a few hangers, so the wardrobe may well become a compact wardrobe.

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You do not have to worry that this part of the interior may not fit into the overall design, because today the choice that is provided to customers is huge and diverse.

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You can easily find a beautiful wardrobe in the bedroom, which will not only decorate the interior of the room, but also fit everything you need.

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Types of design wardrobes

At the moment there is an extensive selection of models, so the designers are confident that absolutely anyone can choose something for themselves.

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Focusing on the design of the room and its area, you can choose:

Built-in closet - located in the existing poverty or occupies one of the walls. That is why this option is ideal for those people whose free space of the room is very limited. In the photo of the wardrobes in the bedroom, which is provided below, you can see that the walls, floor and ceiling play the role of the bottom and the lid, so tangible costs are completely excluded.

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Detached - are a full-fledged furniture, which is equipped with all the necessary elements. Its convenience lies in the ability to transport furniture at any time. But It should be noted that it is simply irrational to put such furniture in small rooms.

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Despite the fact that the design of wardrobes in the bedroom is quite diverse and choosing the right one is not difficult, still quite often people have to order products and not buy ready-made ones.

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This is due to the fact that all designs have standard sizes that are not always suitable.

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Nowadays, an increasing number of homeowners prefer non-standard room layout, but finding the right furniture for such rooms is very problematic.

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Therefore, we have to turn to professional craftsmen with a request to make a product that would fit not only in shape and design, but also in size.

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Subtleties of the choice of material

In addition to the fact that a potential buyer needs to decide on the design of the product and its size, it is also worth paying special attention to the material from which it was made.

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Those who wish to acquire a small wardrobe in the bedroom, made of solid wood, will have to say goodbye to a similar venture.

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The fact is that manufacturers consider it a waste, which does not justify itself at all. Wood is quite impractical material, so preference is given to MDF and particleboard.

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These materials perfectly imitate wood, are not inferior to it in terms of strength characteristics, but have a more affordable price.

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Therefore, most models of modern wardrobes in the bedroom are made of the above materials.

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A very common is the combination of chipboard or MDF with mirrors. Of them make the door, which through the use of mirror coatings, can visually expand the room.

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Designers presented many ideas of wardrobes in the bedroom with different sizes of mirrors. Sometimes they even use several mirrors of different sizes, this creates a kind of optical illusion, which looks very unusual in any interior.

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Photo of wardrobes in the bedroom

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363-wardrobes in the bedroom - 170 photos

Wardrobes in the bedroom

Wardrobes in the bedroom