Narrow bedroom 75 photo interior design options


If you have a small apartment with the same small rooms, then with the right approach you can come up with such an interior design to fit all the furniture you need.

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In the article we will tell you how to make the decor of a small narrow bedroom more comfortable and visually spacious.

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Choose and put the bed

Some designers believe that a bed in a narrow bedroom should occupy the maximum possible space.

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It can be placed either in width or along a long wall.

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If the room is too small in width, when creating a practical design, a narrow bedroom is used and this option: the bed in the bedroom is set tightly to the long wall.

If you want in a long narrow bedroom, designed for spouses, bought a double bed, it is worth remembering about the organization of the passage to both sides of the bed. Its minimum width is 0.7 m.

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What if you need to put the bed on a long wall in the bedroom? However, then you will notice that there is no longer room for additional furnishing (computer desk, wardrobe, dresser or dressing table).

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Hence, the bed is better to install across. This arrangement does not always leave 2 passes of the required size, but you can put additional furniture.

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Choosing a color palette

In order to visually increase the area of ​​the room, for the design of short walls choose warm colors, but for long ones - light cold shades.

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This small designer trick will help to make the bedroom square.

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Among all colors and shades, white is considered ideal for a narrow bedroom. However, do not forget to highlight the zone of sleep: the bedside wall is decorated in bright colors. Note! Bedroom in a one-room apartment - how to arrange a design? 100 photos of the best ideas

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Save the situation transverse strip. Curtains that cover the window, located on a short wall, should be chosen exactly in a horizontal strip.

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In addition, this element will allow you to visually make a narrow long room more square: the strip should be on a short wall.

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But do not overdo it, otherwise the ceiling will be very low.

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If you like the maximum heat, then on the floor in the bedroom is to get a carpet. For a small narrow room it is advised to choose the option with transverse stripes.

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As the flooring suitable laminate or parquet. It should be laid in width or diagonal. This method will also expand the room.

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We furnish a narrow bedroom in the house

Not enough space for a dressing table? It is often combined with a narrow chest of drawers in the bedroom. There are cases of combining it with a working area.

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If any furniture does not fit, it is recommended to try to change its location. For example, if the desktop does not fit in length, place it across. This is probably a better option.

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With the interior design of a narrow bedroom for the 1st occupant, the furniture is U-shaped, along the walls. As a result, a lot of free space remains in the room for other purposes: games, outdoor activities, etc.

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The layout in the shape of the letter D is more suitable for too narrow a room. This will eliminate the cramped U-shaped furnishing.

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Often used asymmetric furniture, but it requires to remember about the aisles.

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Asymmetry (different height of furniture or wall cabinets, reinforced at different levels) will transform the room, making it larger in size, more practical, comfortable and very comfortable.

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In addition, be sure to remember about the place of storage of things: bathrobes, pajamas, towels, bedspread, bedding and other things.

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Practical shelves and cabinets are suspended above the headboard. Another option - a wardrobe in the shape of the letter P, "encircling" the bed. How to fill a niche or groove?

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In this place you can put a built-in wardrobe, preferably a wardrobe, which will hold a lot of things.

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You can also put a regular floor coat hanger, which takes up little space in a small room.

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Increase the room with the help of decor

On the bed you can buy a bedspread with stripes, which are located along the width of the room to expand the bedroom.

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It is important to use a small number of decorative elements: 1-2 large photographs or paintings.

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On a long wall, you can place a large mirror so that the bedroom, reflected in it, appears wider than it actually is.

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If the owners decided to hang a mirror on a short wall, then you should not forget about the long one. This will help to expand the space of the room.

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Perfectly cope with the task of creating the effect of a spacious room picture or 3D wallpaper with perspective.

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For example, they can be depicted sea, endless field, or a path in the forest, leaving into the distance. This psychological effect will save the bedroom from rigid frames, make the room spacious and open.

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Various interior design options for a narrow sleeping room

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Other examples of creating a cozy room, you can look at the photo of a narrow bedroom below.

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Photo design narrow bedroom

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