Luxury bedrooms - ideas and tips from designers + 90 photos
Today, when there is no fanatical commitment to one particular interior style, and to any direction of creativity, there is a huge number of combinations that can be used in the design of the room.

This article will tell you about the different options for creating an interior of a luxurious bedroom.

Chic in this context means not a widespread mass decoration of primitive forms, not a huge cost of materials or furniture from the latest collection directly from production in Italy, as well as this does not necessarily mean palace luxury.

Chic bedroom now?
The principles that chic is an abundance of decorative elements, gilded frames with fancy stucco, the bed covered with silk pillows and blankets are no longer relevant.

A chic bedroom is a spacious bedroom in which the owner can put everything that pleases the eye.
The room should be full of light, have large window openings, where you can admire beautiful views, and other troubles are needed just to highlight these advantages.

Chic - does not mean expensive
If the listed qualities are missing from your room, then you should not be upset.

It is possible to create a chic interior in a medium-sized bedroom, but at the beginning it is necessary to determine which objects give the room real chic.

Distinctive features of a smart bedroom
Each epoch has its own criteria for evaluating the interior, and the style itself had nothing to do with it. Here are the distinctive features that give uniqueness, while forming a chic decor of interior decoration:
- furniture and handcrafted items;
- heirlooms, antique items;
- unique author or few copies of works, created, as a rule, under the order;
- artistic works of art;
- harmonious design and professional layout;
- live species of flowers, plants;

Handicraft and woodcarving
Things created not only by a master professional, but also by your ancestors, and even by you personally, cannot be replaced with anything, they are unique, and their value only increases with time.

The abundance of these things will make your bedroom smarter, while it is desirable to adhere to a certain direction and a harmonious combination of all things, such as tradition, religious cults or cultures of various nations, as well as colors, for example in a chic white bedroom.

A wide area of use are carved decorations on furniture and other interior items.

The presence of hand-carved elements of the professional is in itself chic and adds luxury to the design of a luxurious bedroom.

Again, the main thing is to keep in touch with one style, otherwise people who are knowledgeable may not understand you and take you for ignorance.

In such cases, it is better not to experiment and stick to the classics in the bedroom.

Also, if you decide to add wood carving to the room, then all the remaining items should be used in minimal quantities, except for naturalness and taste.

Another of the prevailing factors is the perfect combination of wallpaper in the bedroom with all those that precede your imagination.

It can be present absolutely everywhere, which can be seen in the photo of a luxurious bedroom, but choosing this type of finish is important to put it on the same type of furniture elements, observing the structure of the painting of only one element.

Art objects
They do not have to be manual, represent a high cost, it is quite possible to do with modern, factory works.

It is important that such things play only a decorative role, be accessories, but they should be used in small quantities so that the most luxurious bedroom will eventually turn out.

Green spaces
Plants, in addition to its main function - air purification, still emphasize the chicness of your bedroom, but not every kind.

It is possible to count as suitable those close to the trees, either decoratively flowering, or having a rich leafy cover.

Rhododendron, ficus, palm-shaped, myrtle, laurel, jasmine are distinguished among them, and bonsai of various tree species looks most colorful.

Photos of chic bedroom design