Design bedroom-office (photo)
The combination of colors in the design of the bedroom office
The bedroom is a place of rest and is very good if you have the opportunity to decorate this room with the creation of the maximum “sleeping effect”: a large comfortable bed, dimmed lighting, a soft carpet. But in the conditions of modern realities, especially when it comes to small apartments, often the bedroom is combined with a study. The issue of creating a modern design based on proper room zoning is particularly acute for those people who have a need to work at home. Proper design of the bedroom cabinet will allow you to intelligently organize the space, while maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the sleeping area.

How to choose the color of the walls?
Thinking through the design for the bedroom, combined with the office, it is necessary to determine the main and secondary colors. Successful solutions for the combination of colors in the interior of the bedroom can be viewed on the photo.

Photo: bedroom combined with a study in a modern design.

Photo: bedroom-office in pastel colors.

When choosing a color scheme, it should be borne in mind that in the recreation area pastel shades look most harmonious, since too bright and flashy colors will not contribute to complete relaxation.
Tip: when choosing a shade for the main surfaces (floor, walls and ceiling) should take into account the location of the room. For the design of a bedroom located on the sunny side, it is best to use cold color schemes; for a room located on the shady side, the color scheme should mainly consist of light and warm colors.
If the zoning of the bedroom of the cabinet uses two primary colors for painting the walls, their harmonious interaction is imperative.
Disadvantages of a dark color scheme
If dark colors are used for the design of the bedroom of the cabinet, then it should be taken into account that dark surfaces will accentuate even the smallest finish flaws, such as scratches, dents, bumps and so on. If the design of the room will be made in dark colors, then special attention should be paid to the preliminary surface preparation. Examples of design office in dark colors, combined with a seating area, you can see in the photo.

The main methods of zoning rooms
The main elements of space zoning include the following elements:
- podiums;
- arches;
- sliding doors;
- textile;
- decorative partitions and other designs;
- furniture.
Separating the seating area from the cabinet using arches
Arched structures that take into account the design features of the shared room will help to make the room more functional. If the room is decorated in a classic style, then arched structures made of stucco are used, wooden arches will help to make a more expressive bedroom in country style, and plasterboard designs will perfectly fit into such styles as Provence, pop art or modern. In the design of any room the main purpose of the arches is its visual division into zones.
Using decorative designs to divide a room
Decorative designs, such as aquariums, partitions and fireplaces, not only serve to divide room space into zones, but also focus on themselves, as they have a unique design. Decorative designs can simultaneously perform the role of not only the visual but also the sound barrier.
Tip: in order to harmonize the space, decorative designs are trying to make a continuation of the arches.
If the use of partitions is impractical, due to the small area of the room, then you can use compact shelving, on the shelves of which stationery, photographs or books are placed.

Sliding doors as an element of the transformation of the bedroom space
Sliding doors are installed in the case when the area of the room allows you to create two separate rooms, which, if necessary, are combined into one. Depending on the style of the bedroom, you can choose sliding doors made of the most suitable material: wood, plastic, plexiglass, etc.
Using the podium allows you to harmoniously enter the workplace in the general interior of the room. The space under the catwalk is also fully functional, it can be used as storage or place another bed in it (exit bed).

Photo: catwalk zoning
Zoning space using textiles and furniture
The division of the room into zones is easiest to carry out with the help of fabric screens. In addition, fabric screens occupy a minimum of space, and their installation does not require significant material costs.
Mark the boundaries of the office, you can use the placement of furniture. For example, to protect the rest area from the office, you can use cabinets or shelves. The main condition is compliance with the rule of "invisibility", that is, from the workplace should not be visible bed and vice versa.