Combining wallpaper in the bedroom


How to harmoniously combine the wallpaper in the bedroom?

The well-being of a person depends on the finishing of the bedroom. Pastel colors of a predominantly cold gamut contribute to full sleep and rest. Combining the wallpaper in the bedroom will provide an opportunity to create an organic space that promotes relaxation and proper rest. With the help of horizontal and vertical combination, you can emphasize the advantages of the room and smooth out its disadvantages.

289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

  • Combination Rules
  • Vertical and horizontal zoning
  • Inserts and pasting niches
  • Why do I need to combine the wallpaper in the bedroom?

    If you combine the wallpaper correctly, you can eliminate such disadvantages as:

    • poor natural light in the room;
    • low or too high ceilings;
    • small area;
    • the need for organic separation of room space into zones.

    Before you begin to develop a design, you must identify all the advantages and disadvantages of the room. If it is necessary to eliminate such a disadvantage as poor natural illumination, then light wallpaper without a pattern and with a bright print should be combined, and dark wallpapers can help to visually reduce the height of the ceilings, which will help to create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

    If there is a need to combine the parent bedroom with a nursery, then in the area set aside for the nursery you can combine plain wallpaper and trellis with a bright and interesting pattern.

    289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

    289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

    Combination Rules

    Proper combination of wallpaper in the bedroom is impossible without knowledge of certain rules.

    1. It is forbidden to combine more than three, even very close colors.
    2. Finishing the main surfaces depends on the illumination of the room. It should be remembered that the same type of trellis will look different in natural and artificial light.
    3. Pasting one wall with one kind of trellis, usually darker, and the other three with light ones will help to increase the space. You can also increase the space with the help of panoramic or 3D photo wallpapers placed on one of the walls.
    4. You can select a specific area if you paste it with more intense trellis. This finish will draw attention to a specific area of ​​the room.

    Combination can be both vertical and horizontal. If you are not ready for cardinal changes, you can use wallpaper inserts in the wall decoration or trim existing niches in a contrasting color. In the design of the bedroom is not recommended to use such a technique as the creation of patchwork panels, as it is very difficult for a non-professional designer to correctly combine various textures and colors.

    Tip: You can maintain the unity of style, if you use materials with the same texture in the decoration. In this case, even when pasting walls with contrasting tapestries, the transition between colors will not be so aggressive.

    An exclusive design is obtained if you use trellis with a different texture in the bedroom. Before embarking on such experiments, you should familiarize yourself with the ready-made versions of such finishing presented in the photo.

    Photo: wallpaper companions

    Photo: wallpaper companions

    Photo: zoning by wallpaper mural of the room that combines the bedroom and the nursery

    Photo: zoning by wallpaper mural of the room that combines the bedroom and the nursery

    289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

    289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

    Vertical and horizontal zoning

    Separate the bed area or the rest area by using a vertical combination. The most common type of zoning is the alternation of light and dark bands. Both light and dark stripes can alternate alternately, and one after two, for example, two dark stripes and one light, again two dark stripes, etc. It is this alternation that contributes to psychological comfort and does not cause negative emotions.

    Horizontal combination involves the alternation of two types of trellis and the creation of so-called panels. With a horizontal combination you can alternate the trellis with a different texture. In addition, a very atypical design will turn out if you alternate horizontal strips of the tapestries with other finishing materials, such as decorative plaster or wall panels. With such a combination, it is necessary to measure very precisely the place of the junction of two different textures.

    Photo: horizontal combination

    Photo: horizontal combination

    Photo: vertical combination

    Photo: vertical combination

    Inserts and pasting niches

    The design of some rooms implies the presence of niches that can be advantageously beaten with the help of trellis. Since cabinet furniture is located in the niches, it is possible to beat its design with the help of pasting of niches with wallpaper of a contrasting color.

    You can uniquely design your bedroom with wallpaper inserts framed by moldings. The use of inserts is used when it is necessary to refresh the existing wall finish.

    289-Combining Wallpaper in the Bedroom

    Photo: niche design option

    Photo: niche design option

    Photo: wallpaper inserts in the bedroom interior

    Photo: wallpaper inserts in the bedroom interior

    Combining the wallpaper in the bedroom involves the same emphasis. That is, if horizontal combination is chosen, then the rest of the interior should have a similar design (horizontal stripes on bedspreads, bed linen, upholstered furniture, etc.).