Bedroom in turquoise tones (photo)
How to choose the right color scheme for bedroom decoration in turquoise colors?
Turquoise color in the interior of the bedroom will help create a cozy atmosphere conducive to relaxation and pacification. By itself, aqua color is a mixture of green and blue tones, this combination contributes to the development of thinking and a positive effect on the brain.

Wall decoration in turquoise color
The shade of a sea wave is a chameleon, that is, if you paste over walls in one tone, then at different illumination the room will look different. Depending on the intensity of the main color, different shades can be combined with it, but the most advantageous is the color scheme, which includes white or milky colors.
The bedroom design with a well-chosen color scheme will resemble the coast, which is why turquoise is most often used in the design of a nautical-style lounge room.
Selection of textiles and furniture
Marine design assumes the predominance of turquoise, not only on the main surfaces of the room, but also the inclusion of this tone in textiles and furniture. The usual cabinet furniture, the main color of which is chocolate or deep brown, looks unusual and original if it is diluted with turquoise elements.

Photo: bedroom in turquoise, diluted with dark brown and black colors
You can create the illusion of ease and freedom, if you use textiles made in turquoise to decorate a room, the best examples of bedroom decoration are shown in the photo.

Photos: textiles with turquoise tones will create a light and relaxed atmosphere in your bedroom.

Tip: It is possible to emphasize the unusual design of the room with the help of sea-green air curtains. It is better to give preference to light fabrics, as too heavy curtains will not be in harmony with the interior of the bedroom, made in turquoise tones.
Color scheme selection
Turquoise is one of the universal pastel colors with which you can experiment. With the help of turquoise, it is easy to create in the bedroom the illusion of the sea coast or the sky in the clouds. You can experiment both with a touch of the walls and color transitions on textiles and furniture. You can dilute the pastel shade with the help of bright accessories that will attract attention (vases, decorative candles and pillows, paintings and panels, etc.).
Colors like scarlet or coral will help to add brightness to the rest room, they will create a romantic atmosphere. With black, you can emphasize the status of home owners, since the color scheme, based on the harmonious use of black and turquoise, helps create an atmosphere of luxury and wealth, as well as stimulates its owners to achieve new goals.
You can create a warm, homely atmosphere if you add turquoise with a terracotta or brick color scheme. With examples of good color schemes for the bedroom can be found in the photo.

Photo: brick color in the bedroom of turquoise tones is most successful in creating a homely atmosphere.
English Bedroom Decor
If the British style is chosen as the main design for the rest room, then turquoise plays the role of a secondary color scheme that complements the brevity of white. Bed linen with a print of floral motifs, plaid, curtains, decorative pillows, vases and candles in aqua green, harmoniously complement the traditional English design. Examples of classic lounges, made in English design and harmoniously complemented by turquoise, can be viewed in the photo.

The correct selection of the basic shade will make it possible to translate into reality any design for a rest room: from traditional sea to pop art. The use of turquoise in fine detail will allow you to transform even the most familiar interior.
The harmonious design of the room, the main color of which is turquoise, is based on the correct combination of the tone of the main surfaces with key interior items: furniture, decorative elements and textiles. Turquoise is ideal for decorating a rest room for the married couple or young, active people with a developed imagination. When selecting a basic color, you should consider the configuration of the bedroom, as well as its illumination.