Bedroom in the house - 90 photos of the best ideas in the
The bedroom in my house is a real ideal! How to furnish a bedroom in your house?

In the private sector, it is possible to translate absolutely all ideas. A beautiful, cozy bedroom can be a wonderful “haven of soul” that you never want to leave.

But in order for the room to be such it is necessary to think through the design to the smallest detail.
The location of the bedroom
Before arranging the bedroom in the private sector, you must choose its location. For this there are lots of variations:
In a two-storey building, the ideal location for the bedroom is the second floor.

In the warmed attic the bedroom will look great.

In the one-story building, the most distant room in the south-west of the house will be a great place for a bedroom.

Bedroom zoning
The interior of any room must be completed, for this you need to decide on the purpose of the room.

If the room is planned only for sleep and rest, then this section can be turned over. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford this.

And the bedroom serves for recreation, storage, work or reception. All this can easily fit in one room.

Finishes. The use of various finishing materials will allow you to clearly identify the area of the room. For example, a bed can be decorated with wallpaper, and the working area painted.

Color range. Different color tones will help to separate the zones. Most often, a place to sleep make out in a calm, restrained colors. The workplace is made out in brighter, more flashy colors.

Various partitions. You can make a drywall construction, more durable or, conversely, a simpler construction. Durable materials visually reduce space in the room. Therefore, it is easiest to use simple constructions, for example, screens, because they “do not eat” space.

Items of furniture. In some cases, it is best to use pieces of furniture for zoning. For example, an angular sofa can separate two zones from each other.

Bedroom furniture
The choice of furniture depends on the desired functionality of the bedroom.

Items required for the interior of the bedroom:
The most important thing sleeping - bed. You can focus on it, but you can hide it from your eyes with a screen.

Most often you can not do without bedside tables. It is difficult to manage without them; an alarm clock, a night light, a mobile phone, books and other accessories are placed on the bedside tables.

If the mistress of the bedroom is a woman, then she can not do without a dressing table with a mirror and a pouf to it.

If you want to make a small seating area in the bedroom, then a small sofa or two chairs will look great, and even better a bag - a pouf.

The seating should be equipped with a coffee table.

The working area should consist of a table and a chair. Important documentation can be stored on the rack.

Clothes conveniently stored in a special closet. In order to save space make built-in furniture.

All things are not included in the closet ?? Then use the dresser.

The choice of colors
When choosing a color, personal taste preferences must be taken into account. If there is poor lighting in the room, then soft, warm, perhaps, natural tones will be able to add the missing comfort.

Style directions for the bedroom
The interior of any room will look complete only if it is thought out in the smallest detail and maintained in the same stylistic direction.

Styles that are perfect for decorating a bedroom:
- Classical;
- Mediterranean;
- Loft;
- Provence;
- Scandinavian;
- Other.

Whatever style you choose, we wish you good luck in renovating your bedroom so that the room is complete, stylish and functional!

Photo of bedroom design in a private house