Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos of design ideas


Not to find a single person who would say: I want a bright, aggressive, in a rich color bedroom.

Bedroom in apartment 1

And that's right, for the reason that this room should be soothing, soothing and relaxing.

Bedroom in apartment 2

It is the bedroom interior in the apartment that promotes good sleep, and therefore high-quality life.

Bedroom in apartment 3

Concept, measure and color!

When creating a corner of privacy, you need to seriously think about the design of the bedroom in the apartment.

Bedroom in apartment 10

This is a personal space that should not always bring. That allows, under the neck of the secret, to create there an atmosphere of perfect intrigue other than the main subject.

Bedroom in apartment 11

Simply put, the design of the bedroom in the apartment may differ from the general. What will not only benefit the body (will signal that it is time to sleep), but also diversifies the apartment.

Bedroom in apartment 12

Rule: you should follow the measures when you design a bedroom room in relation to objects, colors and size of furniture, if the bedroom is small!

If the bedroom does not have a large area, it can be visually enlarged using:

  • bright hues,
  • mirrors
  • small furniture,
  • small size accessories,
  • silk textiles.

Bedroom in apartment 13

Particular attention should be paid to the color solution of the bedroom in a small apartment:

  • Warm shades of white - will give romanticism.
  • Blue and light green - inspire cool.
  • Yellow, orange or gold - will charge with energy.
  • Pink, as an alternative to the red shade, add comfort.

Bedroom in apartment 15

"Clothes" for the bedroom!

A beautiful bedroom in the apartment is undoubtedly a trump card, which is often known only to the owners of the house.

Bedroom in apartment 16

Some turn it into duets: a bedroom and an office, a bedroom and a dressing room, a bedroom a living room, a bedroom and a fitness room.

Bedroom in apartment 17

Today, to make it harmoniously, without violating the overall concept of the room, is very simple. Furniture sets designed to please, rather than load, search for compatible items help to embody such ideas.

Bedroom in apartment 18

This set consists of a bed, dresser, bedside tables and the object that is necessary according to the concept of a duet: a desktop, a wardrobe, etc.

Bedroom in apartment 20

However, only a kit can not do: another important point - lighting.

Bedroom in apartment 25

The times of one chandelier on the ceiling have sunk into summer, changed their ceiling lights, sconces and floor lamps.

Bedroom in apartment 21

It is much more convenient to distribute light around the perimeter and use only the necessary - locally.

Bedroom in apartment 23

This method has undeniable advantages: energy savings, a visual increase in space and twilight for a romantic situation.

Bedroom in apartment 24

Styles bedrooms in the apartment!

A bedroom in an apartment is a “demanding” room, which needs a lot of effort in choosing the right style.

Bedroom in apartment 26

More precisely, the requirements set by us, the repair of bedrooms in the apartment should absolutely justify. In order to prevent mistakes, we will understand more specifically:

Bedroom in apartment 28

The classic style is characterized by bright colors and concise furniture, without small accessories;

Bedroom in apartment 27

The country bedroom is like an exhibition of wood and stone, decorated with patchwork textiles, wicker furniture and ornamental painting;

Bedroom in apartment 29

Ethno style is able to “move” to an African hut, oriental tent or Provence terrace;

Bedroom in apartment 30

High-tech hi-tech - distinguished by the severity of lines, black and white gamma, slightly diluted with metallic, blue, yellow or red;

Bedroom in apartment 31

Forged metal, antique accessories and textiles - details of vintage style;

Bedroom in apartment 34

Biedermeier is a style of talented people who can create interior items with their own hands;

Bedroom in apartment 36

Minimalism and eco style are the favorite destinations of the residents of the metropolis, who choose only functional furniture and environmentally friendly items.

Bedroom in apartment 37

Often, psychologists advise to draw up the bedroom, based on your psycho.

Bedroom in apartment 38

Choleric persons are recommended to furnish an interior in the style of hi-tech and country because of their inherent color scheme and simplicity of forms and lines.

Bedroom in apartment 39

For a melancholic, Baroque or Biedermeier will be a good choice due to the presence of fine details and rich colors: red, orange or gold.

Bedroom in apartment 40

A phlegmatic person will appreciate the eco style - a synonym for connecting with nature. Sanguine in this list wins: has the ability to choose absolutely any style of interior.

Bedroom in apartment 41

His energy, moderate activity and perception of reality give this right.

Bedroom in apartment 43

Photo of bedroom interior design in an apartment

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

Bedroom in the apartment

Bedroom in the apartment

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

Bedroom in the apartment

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

Bedroom in the apartment

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

448-Bedroom in the apartment - 110 photos

Bedroom in apartment 123