Bedroom 12 square meters. m. - 110 photos of design ideas
The bedroom is your corner of inspiration and relaxation. It does not show guests, so the interior should be not so much fashionable as comfortable and convenient for owners.

We offer you a few ideas for the design of the bedroom interior in 12 squares.

How does the type of house affect the way the bedrooms are designed?
Room for rest and sleep in the cottage
Due to the fact that this room often combines several functions, it is possible to make its interior special, different in style from the design of the rest of the house.

Room for sleeping in "Khrushchev"
Home - "Khrushchev" different small rooms.

Basically, these are rather cold houses with darkened rooms, so special attention should be paid to maximum comfort and the question of sufficient illumination of the rooms.

Designers recommend when planning a bedroom of 12 sq.m. in the “Khrushchev” to use light colors, to give preference to compact and functional furniture, in addition to the main ones, to purchase additional lamps: wall sconces, point sources of artificial light, etc.
Design of a small bedroom in a panel high-rise building
These houses are better illuminated with natural light than “Khrushchev”, so when choosing a bedroom design 12 sq.m. You can apply an extended color palette.

As a rule, there are high ceilings here, therefore, they are often decorated with stretch ceilings or by creating attractive multi-level structures. Note! Modern bedrooms - 130 design photos of 2017

Small bedroom: how to choose a color palette
When creating a project bedroom 12 sq.m. it is especially worth choosing colors for decoration in order not to visually compress a small space.

The base color is chosen based on your own preferences.

However, try not to use too bright colors, because the bedroom is designed to be an island for a good rest and relaxation of the owners.

In which room are appropriate warm colors, and in which - cold? If there is a lot of light in the room (for example, the bedroom looks to the south with a window), then a cold scale is acceptable.

In low light conditions, it is best to choose warm colors.

Beige bedroom - number 1 by popularity
Such a solution is the most common and sought after.

It includes universal shades (color of baked milk, golden, beige, sand), combined with each other without much effort. To make the room not look monotonous, you can use bright strokes in the decor.

Bedroom for romantic persons
Emotional and romantic-minded girl suitable palette of delicate flowers: pink and purple. Flowers are used for decoration: their images, lamps in the shape of a bud, etc.

Room for sleeping in shades of blue
All these shades are a very good option for rooms facing the south. This gamma will create a feeling of pleasant coolness and help to visually increase the area of the room.

In addition, this option is suitable for a thematic room, made in the heavenly or nautical style.

Purple and red for bedrooms
When choosing these shades, be careful, because the saturation of red and purple makes it a base color, even with small doses: for example, if it is selected only for one of the walls or interior elements.

Basically, this range will appeal to sensual and assertive individuals who prefer to take everything from life.

Green bedroom
This very soft natural palette, which not only relaxes the brain, but also helps relieve eye strain.

If you like the warm season, then choose green shades: with them, even on a frosty winter evening will be a sunny, tender spring!

Ways to visually expand the bedroom space
Doorways are the main elements that require a special approach when creating an interior in a modern bedroom of 12 sq.m. Remember the rule: the door should not open inside the room.

On the other hand, the choice of compact, but multifunctional furniture will allow enough space to be left free. This can be achieved, for example, by combining a closet with a bed.

The most common way to increase space is to use mirrors. They can be either decorative elements or a part of furniture (wardrobe with mirrored doors).

If instead of the usual cornice, choose a ceiling for the entire width of the bedroom, it will also visually increase the room.

Choose a wallpaper for a small bedroom - the whole science. A different ornament creates a different effect: a vertical strip makes the ceilings higher, and a horizontal one expands the room.

A large drawing will attract attention, and a small drawing will help to make the walls neutral. 3D wallpaper in a small room, too, must be used carefully: they can arrange only one of the walls.

Follow our tips when choosing interior design - we will help to make your home comfortable, regardless of the size of the rooms!

Photo bedroom design 12 square meters. m