Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior


Each apartment owner wants his bathroom to be as functional and beautiful as possible.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

At the same time there is enough free space.

That is why it is necessary to install the washing machine correctly.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

And in a small bathroom this is quite problematic. The layout plays a major role in the design decision, but if the area is small, it is difficult to create something unusual.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Most people think that a washing machine in a small bathroom can be placed either under the sink or in front of it.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

But this is not at all the case. If you look at it from the other side, you can easily put the washing machine in a small area.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Of course, do not forget that even the most ergonomic way will not hide the machine completely, because with a small area, it will still take up enough space.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Designer Moves and Precautions

As in any room of an apartment or house, there are basic principles of furniture arrangement. In the bathroom, they are similar, but not based on the traditions of feng shui.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

A practical approach based on common sense is important here. The shower cabin in the bath should be as close as possible to the wall.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

If, for example, to put a bath in the center, as recommended by modern designers, then in the room there will be no space for all other things.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Do not forget about ensuring safe operation in the bathroom and pay special attention to it. There is no condescension in resolving these issues.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

After all, even the usual slippery floor can pose a threat to the health of residents of an apartment.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

For this reason, when installing a washing machine in the bathroom, you need to consider everything so that in the smallest area there are convenient and safe ways of approaching any equipment. Read here! Bathroom 5 square. m. - design and finishing features (51 photos)

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Currently, on the Internet, you can find different locations of photos of the washing machine in the bathroom.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

It is quite convenient and simple, because relying on the picture you can arrange everything in your apartment in the same way.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

But such examples of the installation of machines may not always be safe for owners.

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Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Therefore, before repeating design ideas from the Internet, make sure that this arrangement of furniture will not cause injury to a person.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

For example, if you hang a locker on the wall near the washing machine, then when the door is open, someone will hit it.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Therefore, think carefully about whether to embody such an example in yourself.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

The washing machine in the bathroom should stand in such a way that after putting the things in it, the owner, when he gets up, does not hurt himself on the sink or wash basin.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Place should be chosen so that the laying of linen was quite comfortable.

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Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

What affects the type of cars?

In Russia, the current range of household appliances consists mainly of types of washing machines of front or horizontal loading.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

In a small bathroom the best choice would be a machine with a vertical door.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

If you purchase such a model, it will make it easier in half to choose a place for a washing machine in a small bathroom.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

The washing machine is located near the wall so that the owner, standing nearby, could easily use it. Read here! Countertops in the bathroom: 78 photos of basic design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

If you have made your choice in favor of a horizontal type of machine, then it is best to buy a narrow one that does not exceed 40 cm in size.

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Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

The most comfortable place for her will also be near the wall, a photo of the washing machine in the bathroom.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

If you wanted to place the machine in the middle or in the corner, then the space will become not entirely harmonious and will simply look inappropriate.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Just do not forget to pay attention to the location of the electrical wires and water pipes, they should not be stretched, because it affects the safety of residents of the apartment and the service life of household appliances.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

A convenient place for the machine is the space under the sink. This option is not less good and is suitable for models with front loading.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

A washing machine under the sink in the bathroom will save space. Do not forget about the overall interior, because the machine should not differ from other things.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

When choosing a washbasin, consider its shape, to avoid future injuries.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

The location of the washing machine closely interacts with existing communications and plumbing.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

When choosing a place, consider all the nuances, the connection to the water supply system, the distance to the pipes, the electrical network and much more.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

It is important that the "washer" does not touch the bathroom, radiators, plumbing and heating pipes.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Compliance with these tips will help to avoid electrical circuit.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Little tricks

Nowadays it has become popular to embed technology into furniture. But it is quite a costly solution, which is carried out on individual sizes.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

But a washing machine in the bathroom in the closet will be a perfect example.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

When installing under the sink, you can buy a tabletop of various raw materials. Marble will be very durable, and from the chipboard the most budget.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Countertops can be of various types and shades.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

In the bathroom, you can apply the principle of separation into working areas.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Then the shell and the machine can be separated by a partition.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Corner objects will help solve the problem of free space.

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Photo of the washing machine in the bathroom

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas

Washing machine in the bathroom - 79 photos of interior design ideas