Wall mixer (24 photos)


Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

It is difficult to imagine a bathroom or kitchen without a mixer. This habitual and necessary object has long been firmly established in our life. However, when there is a question of choosing the best model, many are lost, since the range in specialized stores is huge. Let's understand what is the difference between wall mixers from each other, which have advantages and how to choose them correctly.

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules


The main feature of such mixers is the installation method. In appearance, the faucet comes straight out of the wall. It looks very harmonious, since all the supply pipes are hidden in the wall.

The second important feature is the versatility of the product. Depending on the destination, it can be installed both for the bathroom and for the sink, and even a bidet. A variety of models and the presence of additional functions allow us to make the mixer as convenient and functional as possible.

Mixers have long ceased to be just a tap from which water flows. Today you can find true works of art made from various materials. And the designers have tried to predict all possible options for the interior.

Regardless of whether your bath or high-tech or baroque kitchen, you will certainly find a wall-mounted faucet that will emphasize the originality of your interior.

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules


Coming to the plumbing shop, it is easy to get lost in a variety of models and forms of mixers. In order for you to easily and simply find your ideal model, you need to understand how they differ from each other.

The mechanism of mixing water - this is probably one of the main factors to which attention should be paid. From this will depend on the ease of use of the product. In total, there are five types of mixers for this feature.

  • Single lever. They appeared in our market not so long ago, but immediately became very popular. All thanks to its design, which is very convenient to use: the pressure and temperature of the water can be adjusted with one hand without any special effort. Particularly appreciated the model of the hostess, who have to open water during cooking, because the hands can be dirty, but you can even open the tap with your wrist or elbow.
  • Two-valve (two-arm). Actually, these are the same mixers that were installed in most apartments in our recent Soviet past. Then there were almost no other models. But, despite their respectable age, they still do not lose relevance. Today you can find unique models in retrostyle, which are made as if made of cast iron or bronze.
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
  • Portion. This model was created to save water. But it is more suitable for public places. After pressing, a certain portion of water is supplied. Washing dishes or taking a shower in this mode will be very uncomfortable.
  • Thermostatic. The main disadvantage due to which this species has not gained wide popularity is its price. The rest of the device is very convenient. Already at the first use, you will adjust the water temperature comfortable for you, and the built-in thermostat will maintain it during further operation.
  • Sensory. The principle of operation is based on the reaction of infrared sensors embedded in the mixer. Holding hands to the faucet, they work, and the water supply starts automatically. It is very convenient for public places, as it eliminates the need to touch the product.
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of wall-mounted faucets is due to a number of advantages.

  1. Aesthetics. All pipes and communications are hidden in the wall. This gives a special brevity to the interior and saves space.
  2. Reliability. The design is devoid of various flexible hoses and components that may break during operation. The mixer itself is securely fastened to the pipes. This allows you to significantly increase the service life compared to models that are installed on the sink.
  3. Practicality. The abundance of models will allow you to find a mixer that will meet all the requirements from a functional and aesthetic point of view.
  4. Versatility. Wall-mounted mounting is suitable for both the bathroom and the kitchen. Moreover, unlike floor models, this type saves space and fits perfectly into rooms with modest dimensions.
  5. Cost of. On the market you can find both low-end models, and very expensive. It all depends on your financial capabilities and desires.
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

The negative side of the wall mixer installation is the complexity of installation. Of course, in some cases even a non-professional will be able to cope with the installation of the wall mixer. This does not apply to cases where water pipes have not yet been laid behind the wall. It is still better to turn to professionals, as they have all the necessary equipment and experience.

In addition, the wall-mounted faucet will have to be periodically cleaned, otherwise it will not be able to work properly due to blockages, which will cause the water to splash on the sides, and the device itself will soon break down.

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

For kitchen

What kind of model to choose for the kitchen, it is almost impossible to say unequivocally. It all depends on your personal preferences. If you have a standard sink, then you can choose the most reliable model without a swivel mechanism.

If there is an additional small sink (for washing fruit, for example) and the need to direct a watering tap into a container standing on the surface next to the sink, you should choose a model with a long spout and a turning mechanism.

Only you need to decide whether you need a thermostat or a touch sensor. These functions are not critical, but greatly simplify operation. In addition, such devices will cost much more.

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

For bathroom

The main feature of the wall-mounted bath faucet is that it is a set of swivel mixer and flexible hose with a watering can for a hygienic shower. Of course, in modern interiors there are various interpretations. But in the classical sense, this device is a faucet with a swivel mechanism (this allows you to direct the flow of water into the bath or wash basin) and a shower with a flexible hose.

At the same time, the shower can be mounted both on the mixer itself and much higher than its level. The latter method is convenient for those who are accustomed to take a shower while standing and do not want to constantly hold a watering can in their hands.

Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules


Having seen models of mixers of various shades and colors in the store, you will probably think that all of them are made of different materials. But it is not. The most popular and practical material for the manufacture of all types of mixers is brass. This metal is resistant to water and long retains its physical properties.

But there are also mixers made from other materials:

  • steel - manufactured with anti-corrosion additives to extend the life of the product;
  • plastic (polypropylene) - do not differ in such durability and reliability as steel and brass counterparts;
  • porcelain - this material feels great when in contact with water, but rather fragile, so you have to exclude mechanical effects on it;
  • glass - literally dissolve in the interior, creating the illusion of a waterfall;
  • decorative (bronze, stone, silver, black) - all the main elements are made of brass, but the coating is made of these materials.
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules
Wall mixers: variations and selection rules

How to choose?

    So, you have decided that you need a wall-mounted mixer. But how to choose a specific model? Try to take into account all the points presented below, and then your choice will be truly rational.

    1. Choose proven plumbing manufacturers. Cheap Chinese models look nice at first sight, but they won't last you long.
    2. For bath or kitchen. In the first case, look at the model with a flexible shower. The convenience of its use is not worth talking about. But in the kitchen it will be completely unnecessary.
    3. Spout type. Whether you prefer the classic water supply or you want to arrange a real waterfall in the bathroom - it's up to you.
    4. Spout length. When deciding on this parameter, it is necessary to take into account that the jet of water should fall exactly in the center of the sink. Such a position will be as comfortable as possible during operation.
    5. Spout height. Depending on the model, the spout itself can be made in the form of an arc, straight or broken pipe. Consider in advance what shape and height to choose, so that it is convenient to wash dishes or wash.
    6. Design. Modern faucets can be not just a tap with water, but a real work of art. Choose a model that fits your interior.
    7. Cost of. The range of price niches in which this type of mixers is presented is wide. Therefore, focus on your capabilities. The range today is very wide, so you will certainly find a model that satisfies you in the parameter “price - quality”.

    Wall mounted faucets have many advantages and benefits. It is not so difficult to choose the model that is optimal for you, knowing how they differ from each other.

    For how to install a wall mixer, see the following video.