Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options


If you like expensive, luxurious and comfortable things, then a transparent bath is exactly what you lacked.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Perhaps now there is nothing more elite and exclusive in the interior of the bathroom.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

From the photo of the transparent bathroom, you understand that it is by right the key element of the room, thanks in large part to its design and unusual colors.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Even if the rest of the bathroom is made in the usual style, without any frills and unusual elements, the transparent bathroom will not look like a black sheep, just the opposite, it will give the interior a highlight.

Here the color of the floor or walls fades into the background, transparent bathrooms are unique in themselves.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

The only thing worth considering is if there are many thematic accessories in your bathroom or there are several contrasting walls, then the transparent bath will simply be lost on their background and will look ridiculous, so refrain from purchasing expensive interior items.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

What makes clear baths so special?

Transparent bath is usually made of glass or plastic, it would seem, is not the most successful material, that's just in their consumer qualities, they are not inferior to acrylic counterparts.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

In addition, this bath has several advantages:

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

If you forget about the inexpressible aesthetic properties of a transparent bath, it is still very practical and convenient in everyday use.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Glass bath, unlike acrylic, is absolutely hygienic and allows you to maintain the temperature for a long time.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Plastic and glass products are not subject to corrosion, and also resist mechanical damage.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Baths are very strong, without special tools will not damage it.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

A transparent bathroom conveys a unique atmosphere, and your bathroom becomes very original and unique.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Glass bath and transparent bathroom sinks - a new word in the interior. Read here! Hair dryer in the bathroom - how to place it? 70 photos of the best ideas from the pros!

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Unique interior with a transparent bathroom

To achieve the maximum effect, the bath must be put in a certain place.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options
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Also do not forget that a glass or plastic bath changes the interior beyond recognition, but it still needs additional accessories, preferably extravagant and original ones.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

A little advice, if you want to open the bath as much as possible, then you should put it in the center of the room, or free the space from the wall at which it stands.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Also need a transparent curtain for the bathroom, it is beneficial to highlight the entire area of ​​the room.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Of course, you can install such a bath near the wall and even in the corner, it will not lose its qualities, as well as its attractiveness, but if you follow our advice, it will help you to create a sophisticated and unique interior of the room.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Do not forget that a glass bath is a central piece of furniture and should attract all attention to itself. Therefore, you should not once again decorate the walls or pile up extra shelves for bathroom accessories.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options
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In order to achieve the maximum effect, it will not be superfluous except for a glass bath, to install an additional accessory, the transparent bathroom curtain is perfect.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Also often complete with a glass bath and buy the same sink.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

What are the types of transparent baths?

Such baths are most often made of polymers or glass, but premium-class baths can be made of other materials.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Now there are the following options for glass baths:

  • colored;
  • tinted;
  • golden;
  • silver and so on.

PVC baths are less common, usually tempered glass and specially treated acrylic.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

In the manufacture of very durable glass is used, with a thickness of more than one and a half centimeters and above.

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Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

It is very rare to find various color options for a transparent bath, because tinted glass is a rarity, and to glue a special film is not an option.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Usually a color transparent bath is made only on request, and it is very expensive.

Glass is a rather capricious material, it is not so easy to work with it.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

A colored glass bath will cost several thousand dollars.

Although, there are several advantages, for example, a custom-made bath can be your chosen shape, color and thickness.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

If you do not have such a sum, but you want to make your own bathroom unique, then there are budget options using transparent acrylic.

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Photo of a transparent bath in the interior

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options

Transparent bathroom - 65 photos of stylish design options