Touch mixer


Sink Faucets

Sink Faucets
  • Specifications
  • Kinds
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Manufacturers

Progress does not stand still. State-of-the-art technologies are increasingly falling directly into our home. A decade ago, the touch mixer seemed to many ordinary people to be a curiosity, which can be found only in fairly expensive public places, and now more and more owners are seriously considering the possibility of installing such a device in their own apartment. Since the novelty is not familiar to everyone, it is worthwhile to carefully understand all its features.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets


The sensory essence of a faucet can be determined at a glance, since it completely lacks any familiar parts for opening water - a lever, valves or knobs, which still seem irreplaceable to most people. The device does not contain anything extra - from the side only the spout is clearly visible. While the mechanism works, starting and stopping the supply of water, in accordance with the commands given by the built-in IR sensor or photocell, is imperceptible.

The touch faucet is necessarily distinguished by the possibilities of maximum control of the water supply parameters. The built-in sensor responds to movement in a relatively small radius, which is specified in the instructions and is also subject to adjustment, which allows you to adjust to the exact size of the shell.

In addition, you can determine the time interval after which the sensor reacts to changes in its area of ​​operation. So, long exposure allows you to just pass by the sink without the water immediately turned on. However, if you really need a liquid, you have to wait.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets

The mixer does not have a lever or valves to adjust the water temperature, but in a similar technological device this fact simply could not be ignored. A small lever is still present, and it sets the temperature parameters for all subsequent inclusions, unless someone changes these settings. Consequently, it can be expected that the water in the tap will always be the same temperature. Many or even all, depending on the specific model, the parameters described can be adjusted using the remote control.

It should be clarified that the sensor always responds only to movement, and not to a warm (living) object, therefore, in the event of a sudden fall of something into the sink, the water supply stops immediately as soon as the object stops moving. The touch tap is, of course, an electrical device, since electricity is needed to power the sensor, although no one tries to connect this device to the electrical grid. The power consumption of such a mixer is very small, so it always runs on batteries.

We note that problems with frequent replacement do not arise, since even in public places the charge is usually enough for several years, taking into account thousands of inclusions every month, and at home one good battery will easily endure ten years.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets


Theoretically, a touch mixer can be used in places with completely different conditions and tasks, so it is not surprising that its classification is carried out by several criteria at once. First of all, such devices are divided according to their intended purpose, and in fact not every such device is created specifically for the sink.

There are such types as:

  • the kitchen usually requires a wall-mounted or U-shaped curved faucet to make it convenient to wash dishes;
  • similar devices are created for urinals and toilet bowls, which would be more correct to call taps rather than mixers - they are set to automatically flush without mixing cold and hot water.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets

Mixer with an infrared motion sensor may look different, namely:

  • a model with a keypad on the faucet itself is well suited for a kitchen or any other place where a sudden change in temperature or pressure may be necessary when the water is already open;
  • contactless control for the touch mixer is very important just in public places, where anyone can no longer change the settings at their discretion, because this requires a remote control;
  • the presence of a built-in electronic mixer is important where it is desirable for the user to have a clear idea in advance of what settings are set right now;
  • faucets with recessed luminaire - rather, a beautiful whim.

Among other things, the mixers of the described construction can also be classified according to the length of the jet being supplied, that is, according to the force of the head, as well as the principle of operation - for example, pour hot and cold water separately from different taps.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets

Advantages and disadvantages

As a rule, modern technologies appear in our lives for a reason. Usually they bring something new, increasing usability or giving other advantages.

An automatic faucet for a washbasin will definitely not be an exception to the rule, and there are many reasons for this.

  • Durability. Due to the nature of its device, the contactless faucet is very durable even in the conditions of popular public places, not to mention home use. The fact is that switching on and off the water or adjusting the temperature requires minimal action - you just need to bring your hands to the spout and hold them a little over the sink. Due to this, excessive use of force or careless actions of the client are excluded, while inside the mechanism the force of influence of some parts on others is designed so as to ensure the longest possible service life.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Observance of cleanliness. This factor is especially relevant in public places. A person comes to the washbasin to wash his hands, however, dozens, if not hundreds of people, and the germs or dirt could be transferred to him in such a simple way before the valves or the lever. Opening the water, the previous person was touching the tap with dirty hands, and you, even after washing your hands with soap and water, would still have to touch the device again to turn off the water. The sensory mechanism completely solves this problem, since there is no need to touch anything anymore. At home, this moment can also be very useful when you need to wash your hands, which are heavily stained with something - after that you will not have to wash the tap also.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Reasonable water savings. The touch faucet is distinguished by the important advantage that in the tuned mode it does not have any intermediate positions - it either supplies or does not supply water. A loose valve and water dripping from the tap, which eventually turns into shocking utility bills, will no longer be possible. The construction itself is also good because the traditional valve incorporates threads that wear out over time, allowing easy flow even in a supposedly perfectly closed condition, but there will be no such problem with an electronic sensor either - there is simply no thread in it. Again, the owners of public institutions are most pleased with such features, because visitors often forget to turn off the water, by accident or intentionally.
Sink Faucets
  • Reliable security. The risk of flooding your apartment and neighbors is usually relatively small, but it is always present. The owner can forget to turn off the water and leave the house for the whole day, and then she, even without flooding the neighbors, will simply provide him with grandiose accounts. But if the shutdown is controlled by the sensor, then it will take care that there is no abuse. In addition, as already mentioned, the design of the mechanism itself almost completely excludes the possibility of a breakthrough, therefore the probability of a large-scale accident is small.
  • Simplicity and ease of use. For example, in winter, entering the room from the street, I want to wash my hands in warm water, but it often takes even more time to adjust the water temperature than the actual water procedure. With a touch screen, the situation is fundamentally different, since the parameters for mixing water are set once and remain in effect until the owner wishes to change them. Moreover, many sensor taps are also equipped with a temperature sensor, thanks to which they not only mix water from two pipes in predetermined proportions, but also react to changes in water temperature in each of them in order to adjust the proportion in accordance with the wishes of the owner.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Aestheticism. The mixer with the motion sensor looks both stylish, minimalist, futuristic and versatile. Such a device looks equally appropriate in any interior, due to which it does not put forward any requirements regarding the design of the room.

However, it should be understood that the touch mixer is not such a universal device. Some of its features do not allow it to be used everywhere. Numerous reviews of the first years of the sale of such devices confirm that at home it is often inappropriate. Ignoring such potential flaws is not worth it - on the contrary, they should be explored.

Sink Faucets
  • Most sensor models are impractical in the kitchen sink, which is due to the fact that the device is sharpened by constant, once adjustable parameters. The water supplied in the kitchen should have completely different parameters depending on the intended use. For example, dishes are washed with warm water, and vegetables - cool. Water temperature can also be used for a cooling or warming effect. Even the water pressure in the kitchen changes quite often. Of course, you can reconfigure and touch the device at any time, although there is no point in overpaying if the benefit is no more than from an ordinary single-lever mixer.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Under the conditions of a bathroom, such a device looks completely unsuitable. As mentioned above, the sensor responds to movement, and as soon as it stops, the water supply immediately overlaps. It turns out that in order to get a full bath, you will have to constantly move your hand in the zone of responsibility of the sensor, which is hardly convenient for a long time. Of course, there is the option of temporarily disconnecting the sensor, although this method is more mechanical than electronic, therefore the procedure will be unnecessarily complicated - it would be simpler to initially install a mixer of a classic design. Particularly embarrassing is the fact that a similar problem will be present, albeit on a smaller scale, not only for the whole bath, but also for smaller vessels, such as sinks, pelvis or large pots.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Old-style mixers equipped with valves or levers are good because their design is based on pure mechanics. This means that almost any craftsman, who can often be the landlord himself, can repair the product on his own if necessary, without resorting to the help of invited experts. This not only helps to save money, but also allows you to cope with the problem much faster, since the summoned master still has to come, and the owner is already in place. As for the touch devices, it is not so simple with them, because their device is more complicated.
Sink Faucets

The design itself does not constitute anything supernatural, and any person who understands an electrician is able to repair it, but if you need to replace a broken sensor, it will be extremely difficult to find a suitable part without calling a specialist.

From the above, we can conclude that the touch mixer - this invention is very practical, useful and relevant, especially in public places. At the same time, unfortunately, the real scope of its application is limited to a washbasin (only for its intended purpose - for washing and washing hands), as well as a toilet, if referred to as faucets and just taps with motion sensors ..

In the conditions of a kitchen or a bath, such a newfangled device would be a waste of money and a constant problem rather than a convenient addition.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets


Sensory mixers are high-tech and relatively expensive equipment, so they should be chosen carefully. Many consumers, when choosing, are guided not so much by some parameters of the device as by its manufacturer, rightly believing that a company with a good reputation will not allow its own name to be tarnished by even one defective copy.

For this reason, you should pay attention to the most popular manufacturers of similar products., since the features of the production of cranes with sensor sensors are the use of modern technology and the highest quality. The overwhelming majority of popular brands for these products come from Germany.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Grohe AG - this is probably the most famous modern manufacturer of sanitary ware, which has almost a century of history (the company was founded in 1936) and in recent years has been actively focused on the development of smart home technologies. In the fall of 2017, the popular business magazine Fortune made this company a list of companies seeking to improve the world, and I think that this is a good tribute to the new technologies introduced by its developers. Approximately 8% of all plumbing equipment sold in the world belongs to this brand, and this is a lot, considering that there are no real giants in this area.

Of course, consumers appreciate not only the innovativeness of Grohe products, but also its high quality.

Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Hansgrohe - This is another German company with an even longer history, since it began in the distant 1901. The names of the two brands are so similar not by chance: Grohe AG was founded by the son of the man who founded Hansgrohe. Plumbing can be safely called the family business of these people, and both companies can be considered approximately the same in quality. The division into two separate companies occurred only because initially the two companies were engaged in the production of different products of the same sanitary direction, and also because the son wanted to start his own business, regardless of his father.
Sink Faucets
  • Oras - this is a good solution for those who would like to buy a high-quality touch-type mixer that meets the best European standards, but is relatively inexpensive. In this case, the price reduction is ensured by the fact that the company is weakly promoted. This does not prevent it from having glorious traditions either - for example, the beginning of the brand’s history was laid back in 1945 in Finland, and it has been producing touch faucets for about two decades. The main orientation of the brand is aimed at Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States and the developed countries of Scandinavia.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets
  • Frap - This is a kind of half measure for those who want European quality at Chinese prices. The brand extols its products as one that corresponds to the German quality level, however, unlike Grohe, the production is entirely made in China. This has a positive effect on prices, but the question remains about the quality of such products.
  • Kopfgescheit - this is a brand for those who are ready to support domestic producers. The German name should not be misleading. The company was founded in Austria, but our compatriots, and the main production facilities of the company are located in Russia and China. The brand rightly presents itself as the only one that has already established the production of contactless sanitary ware in Russia. Although the experience of this company is relatively small (it was founded in 2005), consumers are captivated by a very favorable pricing policy and a patriotic moment.
Sink Faucets
Sink Faucets

Among other well-known manufacturers offering modern non-contact mixers to consumers, TSH and Hansa brands should also be highlighted. Recently, the Russian manufacturer of sanitary ware Varion, existing since the end of the nineteenth century, promises to enter the market of sensory faucets, which will only help to expand a wide range of such innovative products.

In the next video you are waiting for the installation, connection and configuration of an infrared touch mixer Roca M3.