The height of the faucet above the bathroom
What should be the height of the faucet above the bathroom?

Improvement of the bathroom includes such an important point as the installation of the pipeline and faucets. The height at which the mixing equipment will be installed must be calculated in advance.
There are generally accepted standards and regulations that can be found in building codes. Compliance with these rules will allow you to organically fit the mixer into the interior of the room, to avoid unnecessary splashes in the room, and the owners will enjoy the water treatments.

Features and types of mixers
With the help of modern mixers, the water pressure and its temperature regime are easily regulated. Before buying a device, you need to decide on the choice of model and its location. Among the sanitary equipment there are thermostatic mixers, one-lever (joystick) and two-valve ("herringbone").
Herringbone mixers are simple in design. The device consists of two cranes connected by a common body. In the middle of the mixer is spout, on the right and left sides - the handle. By turning the handles, the water flow is controlled. Mixers with two valves came up in the XIX century. And to date, these devices have not lost their practicality.
Modern models are made from the latest materials. And the options for design performance are quite diverse. Therefore, you can purchase faucets for the bathroom, which fit in almost any interior.

When buying a Christmas tree two-valve mixer, first determine the size of the sink. The device should not look bulky against the rest of the sanitary equipment. Additional ergonomics has a mixer with the ability to rotate the spout tube. Christmas tree mixers are conventionally divided into two groups, depending on the design features and characteristics of the rotary mechanisms. In cranes of the first group, a sealing gasket is used as a locking device. Previously, it was made of rubber, and now new materials are used with the addition of silicone. Due to this, the reliability and service life of such cranes has increased.
Imported and domestic mixers of the first group are different. In imported devices, the connection of the crane box with the gasket occurs by translational movements. Such a mechanism is more reliable, so the frequency of repairs of such devices is lower. In domestic devices, however, the connection occurs through rotational movements. In the second group of mixing devices, the ceramic plate performs the function of locking. It is made with the addition of aluminum oxide. Such devices last longer, unlike mixers with conventional seals, but the price will be higher.

For the mixers, a ready hole in the sink is provided. Over time, the valve may loosen up, so from time to time the attachment will need to be tightened. It is common to install mixing equipment on one of the bathroom walls.. With this arrangement, the water pipes will be hidden in the wall, and only the valves and the faucet can be seen. In case of faults, the wall finish will have to be broken.
Two-valve mixers produced from brass, bronze, chrome, ceramics and plastics. On sale you can find models of mixed materials (for example, silumin - a mixture of silicon and aluminum). Devices made of metal on top are sprayed with colored enamel, glossy chrome or nickel.
The highest quality and most reliable are brass and bronze mixers. The most short-lived are devices made of plastic.

Single lever
Joystick mixers have one knob. It performs the function of a lever. Changing the position of the knob up and down, left and right, you can change the power of the water flow and its temperature indicators in one motion. Depending on the internal mechanism, two types of sanitary devices are distinguished: ball and cartridge.
Inside the ball product placed a metal chamber in which there are 3 holes. The first is filled with cold water, the second - hot, and the third serves as the output of the resulting mixed water. This design feature is quite reliable, so ball mixers do not break for a long time and do not require replacement.
In the mixers of the second type, instead of a spherical chamber, a cartridge is embedded. In the upper part of the cartridge is mixing cold and hot water streams. The bottom of the cartridge has three outlets for water. The movement of the lever switches the chambers in the cartridge, so that you can adjust the force and temperature of the flow.

Single lever faucets are easy to use, as it is easy to adjust the water flow to a comfortable temperature. In such mixers there are no rubbing metal elements. This allows for a long time to use such devices without replacing components.
The disadvantages of joystick mixers include rapid wear of rubber seals. On sale are expensive and cheap models of joystick mixers. The price of the product depends on the material of execution. In some cheap models, the angle of adjustment of the water temperature is small, so it is difficult to adjust the flow of water to a comfortable temperature.

Such mixers can automatically maintain the desired water temperature. A thermoelement is installed inside the devices, which regulates the flow of water of the required temperature by reducing or increasing one of them.
Thermostatic taps produce electronic (with a liquid crystal display) and mechanical. According to its functionality, there are bathroom mixers, sinks, bidets, showers and universal uses. By type of placement: open (visible) and closed installation.

When choosing a type of mixing device you need to know that the quality of operation of thermostatic devices directly depends on the stability of the pressure in the plumbing system.
If water is supplied without sudden temperature changes and pressure surges, the use of such a device does not cause trouble. And if the drops are significant, then a mixer with a thermostat can completely stop the flow of water. You can install a single lever mixer at home.

What does the height depend on?
The place of fastening of sanitary devices is better to determine at the design stage of the water supply system. This takes into account the functional purpose and design of the device, the wishes of the customer, the method of installation. At the same time, the area of the bathroom and the dimensions of the installed sanitary equipment are taken into account, because each room is unique in its own way. Mixers that are different in purpose are installed at different heights, so you should decide what basic functions the crane will perform.
Suppose if the main function of the installed crane is to fill the containers, then the height at which it is better to place it will be 200-250 mm from the sink level. If the faucet to be installed is dual-purpose (to use both above the sink and above the bath), then it should be installed at a height of 300 mm from the level of the bath and 250 mm above the sink. If you are planning to use a shower head, then you must take into account the growth of the owners of the dwelling who will use it.

The optimal value of the distance from the mixer to the side of the bath is 800-1000 mm, from the mixer to the edge of the sink - 250 mm. For washbasins, this height is 200 mm from the edge to the mixer. In shower cubicles, mixing devices are recommended to be installed at a height of 1200 mm from the floor. The holder for a watering can - in 2000 mm from the pallet.
On sale you can find mixers of interesting design, for example, models of floor mixers. Install floor-mounted mixers near the bath. The height of its placement will depend on the size of the rack included in the instrument package.

If the owners of the dwelling are going to take a shower often, then it is better to place the mixer on the wall or sink it into the wall. If the owners often take a bath, the arrangement of the mixer on the side of the bath will be more successful.
Standards and standards
Despite the fact that every landlord of an apartment or house decides how to install water taps, there are quite specific rules. You can refer to the recommendations described in the regulatory building documents. From SNiP 3.05.01-85 you can find out information about the height at which the instruments must be installed. It is preferable to make the faucet above the sink bowl at a height of 250 mm, and above the sink - 200 mm from its curb.
Mixing devices in medical institutions are advised to install 800 mm from the floor. Cranes for wet cleaning in public buildings are placed 600 mm from the floor. A detailed study of the standards makes it clear that the recommended parameters are subject to change. For hospitals, the installation of the mixer at the mark of 1100 mm is prescribed, and if the product has a shower head, it is 1200 mm.

Often, specialists in plumbing equipment do not adhere to the rules described in the SNiP and carry out installation of equipment at a height convenient for customers. The owners themselves choose the height at which it is better to place the mixers. At the same time, specialists comply with the installation technology described in the instructions for each plumbing product.
Although according to the rules the distance from the mixer to the bath should be 200 mm, this value may be different at the request of the apartment owners.

To successfully determine the level at which to install the mixing equipment, it is necessary to take into account such moments:
- First, determine the place of installation of new equipment and try on a mixer for it.
- It is necessary to consider the distance from the edge of the bath or sink to the mixer. It is more convenient to use when the long spout of the mixer reaches the middle of the sink. Especially when the same appliance is used above the bath and over the sink.
- The fixing of the mixer to the wall must be secure. Do not attach the device to the edges of the tile. It can crack, and the rough edges of the tile will not allow to fix the equipment securely.

Thinking through the installation of cranes can adhere to the following values:
- the mixer above the sink is placed at a height of 25 cm from the edge;
- equipment above the sink is recommended to be placed at a height of 20 cm from the sink;
- equipment above the sink hang at a height of 25 cm from the sink;
- sanitary appliances for the bathroom set at a height of 80 cm from the floor;
- common appliances for bath and sink hang at a height of 100 cm from the floor;
- shower equipment is placed at a height of 120 cm from the floor.

In order to install the equipment successfully, and the apartment owners were comfortable using the devices, you need to follow the advice of experienced specialists, observations and comments from customers:
- Decide in advance with the height of the sink. Available in models with a height of 850 mm. To the height of the sink you need to add the dimensions of the mixer and the distance from the side of the sink to the outflow. It is better to err in a larger direction than in a smaller one.
- When installing equipment on the side of the bathtub, the mixer should be installed not in the center, but slightly from the side closer to the legs.
- The standard distance between a cold water pipe and a hot water pipe is 150 mm. And the width of the body of the mixer itself may be different, which does not affect the axial distance. Do not forget about this when installing the pipeline.
- Check whether the hot and cold water supplies match the levers on the mixer. According to the European standard hot water tap should be on the left, and cold - on the right.

When installing a faucet with a thermostat, you should carefully understand the water intake system. These devices are often non-standard designs. Products from different manufacturers may vary.
- Installing a mixing device, you need to use the level. The equipment should be located exactly horizontally, without distortions.
- Working with a wrench or a wrench during assembly of the mixer must be extremely careful not to scratch or damage the surface of the product.
- Installing a mixing device on a special podium or wall is not easy for beginners and requires experience. It will be required to connect water to the rack. Therefore, it is better to take the help of an experienced specialist who has knowledge in the field of construction work.
- It is necessary to measure the distance from the bath to the place of installation of the crane only after placing it on special supports and after laying tiles on the floor.
- Additional equipment, such as water filters and softeners, affects the installation parameters of the plumbing fixtures. In this case, the placement level of the mixer is better to raise by 10 -15 cm.

- To determine the depth at which to place the fittings, you need to make a test assembly of all components of the mixer.
- Well-balanced placement of equipment will avoid leakage and unscheduled repairs.
The cause of a weak pressure after the installation of the valve may be clogged aerator. In this case, you need to clean it.
- After installation of the mixing equipment, the water flow is not opened to full capacity in order to avoid water hammer.
- Eccentrics are sealed with plumbing threads or special paste.

There are no strict rules and regulations on the optimal determination of the distance at which the mixer could be most correctly hung. Height must be selected individually for the requests of a specific customer of plumbing services. The main thing to pay attention to is the convenience of all residents of the apartment. Therefore, we should not hurry, because changing the height of the equipment after installation will be problematic. It is necessary to consider in advance the most interesting options and choose the best.
If you have any difficulties, you can always consult the specialists in the store where the purchase was made.
About nuans installation of the mixer in the bathroom, see the following video.