Small bathroom - 95 photos of the perfect combination in the
In modern new buildings, the bathroom has sufficient dimensions for comfortable use. In old houses, it is sometimes impossible to find a bathroom that would meet these conditions. Such a bathroom is justified in small apartments of buildings of the last century, because if it were large, what would be the residential area?

All rooms of the apartment are in a certain balance, taking into account a comfortable stay. This article will help you understand how to make repairs in a small bathroom, while maintaining maximum space.

And also will present ideas of design of a small bathroom. Often, problems due to the small bathroom are due to the fact that it is impossible to install a washing machine and a minimum storage system there.
Sometimes in conditions of extreme limitation there is a question about replacing the bathroom with a shower cabin. There is a certain benefit in this solution, after the removal of the bath from the room a new space becomes available.
Selection of materials
Beginning the preparation for the repair it is necessary to create an action plan that will clearly show the entire list of works. In the bathroom plan of a small size, you must make a list of materials for interior decoration.

The most popular material is tile. Tile for a small bathroom can be absolutely anyone, the choice depends on personal preference. Need to think about the design of a small bathroom.

Finishing materials can serve as moisture-resistant paints, the color palette of which surpasses any tile.

Walls painted in matte paints, have proven themselves in daily tests with water. Subsequently, the bathroom walls can be repainted without special material costs.

Modern interior is good because it allows you to combine different styles. For example, you can combine tile and moisture-resistant paint in the bathroom, but the best solution would be to focus on the same material.
For the floor in the bathroom, you can choose tile or wooden slats, covered with yacht varnish. When choosing wooden slats, duplicate the pattern on other surfaces. Note! Bathroom design 3 square. 80 photos, small and functional layout

Choosing finishing materials with patterns for the bathroom, you should stick to simple geometric motifs, subtle ornaments and Moroccan mosaics. As for the choice of furniture for the bathroom, then it is necessary to abandon the white plastic surfaces, in the direction of more natural materials.

Necessary accessories are mirrors, lamps. Accessories also plays a role in the overall impression. Particular attention should be paid to small things, such as cranes, hooks and cabinet handles.

The room is considered small if it does not fit the washing machine and bath, but do not despair. Specialists will help to invent the interior of a small bathroom, although you can figure it out yourself.

Attracting a designer will allow you to see the finished photo of a small bathroom, even before repairs begin. The modern design of a small bathroom can be varied, but should be based on the main fashion trends.

In the fashion now special attention is paid to the choice of toilet bowls and shower cubicles, as well as open pipes are considered to be unacceptable. As for colors, it is fashionable to use a single color with a large, rare pattern.
Modern design
In the modern small bathroom, you can use the design options that came to us from Japan and China. This design involves the use of plumbing, the dimensions of which are much smaller than the standard, and their convenience and performance are at a high level.
In case of shortage of space, it is desirable to remove the bath from the room, and install a shower in its place. The appeared space can be occupied by a washing machine or the necessary furniture.

Another solution to the problem with the place will be the installation of a suspended toilet and sink, which will give the illusion of space, as well as facilitate the subsequent cleaning of the bathroom. Under the hinged sink you can install a miniature cabinet with shelves, suitable for storing household chemicals.

If for some reason the use of a suspended sink is impossible, then there is the option of installing the overhead bowl, it is installed on the countertop. In bathrooms with a small space, it makes sense to install a compact sink with a non-standard size. This solution looks very impressive.

Photo of a small bathroom