Pvc bathroom paneling
Traditionally, for the walls in the bathroom using ceramic tiles. It is moisture resistant, durable and practical, but difficult to fit and costly. A cheap analogue of ceramic tiles can be called PVC panels. Some people associate plastic with simplicity and budget. In fact, the correctly chosen material will look expensive and beautiful. Photos of interesting ideas for finishing bathroom with PVC panels will help to ensure the universality of this material.

Plastic panels are gaining increasing popularity every year.
Features of the use of PVC panels in the bathroom
PVC panels began to gain their popularity recently. This finishing material has a rectangular shape, and it is made of polyvinyl chloride - a colorless transparent plastic. Photos of decorative panels for the bathroom can be seen below.

The chocolate shade of the PVC panels makes the interior more elegant, and the way of laying helps to visually expand the space
Pros of the material
The advantages of PVC finishing include:
- Efficiency. Affordable price allows you to use this material even with a limited budget for repairs. The cost of the panels depends on the quality of manufacturing and decorative elements.
- Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. The panels almost do not absorb odors and are easily cleaned from dust and dirt with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water.
- Moisture resistance.
- Simplicity of installation and dismantle. The panels are mounted with a screwdriver or construction stapler. You can install them yourself. The process of decorating the bathroom with plastic panels is shown in the photo.
- Ability to hide communications. Sewer pipes and plumbing can be hidden under the finish. This option must be considered at the planning stage, and then make a box for pipes.
- Fireproof. In a room with a high level of humidity, a short circuit may occur. In such a situation, under the influence of fire, the plastic will begin to melt, but the fire will not spread to it.
- High noise and heat insulation properties.
- Large selection of colors, patterns, patterns. The surface of the plastic coating can imitate natural wood, stone, tile, wallpaper.

Thanks to plastic panels you can create a stylish modern interior in the bathroom for a low cost.
Cons of plastic finish
The disadvantages of finishing PVC include:
- Low environmental friendliness.
- Fragility. If during installation too much pressure on the material, then it may cause cracks.
- Harmful effects on the human body. We are talking only about the cheapest models of panels that emit phenol into the air.
- Simple design. Ceramic tiles look more expensive and more effective than most PVC models. Variants of plastic design for the bathroom can be seen in the photo.
- Reducing the useful area of the bathroom. PVC finishing is not recommended in small premises.

PVC panels help visually make ceilings higher
Choice of finishes
What panels better to decorate the bathroom? It is necessary to approach the choice of finishing products carefully, considering design of the room and its sizes. PVC panels are sheets up to 6 m long, consisting of cells. When choosing them, it is necessary to pay attention to the following indicators:
- Width. Narrow cloths in width do not exceed 10 cm. In the process of repairing them there is less waste, but installation takes a lot of time. The width of the wide canvases can reach 30 cm. They are faster to install, but when pruning leave a lot of waste. Below the photo you can see the repair of the bathroom using small size PVC panels.
- The number of stiffeners. In high-quality canvases, the ribs are located at a distance of up to 1 cm from each other.
- The accuracy of the dimensions of each panel. To do this, put two products to each other. They should be located tightly, without forming gaps.
- The thickness of the front wall. Must be at least 1 mm. Otherwise, stiffeners will appear through it, it will be easy to damage them.
- The quality of the front of the product. They should not be scratched.
- Appearance. Panels can be monophonic, with drawings or patterns, glossy, matte, embossed. The choice depends on the style of the bathroom interior and the preferences of the owners.

Modern manufacturers present in the market a wide selection of plastic panels for rooms with high humidity.
DIY installation of PVC panels
One of the obvious advantages of plastic panels - the possibility of self-installation. The owner of the home can successfully cope with this task if he has the desire and free time.
Preparatory stage
Before starting the installation of plastic panels, prepare the surface and materials. Preparatory work should be divided into paragraphs:
- Calculation of the required amount of materials and their acquisition. To do this, determine the perimeter of the bathroom. Typically, the width of the plastic cloth is 25 cm. Such products will need 4 pieces per 1 square. In case of a different material width or non-standard room shape, individual calculations should be carried out.
- Surface cleaning. From the walls of the bathroom must be removed the old finish, remove dirt and dust.
- Treatment with special agents against fungi or bacteria. The mixture is applied to the entire surface, incl. seams and corners. This treatment will prevent the occurrence of mold or mildew between the wall and the panels.
- Drying the walls. They should not remain moisture.
- Replacing old pipes. Necessary if the communication will be hidden under the panels. Even if old pipes look reliable, they should be replaced with plastic ones. If the pipe suddenly leaks, it will ruin the bathroom trim. In addition, if the communications are not located close to the walls, they will be difficult to hide behind the casing.
- Cutting materials using jigsaw.

Frameless installation method
Installation of PVC panels without frame assembly is appropriate in bathrooms of a small area. In this case, the following requirements must be met:
- If there are differences in height on the walls, they should not be greater than 0.3 mm. Otherwise, level the surface with a putty.
- If there are bumps on the surface, they must be aligned. Finishing will close small cracks, but if there are bumps, problems will arise with the installation of panels.

Frameless method is suitable for installing panels on parts of the wall
Attention! The main disadvantage of the frameless method is the difficulty of dismantling the panels during the subsequent repair.
The process of frameless installation of PVC panels can be divided into stages:
- Glue preparation. For reliable fastening it is recommended to use liquid nails or polyurethane sealant. Hot-melt glue is not recommended: under the influence of temperature, the panels expand, which can lead to the appearance of cracks.
- Installation of starting lanes. Allows you to gently attach the lining. If the bathroom will be laid plinth, then you can do without starting strips.
- Trim canvases in height.
- Applying glue. When ideally even walls glue smear stripes. If there are flaws on the walls, the glue is applied dotted.
- Installation. If liquid nails are used for fixing, the panel is pressed against the wall, removed for a few minutes, and then finally fixed. When using polyurethane sealant, the sheet must be pressed down several times. It is possible to fix the panel with the help of dowels at the top or at the bottom, which then will be closed with baseboards. Plastic panels on the bathroom walls can be seen in the photo.

Installation of PVC wall panels frameless way
If the vertical surfaces in the bathroom were not smooth and sheathed with plasterboard, then the plastic material is attached to it with staples. First, the staples are attached to the drywall using nails or screws, then panels are placed on the staples.

Fasten PVC panels with brackets
Tip! It is very important to install the first panel correctly. Therefore, in the process of its installation should use the construction level.
Frame installation method
The option of installing PVC panels with the creation of the frame - more complex than frameless. It is better to entrust this work to a specialist. But if you want the landlord can handle the decoration with his own hands. To do this, you should strictly follow the instructions:
- Creating crates. To do this, draw the markings on the wall, then take the wooden slats and fix them horizontally. The distance between the slats should be about 30 cm. It is possible to make a batten not of wood, but of metal. To do this, use the CD-profile. The metal frame is more expensive, but it is more resistant to moisture.
- Plating plastic. Start from the corner of the bathroom, which is opposite to the exit from the room. The first canvas is set on the level and attached to the batten with screws, after which they proceed to the installation of other panels. The panels are interconnected by means of a lock. Reaching the corner of the room, you should cut the canvas and cover the transition to another wall with a corner. The design of the bathroom from plastic panels can be seen in the photo.
- Processing joints transparent silicone sealant. Increases durability and resistance to moisture finish.
- Installation of plastic edging profile, baseboards and curtain rods.

It is better to entrust the installation of PVC panels by the frame method to a specialist.
If the bathroom will be equipped with a heated towel rail or radiator, then you should take care of the installation of reflectors. Under the influence of heat PVC panels can lose their color or deform.

In order to avoid plastic deformation, it is necessary to use special fixtures for PVC panels.
Advice of experts on the use of PVC panels
In order to make a bathroom lining with your own hands in a high quality and beautiful way, you should listen to some tips:
- Do not install the panel immediately after their purchase. So that the canvases do not deform, you should leave them in the bathroom for about an hour.
- To obtain the original interior, you can combine narrow and wide canvas, monophonic and with a pattern.
- The glossy light-colored finish will visually expand the size of the small bathroom.
- Drawing on the walls plays a big role in the visual perception of the bathroom. So a small pattern visually expands the space, and vertical stripes raise the ceilings.
- Embossed material looks spectacular, but it is poorly washed from dirt.
- The walls of the spacious bathrooms can be decorated with three-dimensional images. The three-dimensional picture of the underwater world or a juicy lemon falling into the water will add a zest to the interior of the bathroom. Photos of panels for the bathroom with a picture are presented below.

3D pictures on plastic panels look very impressive in the bathroom interior
Wall care
PVC panels are not demanding to care. They should be wiped with a damp cloth moistened with soapy water or detergent. After washing, the surface of the walls is wiped with a dry cloth so that there are no stains or fingerprints on it.
In no case should you use brushes and abrasive detergents to clean panel walls. Damage to the plastic surface will lead to the formation of cracks, in the depth of which bacteria will begin to accumulate.

Care of plastic panels is very easy and simple.
To care for plastic walls you can use:
- Antifungal agent. Helps with the appearance of mold.
- A mixture of water and lemon juice. Will help wipe the stains.
- Rubber spatula. Used to cleanse dirt in the joints between the panels.

To care for PVC wall panels on the market presents a lot of funds
Stylistic decisions
There are many options for decorating the bathroom with plastic panels, many of them are presented in the photo. The appearance of the finish depends on the style of the interior:
- Minimalism. For wall decoration suitable monochromatic coating in white, gray, black or beige. It will be the perfect background for concise snow-white plumbing.
- Provence. This French style involves the use of exclusively natural materials. In the bathroom will look organic plastic panels, imitating bleached wood. One of the walls can be decorated with an image of a lavender field. Plumbing and furniture is selected light pastel colors and twisted legs.
- Country A rustic-style bathroom should have good-quality, rough-looking, furniture made from real wood. For walls suitable panels with imitation wood or masonry. Photos of beautiful plastic panels in the style of Provence can be seen below.

Horizontal stacking of plastic panels fits perfectly into a rustic style.
Thus, the use of PVC panels allows you to make quick and quality repairs in the bathroom. Following the advice of experts, you can independently sheathe the walls of the room. The combination of materials of different colors or patterns will allow for a little money to create an original and stylish design.