Laying tiles in the bathroom


The finishing of a bathroom with tiles does not have to be of the same type, there are a lot of options for tile laying. The decor can be simple or artistic with a picture laid out on the floor or walls - everything depends solely on the imagination of the owners of the house. Designer styling differs only in the presence of the scheme, so as not to get lost when creating a beautiful pattern, the process of installation itself occurs as usual. So, what are the most successful tile layouts in the bathroom and how to choose the right material?

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Custom tile layout in the bathroom emphasizes the individuality of the owners of the house

Where to start

First of all, you need to think not about how to arrange tile decor in the bathroom, first you need a floor plan with the location of the main interior parts - plumbing and furniture. What you need to pay attention when creating a scheme:

  1. Thinking through the drawing, observe all proportions and scales of the bathroom, but do not make the drawing too small. The scheme should be large enough to put all the elements on it and clearly define the dimensions.
  2. To properly tile the bathroom, you need to know the exact dimensions, so measure all the walls of the room, taking into account the doorway, projections and niches. Sign the obtained values ​​on the diagram.
  3. Mark on the drawing the location of plumbing and furniture.
  4. Be sure to specify the location of the ventilation shaft, sockets, switches, etc.
  5. Details of the interior, which are mounted on top of the finish, are not necessary to indicate on the diagram - they have no effect on the layout.
  6. Make a control check - compare the actual bathroom with the resulting scheme, make sure everything is correct.
Laying tiles in the bathroom

This is how the bathroom should look like with the correct tile layout.

The exact scheme is needed to correctly calculate the amount of material, the size of the tile and the ornament itself. If you allow even a small miscalculation, it may turn out that the most beautiful elements of the layout will be behind the plumbing or in the corners, otherwise the effect that was thought of from this decor will be completely lost. Examples of design, which can be found for laying tiles in the bathroom, are presented in the photo below.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Sketch of the tile layout in the bathroom

How to choose

Thanks to a rich assortment of finishes in modern building stores, it’s easy to choose tiles for a beautiful layout in the bathroom. In the store, you can consider in detail the proposed options for both tile and layouts.

Important! The tile in the shops is presented in the best light and looks luxurious, but in the conditions of your apartment it may look different. It depends on the lighting, as well as the size of the room - something that looks beautiful in a spacious hall can lose its charm on a small area.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Popular tile layouts in the bathroom

Selecting a tile for the layout in the bathroom, check with the seller if it is available. It is also important to know how much material is in stock. If the material is slightly more than necessary for the repair, taking into account the stock, you should not wait, otherwise someone else will buy it.

Choosing a tile, it is necessary to consider that the dark floor in combination with light walls looks most favorably. Considering the examples presented in the store, do not hesitate to take pictures of them in order to look at the photos in a calm atmosphere and choose the most successful tile laying option.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern shops provide a wide selection of bathroom tiles.

Shape and size

Selecting the size of the tile for the bathroom, you should consider not only the selected layout, but also the dimensions of the room. Too large tile is suitable for spacious interiors, and for small bathrooms it is worth choosing smaller sizes. Small tile is suitable for facing round elements of the wall.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

A small rectangular tile is very easy to unfold for the decoration of walls and countertops.

As for the shape, the most common option is a square or rectangle, they are easiest to calculate for the layout. Polygonal options look more spectacular, but much more difficult in the calculations.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

The tile of a non-standard form is difficult in miscalculations for the layout, but it looks very impressive


The lining surface can be completely smooth, porous or ribbed. For small rooms, it is better to choose a simple smooth tile. These walls look easier and easier to clean. It is also worth considering the matte or glossy surface of the selected material.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Diagonal layouts of light matte tiles visually expand the space

Gloss visually expands the room, and it looks spectacular. This tile has a flaw, it is more visible stains after washing the walls, water droplets and fingerprints. Matte texture looks more "dull" and heavy, but it is more practical. On a rough surface, spots and minor imperfections are not so visible. How different textures tile will affect the design of the masonry in the bathroom can be seen in the photo.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

The relief red tile with a glossy surface looks very impressive in the bathroom

Resistance to household chemicals

Since the bathroom needs to be cleaned very often, the tile will be under the constant influence of chemicals. The degree of resistance to household chemicals is marked in Latin letters. For a bathroom it is better to select a tile with the designation "AA".

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Color combinations

Regardless of the tile combination chosen in the bathroom, it is important to consider the color range. The tile can be monophonic, contrasting, colors that are in harmony with each other, for example, several shades of green look good.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

For a small room it is better to abandon the sharp color transitions and dark shades. In this case, the light tones look good, as well as the gradation from the dark below to the lighter at the ceiling. Such a technique visually expands the boundaries of space.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

If the room is spacious enough, you can use more bold combinations of colors and layouts in the bathroom design. Bright saturated colors diversify the interior and will not let you get bored. Examples of using different color combinations in the tile layout in the bathroom can be seen in the photo below.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Layout Types

There are many types of tile installation on bathroom floors and walls, from the simplest to the most complex. Each of the options has its advantages and features. Consider the most popular types of tile layouts.


The easiest and most popular option for laying tiles in the bathroom. The tile is located strictly parallel to the floor and walls in a row in a row. For such a layout is suitable simple rectangular or square shape.

Laying tiles in the bathroom


Otherwise, this design is called brick or masonry. To make such a decor look harmonious, you should choose the proportions of the tile correctly. The ideal ratio of the width to a length of 1 to 2. How beautiful you can lay tiles in the bathroom, imitating brickwork, is presented in the photo below.

Laying tiles in the bathroom


One of the most difficult ways of laying tiles in the bathroom, requiring experience. When choosing such a brickwork, it is necessary to take into account that due to the constant trimming of the tile, the material consumption will be much higher compared to other options. However, the effort and money spent will be justified, since the diagonal laying of the tile is also one of the most spectacular.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Important! The angle of inclination should be 45 degrees.

Despite the showiness, the diagonal design is not suitable for every bathroom. If the area is small, it is better to use simpler options, since the diagonal will only make visible all the shortcomings of the room. It is better to choose a similar layout for a spacious room, however, it is worth monitoring the curvature of the walls - they should be perfectly smooth without deviations from the perpendicular axis. As in the design of the bathroom to use tiles laid out diagonally, you can see in the photo.

Laying tiles in the bathroom


A spectacular choice for bathroom design. In this case, tiles of different sizes are used, it can be laid out in any combination, which gives room for imagination. The combination of different tiles in the bathroom is a huge variety, the most interesting can be found in the photo.

Laying tiles in the bathroom


Clear lines can significantly change the proportions of the room. The horizontal layout of the tile most often represents a dark bottom in combination with a light top. There may also be an option with several horizontal stripes of different colors. With this design is most often used plain tiles.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Important! Clear horizontal stripes extend the room.

If you choose a finish with patterns, it is better to separate parts of the masonry with a single border. To make the design more harmonious, the border is used not only at the bottom of the walls, but also under the ceiling. You can see how the horizontal layout of the tile in the bathroom can be seen in the photo below.


With the vertical layout of the tile in the bathroom clearly brighter stripes stand out against a plain background. The width of the bands can be different, the same or alternate. However, it should be borne in mind that too frequent strip looks too bright and is not suitable for decorating all the walls of the bathroom. In this way it is better to select only one wall, a separate section or a niche.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Vertical stripes visually pull the room up, at the same time narrowing it down a bit. It looks good on longitudinal long walls, but not on the ends in narrow spaces. With the help of lanes you can select different zones of the bathroom, if it is combined with the toilet, as well as the most significant design elements.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Mosaic layout

The combination of ordinary tiles and mosaics in the bathroom looks very impressive. This mosaic is more difficult for installation, since it is necessary to lay out hundreds of small elements exactly according to the scheme, never mistaken.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

However, there are more simple options - ready-made mosaics on the grid or imitation. Mosaic can be used in different ways:

  1. Wall decor. The mosaic pattern can be performed in one color or be with a full-fledged pattern. The choice of ornaments, colors or plot of images depends on the style of the interior and the personal wishes of the household.
  2. Flooring. If the bathroom is small, motley mosaics on the walls may look too bright, but such decor on the floor will look good even in a small area.
  3. Zoning space. With the help of mosaics can be divided into a bathroom zone. Such a decoration is particularly popular in the shower area or on the wall along the bath.
  4. To attract attention. Mosaic can highlight specific details, such as a sink or hooks for bath towels.
  5. Decoration. Mosaic does not have to occupy the entire bathroom, it can be a curb, separate strips or patterns.
  6. Hard to reach places. Tiny details of the mosaic allow you to use it to finish the most complex in shape surfaces.

How beautifully to combine tiles with a mosaic in the bathroom can be seen in the photo.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

How to draw a layout map

Laying out the tile in the bathroom will not work without a plan, it will help not to be mistaken with the choice of colors or ornaments during the installation process. For the scheme, you will need paper (it is best to take graph paper, it is convenient to make scaled drawings on it), a ruler, a simple pencil or colored pencils if you plan to use different colors. Also before work it is necessary to determine the scale, most often choose 1 m = 10 cm.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Next, taking into account the size of the tile, apply the desired ornament to the scheme, or draw the desired styling. In this case, even for a color picture, it is better to first make sketches with a simple pencil, so that if you make mistakes you can easily erase the lines by drawing the new ones correctly. Examples of layouts with different tile layouts in the bathroom can be seen in the photo.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Important! If desired, instead of paper with pencils, you can use special programs that allow you to simulate volumetric bathroom projects.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

How to count the number of tiles

When the color, texture and location of the tiles in the bathroom are selected, you need to correctly calculate the amount of material. While it is not necessary to display formulas, etc., it’s enough to use one of the many special online programs that will do the counting themselves. You will only need to enter the size of the tile and the room itself. Some programs can not only calculate the amount of finishing materials, but also clearly show how this or that type of styling looks.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Important! If you wish, you can calculate the amount of material directly in the store, for this it is enough just to ask the seller.

If you decide to calculate it yourself, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Calculate the perimeter of the room.
  2. Measure the height of the walls, divide the result by the tile length. The final result is always rounded to the larger.
  3. Multiply the perimeter by the height, so you get the area of ​​all the walls.
  4. From the total area, subtract the dimensions of the doorways, the windows (if any) and the bathroom.
  5. Dividing the area of ​​the walls by the area of ​​the tile, you get the exact amount of material.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

If you choose a diagonal method of laying tiles in the bathroom, be sure to add at least 15% of the material - the cost of installation will be very large. For straight, horizontal and vertical laying, a stock of 5% is sufficient. Further work on the installation of tile is carried out as usual.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Beautifully lay out the tile in the bathroom the whole art. Here it is necessary not only to calculate the expenses of the tile correctly, choose the appropriate colors and design the pattern, it is important to be attentive when working. Patterned decor with mosaic does not tolerate negligence, and the error will cost at least the beautiful appearance of the walls.

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom

Laying tiles in the bathroom
