How to lay tiles in the bathroom
Today, a large amount of material is used for the design of bathrooms.

One of the most commonly used is ceramic tiles.

Most people who make repairs are interested in how to lay tiles in the bathroom.

But thanks to modern technologies, the process of laying tiles by a professional has become much simpler, which cannot be said about inexperienced craftsmen, they also have some inconveniences.

How beautiful to lay tiles in the bathroom
Everyone knows that tile is in great demand when designing a bathroom.

First of all, choosing a tile, you need to pay attention to the technical features of the material, from which it is made:
- How much moisture is absorbed;
- Resistance to chemicals;
- Resistance to rubbing, when cleaning the bathroom;
- Well tolerate steam and high temperatures.

When choosing a tile, you need to know that the quality is divided by color marking. In total there are three types:
- Red. This includes high quality tiles;
- Blue or blue. Typically, this class contains about 5% of the marriage;
- Green. Not very good quality.

How to lay tiles in the bathroom
A large selection of tiled floors and different variations will help you to choose an individual bathroom design.

When buying ceramic tiles, it is recommended to purchase it with a margin of 15%, as it will be necessary to adjust the material for extra material.

Just buying ceramic tiles for the bathroom, you need to provide a class of sustainability, which is marked by Roman numerals. There are five classes in total.

In comparison with a living room in which a class of not more than III is used, it is recommended to use I class tile in the bathroom.
Tile differences
Since the tile is very popular, it is presented on the market for the convenience of users in various indicators of resistance, because the bathroom has temperature drops and almost constant room humidity.

Ceramic tile differences:
- Wear resistance. This tile is used not only for the walls, but also for the floor space;
- Resistant to moisture. Since the bathroom is wet, this is one of the main characteristics;
- Long service life. For such tiles, care is not particularly difficult.
- The decor. Interesting design of ceramic tiles.

Since manufacturers of ceramic tiles, today offer a large range of material, both in quality and design, it is possible to arrange an interesting bathroom.

Before you buy a tile for a bathroom, you need to pay attention to some factors.

One of the most important:
- Measurement of the room. It is necessary to take into account everything that would be enough material;
- Design. The tile must be chosen to match the design of your bathroom;
- Determine the size of the bathroom. If you want to visually enlarge, then use small tiles, but if your room is large, then you can choose a large tile size;
- Colour. Depending on what idea you want to carry out, a tile of a certain texture is used. Most often, bathrooms are decorated in bright colors: almond, ivory, or gray tones.

How to lay tiles in a small bathroom

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The material used may affect the size of the bathroom.

If you want to make the area wider, laying the tile in the bathroom, then this will help you tile of not large sizes and light colors, with it being laid horizontally.

Abstract pattern and ornament located across the bathroom, also visually increase the area in the bathroom. The height of the ceiling increases with bright stripes laid out above eye level.

It will be bold if you lay the tile at the bottom in a light color and at the top a dark one. Due to the light tone laid out below, the room will seem wider, as the top will be dark, it will dissolve

Laying tiles in the bathroom do it yourself
There are several tile laying methods that you can use for self-laying.

“Stitch to Stitch” is the easiest and quickest way to lay. The tile is applied either square or rectangular.
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"Lining" - we lay tiles, for example, bricks.

Diagonal - the tile fits diagonally, but for a beginner, this method will be difficult and time consuming.

Chess row - laying passes the seam to the seam, but in a checkerboard pattern.

Linear way - the tile is laid out in a line, necessarily all the same size.

The design of your bathroom, depends only on you and your imagination, the photo shows how to lay tiles in the bathroom.
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Photo how to lay tiles in the bathroom