How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles


Many believe that in addition to tile walls in the bathroom to finish it is impossible. Indeed, ceramic tile is the best option - it is not exposed to the damp environment of the bathroom, the temperature difference. But is it really the only way to trim the walls in the bathroom? The market of finishing materials offers other solutions.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Despite the many modern materials for finishing the bathroom, the most popular remains tile

Features of wall decoration in the bathroom

Bathroom in the apartment - a room exposed to many negative environmental influences. This is increased humidity in the absence of proper ventilation - as a rule, it is usually not enough natural for moisture and condensate not to accumulate on the surface of walls and the ceiling. Therefore, the material for wall decoration, an alternative to tile in the bathroom, should be:

  • Resistant to high humidity levels, changes in air temperature, condensation.
  • Environmentally friendly - it is forbidden to use materials that emit toxic, hazardous substances in a residential area.
  • Hygienic - materials chosen for wall decoration in the bathroom should be easy to wash. Bathroom has special requirements for cleanliness.
  • Durable - the material that is selected for the bathroom walls, should faithfully serve at least several years, given the expensive cost of repairs.
  • Beautiful The aesthetic component is of great importance. The rule of design - the whole interior of an apartment or house should be made in the same style.
How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Natural stone is an environmentally safe and durable material. In addition, in the bathroom, he looks very impressive.

If you plan to do repairs in the bathroom with your own hands, an important factor will be the ease of installation. The need to invite specialists for this will entail additional repair costs.

Important! When choosing a material for the bathroom wall, which will replace the tile, consider such an indicator as adhesion. The ability to firmly cling to the surface of the wall is the key to durability of repair.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Plastic panels can imitate wood, natural stone or brick

Criterias of choice

The choice of material for the walls in the hygienic room will be influenced not only by the material properties, but also:

  • The style of the room;
  • The size and shape of the bathroom;
  • Features of the layout;
  • The choice of colors;
  • Estimated design solutions - the creation of podiums, multi-tiered ceilings, niches;
  • Type of plumbing.
How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Decorative plaster is perfect for creating a classic style in the bathroom.

General design rules

The general rules for decorating the walls in the bathroom establish that for small areas of space you need to choose bright colors, horizontal lines, mirrors - they visually expand the space.

For a large bathroom, it is possible to use several materials to separate the "wet" and "residential" zones, dark shades. Vertical direction of the pattern, mirror or multistage suspended ceilings is not prohibited.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Textured decorative plaster adds fresh notes to the bathroom interior.

Natural materials for wall decoration

All materials for interior decoration in the apartment can be divided into natural and artificial. The first ones - wood, stone - are preferable from the point of view of environmental friendliness, but thanks to modern technologies, artificial materials have high qualities of strength, hygiene, durability, thanks to which they are so popular.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Thanks to modern processing technologies, wood and stone are increasingly used in the decoration of bathrooms.

A rock

From natural materials for finishing of walls in a bathroom instead of a ceramic tile give preference to a stone. Strictly, solidly and expensively - this kind of finishing can be characterized. Its undoubted advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness is a natural stone, in the safety of which for a person there is no doubt - it does not emit toxic substances into the air and does not form compounds harmful to humans.
  • High moisture resistance - quality, established by nature. For marble, granite, coil and other materials used for wall decoration in the bathroom, neither water nor steam is terrible.
  • Simplicity in leaving - the increased resistance to the detergents containing alkalis.
  • Aesthetics - natural stone looks luxurious - therefore it is used for expensive interiors of large areas decorated in classical, historical styles - baroque, rococo, gothic and others.
How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

The stone helps to realize the most daring projects

Of all the types of stone, marble is the most famous - it is they who often trim the walls in the bathroom when they are looking for a replacement for a tile - it has the lowest moisture absorption and minimal radiation. However, marble is not cheap, it requires skill in laying and special care so that its high aesthetic properties are maintained for a long time.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Marble is one of the most expensive materials that can be used in finishing bathroom facilities.


Natural wood for the decoration of the bathroom is an unpopular option; this can be explained simply: the tree absorbs moisture, it is unable to withstand high temperatures, it requires special care.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

However, instead of tile in the bathroom on the wall often use panels with a special coating. The tree should:

  • To be moisture resistant - this is achieved by treatment with special compounds;
  • Resist the formation of fungus;
  • Have a low deformation capacity.

Among the most suitable breeds for finishing the walls in the bathroom as an alternative to tile can be called: oak, elm, ash. In the “wet” zones, you can use panels made of bamboo, teak, cedar, larch, cork and others instead of tiles.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Important! Wood panels are allowed to be used in a classic interior, eco-style - rustic, vintage.

Wall paper wallpaper in the bathroom

This option of finishing the walls in the bathroom instead of the tile is quite popular, its positive qualities include the inexpensive cost, the ability to independently repair the bathroom. It is important to only choose the right wallpaper - they must be moisture-resistant. For the bathroom will suit different options, they are many.

Vinyl wallpapers

They are made of polymer and calmly tolerate temperature changes, high humidity and vaporization. They cost more than other options, but will last longer.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles


This is an inexpensive option that allows for easy wet cleaning with a sponge and cleaning solution. A special coating protects them from moisture, which does not allow water inside. For a long time, like vinyl, they will not last, but it will be a reason to update the interior of the bathroom more often.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Self adhesive

Such materials are easy to use, it is moisture-resistant adhesive-based film. They can be conveniently and quickly applied to the wall, but the choice of options is limited, so this design of the walls in the bathroom is not popular.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles


It is simply a plaster consisting of natural fibers, cotton and glue, which is sold as a dry mix, diluted with water and applied to the walls. The ability to add color allows you to create a bathroom of your choice. After drying, the plaster walls can withstand water and steam. To be sure, you can apply a layer or several layers of acrylic lacquer on top.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Glass fiber

The word “glass” says that they are not afraid of water and steam. The basis of the glass wall is a glass fiber with a starch impregnation, which gives a durable coating after applying to the walls, which can be repainted many times if you want to update the bathroom design. Finishing option - not cheap, but, given its durability, environmental friendliness and high moisture-resistant qualities - one of the most popular.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Plastic panels on the walls of the bathroom

A large variety of plastic panels - in color, pattern - makes them popular when choosing how to decorate the walls in the bathroom instead of tile. Their advantages:

  • Low price;
  • Easy installation - repairs can be made on your own;
  • Durability;
  • Moisture and vapor resistance;
  • Hygiene and ease of care.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Disadvantages: flammability, low mechanical strength. In case of damage to one panel due to the special installation technology will have to disassemble the whole wall.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Plasterboard for bathroom

Drywall for finishing walls instead of tiles in the room, which can not boast of large size - the choice is not the best. They are used instead of tiles, when it is necessary to level curved surfaces or, on the contrary, to create a special design - niches, bends, layering.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

At the same time, to choose for a room in which there is always high humidity, you only need special sheets - moisture-resistant or cement-containing. They can easily be distinguished from others by their green color.

Advantages of drywall

The advantages of drywall is that it is convenient to mount, it has a small weight, affordable cost. In addition, it maintains a favorable microclimate in the bathroom and has high sound insulation properties.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles


In this form, drywall can not be left - the surface must be decorated, it needs to be painted or pasted with other materials - wallpaper, for example. The need to withstand a couple of days after installing the plasterboard sheets for a complete “shrinkage” of them and additional putty, priming prolongs the repair period.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Wall paint in the bathroom

Over the years, using paint instead of tile has been and remains the most popular option. The market is replete with a variety of compositions with improved moisture-resistant properties.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

The benefits of paint instead of tile

The main advantage is the ability to do repair work with your own hands. Besides:

  • There is a choice of texture - paints are matte, glossy, textured;
  • Inexpensive cost - taking into account the fact that you will paint yourself, the repair will cost you cheap;
  • A wide variety of colors - you can create the necessary shade yourself by adding color schemes;
  • The ability to create a unique interior using paints - using airbrushing, painting, covered with acrylic varnish in several layers;
  • The speed of repair - taking up the business in the morning, you can finish painting in the evening.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Types of bathroom paint

For hygienic premises they do not recommend oil paint - it “does not breathe”, creating a dense film, and over time it will crack, fall behind the wall. The most popular method of painting bathroom walls instead of tile is the use of water-based and water-dispersion compositions.

Water emulsion paint

The most common option for painting the interior walls of a dwelling, including the bathroom. Paint Advantages:

  • Low price;
  • Ease of application;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Quick drying

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

It is easy to use an aqueous emulsion paint, applying on walls with a roller or with the help of an airbrush. You can create any shade by adding the necessary pigment. Over time, even under the influence of sunlight or electric bulbs, the surface does not fade or fade.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Important! She has no smell and, perhaps, only one drawback - it can not be washed. However, it can be eliminated by covering it with several varnishes.

Water dispersion paint

There are two types of paint for interior work:

  • Latex;
  • Acrylic.

Both compounds are added to resist the fungus, so they are suitable for use instead of tiles on the bathroom walls. When applied to the surface, they distribute a slight odor, which quickly disappears, so the paints are environmentally friendly materials.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Both paints form a smooth surface, filling small cracks, after drying the walls can be subjected to wet cleaning.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Silicone paint - the third type of water-dispersion painting compositions, which can replace the tile on the walls of the bathroom. It has appeared recently and surpasses all the above-named paints, but it is too expensive and not accessible to everyone.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles


Choosing what to replace the tile when decorating the walls of the bathroom, we can consider glass and metal mosaic, sinter is a modern material that looks like ceramic tile. These are thin tiles of different colors with a glossy surface. The mosaic will require certain styling skills, the agglomerate is simply laid, it is durable and durable. However, both of these materials are expensive finishes, and why not popular.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

Large selection of options will allow you to choose the finishing option that replaces the tile that fits your budget and will allow you to design the interior in the chosen style.

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom besides tiles
