Diy repair in the bathroom


The appearance of the bathroom can be judged on the cleanliness and wealth of the owners. Therefore, the bathroom should not only be kept clean, but also subjected to timely repair work. To save money, many owners make repairs on their own. After examining the subtleties of work and reading the tips of professionals, you can make repairs in the bathroom with your own hands and implement any design ideas.

DIY repair in the bathroom

Quality materials help to make a stylish interior in the bathroom.

Start of repair

Before you begin to repair, you should decide on the type of repair work:

  1. Cosmetic. It involves the replacement of finishing materials without repair of communication systems. Such repairs can be called superficial. It allows you to radically change the design of the room with a small time and financial costs. If the owner of the house thinks about how to make the repair of the bathroom as quickly as possible, then it is necessary to choose the cosmetic option.
  2. Capital. It implies the replacement of old finishes, pipes, plumbing, outlets, repair of subfloor, etc. Overhaul takes more time than cosmetic, requires large investments, but it is durable.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Paint the walls to help refresh the bathroom

After selecting the type of repair proceed to planning, which should include:

  1. Plan the location of plumbing and furniture in the renovated bathroom. It is necessary to take into account the location of the communications outlets, you may have to completely transfer and change the pipes, bring the communications to the new equipment, for example, a bidet.
  2. Estimated costs. You need to decide in advance on the repair budget, calculate all costs. To plan the repair budget should be so as to leave a margin of 20% cash. It is necessary to cover unforeseen expenses: the rise in price of materials, the replacement of pipes that have been damaged, etc.
  3. Operating schedule. If the repair is done by hand, then you should make its schedule, taking into account the free time and physical abilities. The procedure for repairing the bathroom can be seen on video.

Room cleaning

Before starting repairs, turn off the electricity and water in the bathroom. Then the room must be completely cleaned:

  1. Throw out the old plumbing, especially if it has scuffs, chips and rust. If the plumbing has recently changed, then it should be taken out to another room for the period of repair.
  2. Dismantle the pipes. Experts do not recommend repairs in the bathroom without replacing communications. Pipes at any time can give a leak, ruining the new finish. In addition, the old pipes spoil the design of the room and, most likely, take up a lot of space due to its large size and inconvenient location.
  3. Remove window and door openings.
  4. Free the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the bathroom from the old finish. If the bathroom ceiling was sheathed with plasterboard, it must be removed. Most likely, a mold will be found under the sheets of drywall.
  5. Take out the construction waste.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Before starting work, the old plumbing is being dismantled.

Dismantling the decoration on the walls

For dismantling wall coverings should be armed with a punch. To remove the ceramic tile, you will need a chisel on the concrete, and plaster and paint - a nozzle with a round metal brush. In the process of dismantling the finish, a lot of dust is generated, so all the work must be done in a respirator and protective mask.

DIY repair in the bathroom

An old chisel and a hammer are enough to remove the old tile from the wall.

Attention! If the tile is well preserved, but when it is pressed, a crunch appears, which means that it has completely moved away from the base. This tile is kept solely at the expense of the adjacent tile, so all the finishing must be dismantled.

Dismantling the flooring

The floor should be completely removed from the floor. If there was a tile on the floor, then in addition to removing the tile itself, you will need to remove the remains of the cement base. After which you should carefully examine the concrete screed:

  1. If it is in good condition, then the concrete is polished with the help of a grinder with a diamond cup.
  2. If there is at least one crack, fill the floor with a liquid leveler or completely replace the tie. The first option is more economical in terms of money and time. If a heavy cast-iron bath is installed in the bathroom, then you cannot do without a major replacement of the screed.
DIY repair in the bathroom

The technology used to remove ceramic tiles from the floor is the same as for walls.

Pipe replacement

After cleaning the bathroom, you can start repairing communication systems. The owners should think in advance about the type of pipes that will be installed in the bathroom. Depending on the material of manufacture, pipes are subdivided into:

  1. Iron. They gained their popularity due to the high level of strength and durability. The term of iron products can reach 20 years. The main disadvantage is the appearance of rust.
  2. Copper. These pipes are practical, environmentally friendly and durable. The main disadvantage of copper products is the high price.
  3. Polyvinyl chloride. These tubes lose to other species in many ways. They are not acceptable for installation in a bathroom in a residential building. They have low rates of fire resistance and wear resistance, but the most dangerous thing is that they emit harmful substances into the water.
  4. Polyethylene. The main advantage of polyethylene is plasticity. If water freezes in a pipe made of this material, then when it expands, the product will not burst. Experts recommend the use of polyethylene pipes for bathrooms in private homes. They are suitable only for cold water. But pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene can be used to supply hot water.
  5. Metal-plastic. They include polyethylene and aluminum. Such products are not afraid of high temperatures, they are characterized by high mechanical strength. Couplings are used to fasten them, which can leak at any time. In addition, the quality of metal pipes depends on the manufacturer.
  6. Polypropylene. The melting point of this material is 176 degrees, so the pipes from it are ideal for supplying hot water. Polypropylene pipes are hygienic, durable and practical. Pipe joints are made by welding.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Prior to the design of the walls and floor, it is necessary to dilute all communication systems.

It is better to entrust the replacement of pipes to plumbing, in order to avoid problems with them in the future.

Bathroom decoration

Professionals recommend starting to finish the room from top to bottom, so that during the repair of the ceiling does not spoil the new flooring. Thus, in the first place you should do the ceiling. Materials suitable for repairing a bathroom with your own hands can be seen in the photo.

DIY repair in the bathroom

Before you begin to repair the bathroom you need to ensure that all materials are in stock

Ceiling finish

Today, there are many ceiling materials on the market, but not all of them are suitable for the bathroom. Withstand the harsh conditions of a wet room in a house such coatings can:

  1. Paint. Requires surface pretreatment: putty and primer for a perfectly smooth substrate. Painting can be called the cheapest way to finish the ceiling. It is better to use moisture-resistant acrylic paint, which dries quickly and has many colors.
  2. Wallpaper. Vinyls do not let moisture, they will look good on the ceiling. As before painting, a surface should be prepared for pasting wallpaper, otherwise all defects will appear through the sheets.
  3. PVC panels. They are not expensive, they are simply mounted, they are easy to wash, they do not let the humidity pass, they are produced in different colors. The main disadvantages: occupy part of the space, consist of non-natural materials.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Stretch ceilings are very popular way to design the ceiling in the bathroom

Attention! If there are gaps between the vinyl sheets, moisture will penetrate them, forming a mold that will spread throughout the ceiling.

Wall and floor decoration

How to make a high-quality bathroom in the apartment with your own hands? The basis of a successful and durable repair - the right choice of finishes. The most popular material used for cladding bathrooms - tiles. She is not afraid of moisture, durable and durable. Traditionally, most people lay ceramic tiles. It can be used for walls, but for the floor is better to buy porcelain. It is stronger than tile, but most importantly - it has a matte, rough surface. On such a floor is less likely to slip than on a smooth glossy finish.

DIY repair in the bathroom

As a flooring is better to use porcelain

Tip! If the owners do not have enough knowledge and skills to perform certain works, then they should be entrusted to professionals. The safety of using the bathroom depends on it.

Material verification

Before purchasing tiles, they should be carefully checked according to this scheme:

  1. Take a few tiles from different packages. If the seller refuses to open the packaging, it is better to go to another store.
  2. Put the tiles vertically close to each other and turn 90 degrees to explore the upper edges. The difference in height should not exceed 1 mm.
  3. Attach tiles with front surfaces to each other. There should be no mounds or depressions between them.
  4. Bring the tile to the eyes and examine its surface against the sun. There should be no cracks or points on the glaze. Otherwise, dirt will get into any holes.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Facing tiles to each other with a face to identify defects is one way to check tile quality.

These requirements are necessary not even for a better aesthetic perception, but for compliance with sanitary and technical standards.

Finishing tools

If the repair in the bathroom is done with your own hands, then it is recommended to take quick-drying glue (12-24 hours). So it will be possible to work without haste, to eliminate irregularities without degrading the quality of the coating.

DIY repair in the bathroom

The market offers a wide range of quality glue for laying tiles

When choosing a spatula, follow the instructions on the package with glue. If the boxes do not say anything about it, then choose a spatula with teeth from 3 to 6 mm.

DIY repair in the bathroom

For laying tile used a special spatula with teeth

In addition to the glue and spatula when laying tile useful:

  • Microfiber for grouting;
  • Wooden block;
  • Tiled crosses used to fix the distance between the tiles;
  • Building level.
DIY repair in the bathroom

Basic materials required for laying tiles

Sequence of work

The process of laying tile on the wall consists of the following steps:

  1. Surface leveling with plaster or putty. Before proceeding to the second stage, you must wait until the wall is completely dry.
  2. Installation of a wooden bar as a support for the first row of tile.
  3. Applying glue and spreading it all over the tile with a spatula.
  4. Installation finishes. The first tile is applied to the wall, resting on the bar, and hit with a hammer to the desired position. Then install the second product, sharing it with the first with a cross. The distance between the tiles should not be more than 4 mm. Similarly stack the rest of the product.
  5. Putty seams silicone sealant.
DIY repair in the bathroom

In the end it is necessary to process all seams with a special sealant.

Laying tiles on the floor is carried out on the same principle, only without the use of timber. How to make repairs in the bathroom with their own hands using tiles, you can see in the video.

Other wall finishes

In addition to tile, there are other materials suitable for facing the walls in the bathroom. Many people do not even know that you can use wallpaper or, for example, decorative plaster to finish the bathroom. Interesting ideas for repairing a bathroom with their own hands are presented in the photo.


Painting - one of the easiest ways to trim the walls in any room. The advantages of paint include affordable prices, a large selection of colors, ease of application.

DIY repair in the bathroom

One of the main advantages of paint is the ability to quickly update the color of the walls in the room

For the bathroom is not suitable any coloring composition. It is necessary to use only moisture resistant paints:

  • Acrylic;
  • Latex;
  • Silicone;
  • Chlorine rubber.
DIY repair in the bathroom

The most popular color for decorating walls in the bathroom is blue or blue.

Despite all the advantages, the paint has several disadvantages:

  1. The need to level the surface before painting.
  2. Unwanted use near water. Experts recommend combining paint with other finishing materials. For example, the area near the bathtub and washbasin can be trimmed with tiles.

Simple repair of a bath for beginners with paint can be seen on video.

Decorative plaster

Independently create a unique design in the bathroom will help decorative plaster. This material is easy to apply, has a large selection of textures and colors. Choose a plaster for the bathroom need among moisture-resistant species. Some types of decorative coatings have a high price and require professional application, but the result is worth it.

DIY repair in the bathroom

Moisture resistant decorative plaster perfectly fits into the interior of modern bathrooms.


The most popular finishing material is wallpaper. They are rarely used in bathrooms, because in terms of moisture resistance, they are inferior to ceramic tiles and some other material. However, moisture-proof models, which are marked in the form of three waves, can transform the interior of the bathroom.

DIY repair in the bathroom

Wallpapers will help to quickly change the interior of the bathroom

In the bathroom, you can use these types of wallpaper:

  1. Washable Available on a different basis, incl. and paper. They are not afraid of water, dirt and able to serve for many years. Pasting of a wall covering should be carried out carefully that between joints of cloths moisture did not get. Otherwise, they will begin to peel off the walls. One of the drawbacks of washable wallpaper - their appearance, resembling oilcloth for the kitchen table.
  2. Vinyl. They are expensive, but they are not afraid of water splashes, temperature changes, they have a beautiful embossing, which gives the pattern a volume.
  3. Liquid. They are applied in liquid form, as decorative plaster. After hardening, the walls are covered with acrylic lacquer, which ensures their resistance to moisture. One of the advantages of liquid wallpaper - the absence of joints. Liquid wallpaper sold in dry form. Before use, they are diluted with water according to the instructions indicated on the package. If the owner does not know how to repair the bathroom with his own hands, then the liquid wallpaper will be a great help in this matter.
  4. Glass fiber Made from natural ingredients. Glass fiber is not susceptible to water, mechanical damage. They are easy to clean, do not burn and do not attract dust. Glass fiber is easy to glue and easy to paint. Walls can be repainted at least 15 times.
DIY repair in the bathroom

The wide choice and high moisture resistance make vinyl wall-paper ideal for use as a material for wall decoration in the bathroom

Floor finishes

Answering the question of how to make repairs in the bathroom on their own, special attention should be paid to the work with the floor covering. In addition to the tile, you can put on the floor of the bathroom:

  1. Linoleum. Allows you to save on finishing. The disadvantages include the likelihood of water entering between the joints, and as a result, the formation of fungus and mold. To avoid this, it is necessary to boil the joints and lead the linoleum on the wall. For the bathroom, it is necessary to select a thickened moisture-resistant coating with a textured surface, so that it is not pressed under heavy objects, for example, with a washing machine, and prevent the feet from sliding.
  2. Laminate. In the bathroom, you can use high-quality laminate with a protective water-repellent coating. It is easy to fit, fastened as a constructor, and externally it can imitate any surface, incl. and wooden.
  3. Bulk floor. Creates a perfectly smooth, seamless surface. Bulk floor is durable, resistant to mechanical damage, temperature changes. It can be of any color, monophonic or transparent with a three-dimensional image planted. The disadvantages of the self-leveling floor include: high price, long installation time, the need to call specialists.
DIY repair in the bathroom

A perfect flat surface can be achieved with self-leveling floors.

Thus, to make a bathroom with your own hands under the power of any person who has basic building skills. To do this, you must clearly plan all the work, calculate and purchase suitable materials and use them in accordance with the recommendations of specialists. An updated bathroom should not only save money, but also delight with its stylish design for many years.

DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
DIY repair in the bathroom
