Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands


To date, houses made of logs or lumber, are very popular. They look nice and cozy. Decoration and arrangement of living rooms in such houses does not create difficulties, but the design of wet rooms must be carefully considered. In the process of repairing a bathroom in a wooden house, it is necessary to adhere to special principles that exclude deformation and damage to wood.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

If you follow certain rules, the bathroom will be functional and comfortable.

Features of repairing a bathroom in a wooden house

The location of the bathroom should be provided at the design stage of the building. When planning this room, its features are necessarily taken into account:

  1. High humidity. The surface of the room must be protected from moisture, which is especially important for a wooden house.
  2. Temperature drops. May cause deformation of the wooden walls. To avoid this, you need to warm the walls of the future bathroom.
  3. Chance of pouring water to the floor. The floor level of the bathroom should be made 1-2 cm lower than in the adjacent rooms. This is necessary so that the water spilled in the bathroom does not flood other rooms.
  4. Weight plumbing. So the bathroom filled with water has an enormous weight, so if the owners place a room with it on the second floor, you need to create a solid ceiling. For this purpose, thicker beams or beams of standard dimensions are chosen, but they are installed with a smaller interval.
Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Good ventilation is necessary for a bathroom in a wooden house.

Specialists recommend putting a heavy and large bath on the first floor. So much easier to strengthen the floor. On the second floor you can put a light and compact shower.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

A shower cabin in a wooden house is better placed on the top floor.

How to build a bathroom in a wooden house with your own hands? This requires minimal building skills. All work should be broken down into steps that will need to be performed sequentially.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Heavy plumbing is better placed on the bottom floor


Wood is an eco-friendly material, it is afraid of moisture and under its influence is capable of deforming. So waterproofing is the most important part of the bathroom process in a wood house. For maximum protection of the wooden frame of the building waterproofing is recommended to attach or apply in two layers.


The device of a floor in a bathroom in the wooden house begins with installation of protection against penetration of water. Waterproofing the bathroom will prevent the spread of moisture to other rooms. For a start, the floor is covered with cement mortar or bitumen mastic. The choice of subfloor depends on the bearing capacity of the slab. If the structure is not sufficiently reinforced, it may not be able to bear the weight of cement mortar, floor covering and plumbing. In this situation, it is better not to risk, and use bitumen mastic.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

It is better to use ceramic tiles for the bathroom floor.

After complete drying of the material, a waterproofing layer is laid, usually a roll material. Modern waterproofing films are durable and durable. They reduce heat loss in winter, allow air to pass through and at the same time completely retain steam and moisture. A floor covering is laid over the roll film. The process of building a bathroom in a wooden house with your own hands can be seen on video.

In addition to the popular waterproofing film, the following materials are used to isolate the floor in the bathroom of a wooden house from water:

  1. Cast insulation. The material is melted to a liquid state, then it poured the entire floor. This option provides a soft protection, it is not suitable for rooms with high loads.
  2. Paint. This is an easy and economical way to protect floors. Paint does not let moisture, but it must be periodically updated.
  3. Impregnation Increases strength and moisture resistance of wood.
  4. Coating materials. The main component of waterproofing mixtures - bitumen. The coating mixtures are applied in layers, a certain time interval is maintained between each approach.

Attention! Before using waterproofing waterproofing, make sure that the wooden boards are completely dry. If the wood is wet, then it will begin to deteriorate from the inside.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Obmazochnaya waterproofing shower

Many people can not decide how to protect the tree in the bathroom in a wooden house. The best option is a combination of materials. For flat parts of the floor can be applied roll film, and for hard to reach - paint.

Tip! To protect the room from being flooded, make the floor in the bathroom sloping, and at its lowest point, install a drain - a funnel to drain the water to the sewer.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom floor drain in tile bathroom floor


How to sheathe the walls in the bathroom in a wooden house to protect them from moisture? For waterproofing vertical surfaces, you can use one of the following options:

  1. Sheeting with polyethylene film. Easy to do with your own hands. The owner only needs to cut off the right amount of film and attach it to the wall with a construction stapler. At the same time it is necessary to take care of creating a high-quality ventilation system.
  2. Treatment with water repellent solution. It is carried out on a wooden surface. Allows you to keep the walls original look.
  3. Installation of plastic panels. This is the easiest and most inexpensive way to protect walls from moisture. The main disadvantage is not a unique design.
Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Processing water repellent wooden walls in the bathroom

Floor finish

The most suitable floor coverings for a bathroom in a wooden house:

  1. Ceramic tile. This is the most popular material used in the decoration of bathrooms. The tile is practical. It is durable and light does not require special care. The disadvantages of ceramic tiles: the ability to break the tile during transport, the cold surface of the finished coating. The last drawback is eliminated by installing a system of warm floors.
  2. Porcelain stoneware. According to its properties similar to tile. Porcelain tile is distinguished by higher strength, frost resistance and abrasion resistance of the pattern. The floor in the bathroom in a wooden house under the tiles must be leveled.
  3. Linoleum. This is an economical and practical option. How to make the floor in the bathroom in a wooden house, so that under the linoleum does not form mold or fungus? To do this, you need to level the floor surface, glue the linoleum with glue and treat all gaps with sealant.
  4. Glue plug. It is eco-friendly, rough to the touch material. He is not afraid of changes in temperature and high humidity. It is covered with several layers of lacquer, so it is completely sealed. Cons installation of cork floor: high price, difficult installation.
  5. Laminate. Externally, laminate can imitate any type of wood. High-end models are not afraid of moisture and with proper care can last for many years. Finishing the floor in the bathroom in a wooden house using laminate is fashionable to see in the photo.
  6. Wooden boards. Only natural wood will allow to preserve the indescribable atmosphere of warmth and comfort characteristic of a village house. For bathroom floors, it is recommended to use tick or larch planks. Another practical option is thermowood. This material is treated with steam in a vacuum space, after which it is not susceptible to the effects of fungus and mold. Joints between boards should be treated with sealant.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

For laying wooden floor does not need to do the screed. Under the wood fit only waterproofing. A photo of the bathroom floor in a wooden house without a screed can be seen below.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Ceiling repair

The ceiling of the bathroom in a wooden house should have the following properties:

  • Noise absorption;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Security;
  • Fire resistance

The best option for finishing the ceiling of the bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands will be a hinged structure. It will allow to hide all communications, to equip the necessary number of ventilation grilles, to build in lamps, to create an unusual design.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

To create a hinged structure with your own hands, you should:

  1. Install plastic profiles;
  2. Attach the ceiling to the frame;
  3. Glue the glass wall.

Glass fiber is made from natural ingredients. They are safe for health, not afraid of moisture and aggressive chemicals.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Wall decoration

How to decorate the walls in the bathroom in a wooden house? Wall decoration largely depends on the chosen interior design. If the owners want to leave wooden vertical surfaces in sight, then paint or varnish can be applied to the walls.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

If the owners are not going to leave the wooden walls open, you can do the installation of moisture-resistant drywall. It will align the surface of the walls. For finishing can be applied:

  1. Ceramic tile. It has a large assortment of colors and shapes. This material is not susceptible to reproduction of bacteria on it, it is environmentally friendly, durable and easy to clean from dirt. In the photo you can see the bathroom trim in a wooden house tiles.
  2. Decorative plaster. Inexpensive, easy to apply with their own hands. For the bathroom, it is recommended to choose a plaster intended for exterior decorating.
  3. Paint. Allows you to save on finishing and at the same time pick up an unusual color. By combining several different colors you can create a unique design.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

High levels of humidity, sudden changes in temperature can lead to the formation of mold or fungus on the bathroom walls. To avoid this, install a forced ventilation system.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom arrangement in a wooden house

When arranging a bathroom in a wooden house, one should take into account the dimensions of the room, the number of people living and regularly resting in the house, the number of really necessary equipment.


An important element of the bathroom - bath. One of the main criteria for choosing a bathroom is its mass. The lightest models are made of acrylic. Their weight is about 30 kg. Cast iron baths are heavier, but they are strong and durable.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

In the country house will look spectacular bath of real wood. It will promote physical and emotional relaxation, but with regular use it will quickly lose an attractive appearance. A wooden bath should be well soaked with a special liquid that protects against moisture and bacteria, and covered with several layers of varnish.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Usually, the bath is placed so that it lies on one side against the wall. If space allows, the bath should be placed in the middle of the room, and communications to it to hold under the floor. Before the bathroom, you must leave 80-100 cm of free space so that you can comfortably get out of the font. It is recommended to install clothes racks and towel warmers at a distance of about 60 cm from the bath. Photos of successful repair of a bathroom in a wooden house are presented below.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Other plumbing

In addition to the bath in the bathroom is installed:

  1. Washbasin. Standard mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor. When installing it is necessary to take into account the growth of each family member.
  2. Shower stall. Located on any wall of the room. The most compact option is to install a shower cabin with sliding doors in the corner of the room.
  3. Toilet. Installed if the bathroom is combined with a toilet. Before the toilet, leave at least 70 cm of free space.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

If the bathroom is large, then you can additionally place a bidet, a washing machine, other equipment. Photos of the spacious bathroom in the country in a wooden house can be seen below.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands


If the bathroom has a small area, then it will fit only plumbing. For a spacious bathroom you can choose different furniture:

  • Wardrobe or chest of drawers for towels and linen;
  • Basket for dirty clothes;
  • Chairs and steps for children, so that they can reach the sink;
  • Shelves for hygiene products.

Obligatory element of any bathroom can be called a mirror. It decorates the room, visually increases its size and allows you to comb, apply makeup.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

A bathroom in a wooden house can be decorated and equipped with your own hands. Compliance with the recommendations of experts will help eliminate the occurrence of many problems: the formation of fungus, flooding of neighboring rooms and others. Choosing high-quality and beautiful materials, you can create an attractive design that will delight the owners of a wooden house for many years.

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands

Bathroom in a wooden house with their own hands
