Bathroom fixtures
Bathroom is considered one of the most visited rooms per day.

Undoubtedly, this room is of great importance in the domestic plan, so the lighting in it plays a significant role.

Lamps for the bathroom must be chosen with special care.

Basic requirements for bathroom fixtures
When choosing lighting in a room with a high level of humidity, first of all you need to think about safety.

To do this, you must carefully isolate the electrical wires to ensure the absence of contact of electric current with water, as well as to observe certain conditions when replacing lighting in the bathroom:

electrical safety
Moisture protection lamps for the bathroom are marked with special markings and are the safest type of lighting for wet rooms.
To ensure safety at the level, it is necessary to choose lamps of low current (12 volts) and at the same time place the adapters outside the room.

A quality guarantee on lighting devices will ensure a long service life, which will significantly save financial costs, since replacing lighting in a bathroom is an expensive procedure.

Brightness level
For convenience and comfort in making the necessary hygienic or cosmetic procedures need high-quality lighting.

Too bright or dim light will bring discomfort both physical and psychological.

The optimum level of illumination in the bathroom can be created with the help of several incandescent bulbs with a power of 20-30 watts per square meter. m. premises.

The total volume of the lux value (lighting level) must be at least 200 units.

To do this, you do not need to use a lot of light bulbs, you can use a simple design method - place the lamp in front of the mirror, which will add room brightness.

Also, the level of illumination directly depends on the color range prevailing in the room.

Dark tones will add gloom, and there will be a need for additional light sources, a bathroom of delicate, pastel tones will be light even with a minimum number of lamps.

Design and styling of bathroom fixtures
Most often, buyers choose lamps, focusing not on the technical characteristics, but on the design of the performance.
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The design of the lamps is an important part of the overall interior of the bathroom and is often the defining detail of the style:

The lamp for the bathroom wall type is the basis of the classic room design.

The material in which the lighting devices of such stylization should be made should be natural or as close as possible to natural.

Japanese flavor
Since the basis of Japanese style is harmony, it is advisable to choose built-in lights for the bathroom, which will not stand out from the overall picture.

Another nuance is the light effect of light scattering, which will add calm and smooth out the contours of the furniture filling.
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This kind of styling requires bright, blinding lighting.

LED lamps for the bathroom, as well as possible meet this requirement.

Lighting should be transparent to provide more light.

Lamps for ceilings in the bathroom, in conjunction with the mandatory element of decor - a window - will create a unique, cozy atmosphere.

High tech
For the modern high-tech style is characterized by the presence of a large amount of light, which will provide spotlights for the bathroom.
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There is also the possibility of zoning rooms using multi-level lighting.

Lighting methods
The level of lighting and its quality is directly curled by the location of the lighting fixture in the space of the room.

The most popular, classic type of lighting is the ceiling arrangement of the lamp. Chandelier on the ceiling is the main source of artificial light in the evening.

Also quite often the central chandelier is replaced with several spot-type lamps, which provides a sufficient amount of light.

Wall sconces are designed to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere or to focus on a specific area of the interior.

Floor lamps such as floor lamp in the lighting of the bathroom are rarely used, because often this room does not have sufficient footage to install it.

Numerous photos of lamps, for the bathroom, presented below, will determine the correct choice, and contribute to the creation of a bright individual style of the room.

Photos of lamps for the bathroom