Bathroom design combined with a toilet
In many apartments built in Soviet times, the problem of the limited size of the bathroom and toilet suggests the owners to consider whether to combine them? Having broken the wall that separates the sanitary rooms, there will be more opportunities to create a functional space where you can fit the necessary furniture and equipment.

Modern plumbing allows you to create in the bathroom, combined with a toilet functional and stylish interior
Combined bathroom features
First you need to weigh all the pros and cons of such a combination of a bathroom with a toilet. First of all, the useful area of the bathroom will increase, so it will be easier to zone the room, install plumbing.
Benefits of combining
- Repair will be less costly: at least, in separate rooms, you would have to finish the wall that served as a partition. Now it is not there, and the space is getting lighter.
- There is a choice - how it is more convenient to place the furniture, where to install the bath and shower. Previously, the minimum square meters of each of the rooms did not allow the possibility of rearrangement of plumbing objects, now you can deploy them, install along another wall or in a corner.
- Engineering communications became more economical and easier to maintain - the wiring diagram becomes easier. Accordingly, the choice of plumbing becomes wider.
- And of course, in the most combined bathroom there are new alternatives to design, design - it is possible to use the most modern materials and make a beautiful and comfortable room from the bathroom.

Combined bathroom significantly saves usable space in the apartment
Disadvantages of a combined bathroom
The main disadvantage is the inconvenience of using the bathroom if the family consists of more than two people. In the morning there may be some confusion at the door of the toilet. And in the evening too - someone likes to soak up before going to bed in a bubble bath, and someone needs other procedures. Nevertheless, all families find a compromise, because the resulting comfort significantly outweighs the inconvenience.

Shower partition will add comfort in using the bathroom
The complexity of the design
To get an enlarged bathroom combined with a toilet is only half the battle. Now begin the complexity of design.

Communication niches can be used as shelves
Space zoning
The main one is the correct zoning of the space in order to place everything necessary on a small area:
- Bath or shower;
- Shell;
- WC with cistern;
- Washing machine;
- Cabinet for household chemicals, detergents.
This is the minimum filling of the bathroom combined with the toilet. Bath or shower, as well as a washing machine occupy a lot of space, they should be tied to utilities - water supply, sewage. It will not be possible to move these communications, therefore the determination of the plumbing installation site is the first stage and the defining stage on the way to the updated design.

White wall decoration behind the toilet perfectly highlights this area.
Selection of finishing materials
Features of the room dictate the choice of finishing materials. They should be:
- Moisture resistant;
- Durable and practical;
- Easy to clean.

Tiles made of natural stone is the ideal material for finishing the bathroom
Requirements for ease of cleaning - not random. The bathroom - a room of high humidity - an ideal place for the reproduction of fungi, and they, in turn, are the cause of many serious diseases. In the bathroom combined with the toilet should always be clean. This is the law.

Bright mosaic tiles add fresh notes to the bathroom
The need to keep a distance
In any, even the smallest room, you need to keep some distances between objects so that you can comfortably move around and use furniture and plumbing. The rules for a bathroom combined with a toilet are:
- Before the toilet you need a free distance of at least 50 centimeters, on the sides (from the center) - at least 40.
- Before the bathroom, the sink should be left 60 centimeters for free movement and ease of use.
- From the sink to the wall, the distance should be 20 centimeters.

It is better to place the sink at a height of 80-85 centimeters, its width can range from 40-45 centimeters for small premises to 50-65 centimeters - for spacious ones. In a large bathroom, you can install two sinks, then the distance between them should be at least 25 centimeters.

Create an ergonomic space
Based on the above requirements, before you start repairs in the bathroom, you need to make all the exact calculations - what will be where.
Think over - what can be discarded in favor of creating a comfortable and convenient space:
- Leave a bath or restrict the installation of a shower;
- Do you need a closet in the bathroom or will there be enough a small cabinet under the sink?
- Is there enough bathroom space to install the washing machine or is it better to move it out of the bathroom;
- Install ordinary plumbing or restrict compact options.

Having answered all questions, we start repair.
Color design combined bathroom
No matter how spacious or seemed to be the bathroom, even after combining it with the toilet, the visual expansion does not hurt her. Therefore, it is better to choose light colors for the bathroom - they visually expand the space and add light.
Fashion trends
Fashionable colors of today for bathroom:
- Sand;
- Beige;
- Pink;
- Dark green

Warm white, beige, light gray, light blue shades are associated with purity, so they are popular in bathroom design.
However, color does not only act as a means of visually changing room parameters - it can be used to zonate a large bathroom, as the photo shows. Color zoning involves both the use of several colors (designers do not recommend taking more than 3-4 shades), and several tones of the same paint.

Monochrome and contrasts
The monochrome interior is neutral in terms of fashion. If you choose a neutral color, you get a classic interior that will always be relevant. Such a design will look more harmonious in a small room, and in a spacious one you can “play” with contrasts:
The trend of recent years, remaining relevant - black and white combination. The design is suitable for modern styles - minimalism, hi-tech. The combination of historic interiors, such as Art Deco, is also characteristic.

Red and white, red and black combination - bright, unusual and stylish. Calm minimalism and cutting-edge trends allow such vivid "explosions."

Interior color and style
Classic interiors are best done in neutral colors using natural shades: beige, milky, white. In this case, you can choose furniture made of wood in the same bright colors.
Blue - the color of water, a very popular choice when decorating the bathroom. The photo shows how harmoniously the “pixel” mosaic in blue tones is combined with the white furniture of the bathroom. Mediterranean "sea" style, shebbi-chic, modern trends - the best interior options, where blue and blue shades will look appropriate.

Grunge - urban style - not the most popular choice of interior design, something like a loft. It is distinguished by the simplicity of lines, the absence of excessive decor and high functionality. For this design, you can choose trendy graphite shades, combined with light gray, green, blue, red tones. Bright accents should not be much.
Important! Choosing the design and color of the bathroom interior, proceed from its size - dark shades are permissible in a spacious room, and in a limited one it is better to use light colors.

Wall decoration
The special atmosphere of the bathroom - high humidity, temperature fluctuations - requires choosing materials that are resistant to moisture, steam formation and resistance to mechanical and temperature influences. Among all the finishing materials, ceramic granite and ceramic tile meet these requirements the most.
Today, the choice of ceramic tiles for walls and floors is so wide that it allows you to create an interior design in any style, color. Most collections include borders, panels, decor, which can be supplemented with ordinary tiles of different sizes and shapes.

In addition, manufacturers try to present in the collections of tiles both monochrome and contrasting combinations, so you can choose the one you like.
The tile is easy to clean, it is durable and durable. Among the shortcomings - the high price, the need to have at least some skills to work with it, to finish the bathroom independently, or have to invite experts.

Modern fashion design, especially popular for bathrooms. Mosaics can be laid out the entire surface, which will cost very, very expensive, but to look - effectively. Mosaic can transform as a spacious room, and small.

The following types of mosaic bathroom decoration are popular:
- Finishing of one wall or its part, while the other walls are trimmed with tiles or other materials.
- Decorative panels - can occupy the entire wall or part of it. The choice of plots is wide - from floral and plant to complex ornaments, landscapes and imitations of artistic masterpieces.
- Tile as an option zoning - for example, in the "wet" zone.
Mosaic decoration looks impressive when it “flows” like on a tile, creating a visual volume - the effect of a waterfall, a water flow.

High decorative properties of a mosaic are combined - alas! - with a high price, due to which this option of finishing is used infrequently.

Due to the high humidity of the room, the only panel variant suitable for finishing the bathroom combined with the toilet is plastic. A variety of choice of colors and patterns, inexpensive price and ease of installation make them a popular material for decorating the bathroom.

Often plastic panels on the walls are combined with porcelain stoneware on the floor, and are also used to highlight “wet” areas in combination with other types of material.
Important! You should not combine panels with expensive finishing options - natural stone, mosaic. This combination will only emphasize their cheapness.

A natural stone
Expensive design, but unusually spectacular. In addition to the high cost and complexity of finishing works, it has another drawback - not for every room it fits - choose stone decoration - marble, for example, you can only in a spacious bathroom. But here you can create a unique interior in a classic or different historical styles.

Natural stone in the interior will require the appropriate environment - furniture, sanitary ware of a certain design. What can be a bathroom in a classic style, trimmed with stone, can be seen in the photo.

Finishing the ceiling in the bathroom
The most popular options - stretch or false ceiling. The reason for this is the increased humidity, the possibility of formation of steam, condensate. Stretch ceilings are able to resist them, they visually expand the space and look spectacular.
A popular and affordable ceiling finish is Armstrong-type suspended ceiling. For the bathroom, you need to choose moisture-resistant plates, which are not afraid of temperature changes. On sale there are mirror and plastic versions of the plates, but the mirror ceiling is not recommended to be made in a small bathroom. Visually raising the ceiling level, it will create a “well effect”.

Furniture and plumbing for combined bathroom
If the area of the bathroom allows, install a bath - nobody will refuse to soak after a work day in a soft foam. A good option - shower with bath. This choice will allow both morning and evening procedures to be comfortable. The photo shows a variety of designs such multifunctional showers in the interior of the bathroom.
Bath or shower
Bath is needed if the family has a child. With a limited area of toilet combined with a toilet, you can choose a smaller sitting bath or corner bath. Such baths are equipped with a shower, hydromassage.

If the area of the bathroom does not allow, you can restrict the shower. Here, too, there are options that are practically not inferior to each other in functionality:
- Closed shower with 4 walls;
- Zoning by means of a glass partition, behind which the shower zone is located.
The latter is convenient for a small bathroom: the glass visually saves all the space, making it light, while performing its functions, isolating the zone of water procedures.

Take a corner
In a small bathroom every centimeter is counted, so you can use the corners of the room - by installing an angular sink or a toilet. In addition, you can consider this arrangement of furniture and plumbing:
- One corner of the bathroom is engaged in a corner jacuzzi bath or shower with semicircular doors;
- In the opposite or adjacent toilet is installed;
- A sink will be installed between them along the wall;
- The center of the room remains free for comfortable movement.

Ergonomic space
So that a small bathroom combined with a toilet does not look cluttered up, it is important to correctly place all the elements:
- It is recommended to have a bath opposite the door, then the remaining sanitary elements will be located along one of the walls;
- If there is not enough space for a washing machine in the bathroom, try to place it under the sink, slightly lifting it up and choosing a rectangular sink with a flat bottom;
- Selecting the angular location for plumbing items, the third corner can be taken washing machine, over which it is better to place a corner wall cabinet. Install a second small cabinet for detergent under the sink.

Modern tendencies
Aesthetics without sacrificing functionality is the main requirement of a modern ergonomic interior. If you have more than six square meters at your disposal, this is a big field for creativity.
For a limited combined bathroom, choose modern designs - minimalism, modern, constructivism. Their strict forms, lack of unnecessary details are based on practicality and convenience. Laconic bathroom design should be combined with the design of the entire apartment.

The important point is the maximum functionality of the furniture. Use corners, niches, space under the sink, bathroom. The mirror door of the locker will simultaneously perform two tasks - hide its contents, visually move the walls away.
Hang in the bathroom two mirrors - one above the sink, the other, full-length - on the opposite wall. They will visually expand the bathroom and give an opportunity to see themselves from all sides.

Additional lighting - above the sink, in the shower area, the mirror light performs both decorative and practical functions. Good bathroom lighting is important. It can be used as a zoning method. Ceiling spotlights are recommended for general lighting, and zone illumination will make comfortable hygienic procedures.

If the area combined with the toilet allows the bathroom, do not give up the decorative objects that adorn the interior. This may be a dressing table, shelves with vases, figurines, living plants, which is suitable humid climate. Even bright rugs on the floor, towels on a hanger can decorate the bathroom and create a mood.
