Basin mixer (76 photos)
A variety of models of sink faucets

In the modern market of sanitary devices a large selection of mixers designed for sinks is presented. They may have differences in design, functionality and design. In addition, each element must be in harmony with the interior of the room, the equipment must be functional. All this will help make the use of the mixer not only comfortable, but also enjoyable.

A mixer is a product that is installed to supply water and control the intensity of its flow. This installation should be made exclusively of high-quality and heavy-duty material, as well as be distinguished by reliable fastening, have an attractive and original appearance, have the capabilities that allow the installation to work for a long time without fail.
Mixers have a different appearance, but the principle of their operation is the same and simple. After turning the tap water begins to flow to the spout, the same tap can control the pressure and temperature of the water. In order to stop the flow of water from the spout, the tap is returned to its initial position.

Control methods
Each mixer belongs to a specific type:
- two-handed;
- single lever;
- thermostatic;
- sensory;
- with control by sensor and lever.

Two-hand mixer refers to the classical type of devices. Adjustment of the fluid supply is due to two valves, one of which is responsible for the flow of hot flow, the other - for the supply of cold. Such models are in great demand because of their reliability, because if they have a leak, they are easy to repair.
Very popular, as well as two-valve, use double-lever models. Their device and characteristics practically does not differ, and the installation can be both the waybill and placed on the plumbing with the help of flexible liner.

Single lever faucets are different from the previous version. These faucets have only one lever, which is configured to adjust the water pressure and its temperature index. Such a mechanism can be called more convenient with respect to mixers with two levers, since the adjustment can be carried out with just one hand. Faucets are ideal not only for the sink, but also for kitchen sinks due to its short or medium spout.
In this case, apply a different type of adjustment of the flow of water and set for this metal sphere or double-disc ceramic valve.

The mixer with thermostatic taps differs significantly from the others. One lever is designed to control the water pressure, the other is designed to control the temperature of the fluid. This option can be considered one of the most convenient, since the required temperature indicator and pressure are set only once, and the next time of use, these data will simply be maintained.

Sensory-type mixers are distinguished by the fact that they do not have levers or valves that control the temperature or flow of water. He begins his work immediately after a hand is placed under the tap.
The workflow is based on 3 elements:
- piezoelectric element;
- infrared sensor;
- photocell.

The piezoelectric element is activated after the tap has been touched. The water supply is turned off when the time set in the settings has passed. These models are best used in bathrooms to always get a comfortable temperature of water flow.
Infrared elements react to heat. The response zone of the sensor is from 1 to 30 cm.
Unlike the previous parts, the photocell does not react to the temperature of the water, but to the reflected light. When leading the hand to the zone of the sensor, the water flow is switched on with the previously set temperature. Such models are preferable to install for sinks.

Models with a sensor and a lever were created on the principle of “two in one”. Most often, these mixers are presented in the form of kitchen units, they allow the consumer to choose the desired method of supplying water flow. For example, in the process of cooking, when dirty hands, it is easier to use touch-enabled. When there is a need for prolonged use, for example, to gain a capacity of 5 or 10 liters, it would be better to use the lever.

Types of spouts
It should be noted that all the spouts on the principle of installation are combined in only two categories. This is a static installation and swivel.
The first have a fixed character. On the one hand, such a choice may seem rather inconvenient, but on the other, it is such installations that are considered more reliable to use. Such spouts are installed most often for baths, when there is a need only for water.
If you know that you still need to move the crane, it is better to give preference to rotating structures. These are models whose cranes can move along a certain trajectory. The disadvantage of such a choice can be considered that it is in them that the spouts are the most short-lived, and frequent turning reduces the life of the device.

Spout can be:
- soldered;
- tubular;
- cast.
Brazed spouts have their advantages over the rest, as they have a wide variety of forms, however, the cost of such options will be much higher. Make them by putting on the rubber bands and plastic rings on the nipple. All this is screwed into the base, and then attached to the valve by fixing a bolt or nut. At the end of the product soldered special nuts for installing aerators. Billets made of metal can not only bend, but also inflate, which makes it possible to obtain spouts with an uneven diameter.

As for tubular spouts, they are more in demand, since their cost is acceptable to most consumers. Their production occurs due to the bending of metal tubes. At the end of the tube that attaches to the body, there are special grooves in which a ring of plastic and several rubber bands are installed. Due to these parts, a seal occurs that protects the consumer from the “unauthorized” movement of water.
Only a ring is not limited here, a plastic gasket is added here, and at the other end of the spout a thread is made to install an aerator.

The most expensive type of spout can be called cast. The case of such models is a monolith, and at one end a special thread is made for the nipple and aerator. This design can be easily distinguished from a fake because of its severity. They make them most often from brass.
As for the first two options, they are often made from more budget materials that are inferior cast in their physical and technical characteristics.
In order to make the finished product more attractive, manufacturers use chrome to cover it, and the most expensive options are trimmed with decorative elements.

Types of fastening
It is necessary to choose sanitary devices not only by external parameters, but also by the type of fastening. A sink mixer can be installed in several ways.
- on the connector, which is provided by the manufacturer in the bowl;
- on a special tabletop, in which the sink itself will be placed;
- in the wall above the sink;
- on the floor, if provided with a special stand.

The most reliable option would be to install the mixer in the wall above the sink. It is not only beautiful, but also reliable and convenient. However, when purchasing this type of mixer, do not forget to consider the length and shape of the spout.
Today it is almost impossible to find a mixer that would not include a flexible liner, which makes the installation of equipment in the wall simplified. Also, thanks to this liner installation can be located even on board the sink.

Flexible eyeliner allows you to place the device at a distance from the plumbing pipes. These flexible hoses can be 40 to 50 cm long to create a water connection.
Despite the fact that the choice is large, manufacturers recommend to stop on the embedded version. If you prefer comfortable use, we recommend to pay attention to the standard placement on the side of the sink.

Modern sanitary devices are made from a variety of materials. It can be high-quality plastic, durable bronze and even granite.
Everyone can get one or another option that fits perfectly into the design of the space, but not only the appearance should be paid attention to.
In order to be confident in the quality of the purchased device, experts recommend stopping their choice on products made of brass or bronze.
They meet the necessary requirements, including:
- no plaque forms on their surface;
- they are resistant to hard water;
- corrosion does not appear on them.

It is very easy in our time to get to the fake, which is made of silumin. But to distinguish the original from the copy is very simple - the first one will weigh much more, besides, it will be more massive.
Some manufacturers resort to tricks to make the product cheaper. The core is made of brass, and all other elements are made of materials of synthetic type, most often as a replacement is ABS plastic.
In order to get a beautiful view of the device, a coating is made of chrome or enamel on the installations. The chrome-plated product is more resistant, as for enamel, the appearance of such a mixer over time becomes unaesthetic.

Some are not limited to a small crane height or a regular watering can. Consumers buy unusual models, for example, with pull-out spout, glass mixer or even gold. Exclusive models can be called granite mixers. Such sanitary devices are the most expensive, and not everyone can afford them. But if you are the owner of a designer bathroom, then this installation is absolutely necessary for you. By installing such a faucet, your sink will become a real work of art.

It should also be said that brass is most often used for the manufacture of instruments, but sometimes other materials are used, such as copper, nickel, and various compounds.
If you compare these materials with brass, it is the most durable and inexpensive. However, when you buy, be sure to carefully inspect the coating of the crane, it must be reliable.
Popular mixers today can be called those whose coating is made of several materials. It can be wood and chrome, granite and ceramics, ceramics and zinc. In particular demand is a mixer, which is made of chrome and marble.

Forms and sizes of structures
As already mentioned, you need to choose an external or built-in mixer based on what features the design of the room has and where the sanitary equipment will be located.
In the event that an integrated faucet is used, then a control panel or water temperature and pressure switches will be required on the wall. With this installation, everything will look aesthetically pleasing, and the device will take up little space. Such an installation is suitable for the sink in the kitchen, and for the sink in the bathroom.

You should also consider when choosing the following points:
- spout length;
- spout shape;
- swivel angle.
These indicators play a very important role, since it will depend on them how comfortable the use of the mixer will be and how long it will serve you.

Start with the angle of rotation. Despite the fact that this moment was marked last, it is the most important. In that case, if the mixer budget, then the angle of rotation is limited, its limit is 120 degrees. More expensive options can turn your nose up to 180 degrees, which is very convenient for mounting on the sink.
There are more modern options, the outflow of which can rotate along its axis, but it makes sense to make such an acquisition only if the sink is distant from the wall, for example, it is located in the center of the room.

The following design features can be called the length and shape of the spout.
By length they are divided into 3 types:
- shortened - up to 20 cm;
- medium - up to 24 cm;
- long - up to 30 cm.

When choosing the length of the spout, you should consider not only the size of the sink, but also the purpose of the room. You should also not forget that the height of the spout plays an important role. It will directly depend on the depth of the sink. The deeper the sink, the lower the spout can be.
For example, it is more logical for the kitchen to get a high spout, while a deep sink will ensure the cleanliness of the room. A great solution would be to purchase a pull-out spout, especially when there are several bowls installed. Such spout is presented in the form of an additional flexible hose, which can be extended to a length of up to 1.2 m.

It is not rational to acquire a low spout, because:
- washing dishes will be uncomfortable;
- a large number of dishes cannot be placed in the bowl;
- It will not be possible to get the desired water pressure.
Low spouts better placed in the bathrooms.

As for the forms, they have different design features and are of several types:
- traditional;
- cascading.
Traditional faucets are usually tubular. They are able to give a strong pressure, and their shape can be any: round, oval, triangular, rectangular or square. They differ in silhouette, it can be a herringbone, angular, straight G-, C-, G- or R-shaped silhouette.
As for the cascade options, they are used quite rarely. Most often they are placed in the shower, although installation is possible in the sink. They differ from other products in that their pressure and the shape of the water resembles a waterfall.

Due to the fact that today there is a large selection of faucet design, it is not difficult to choose a specific option for a specific sink or room style.
The easiest way to make the purchase of plumbing for the room from a single collection, which will be executed in the same style. In this case, both the mixer and the sink will not only be ideally combined, but their technical parameters will become identical. In addition, when purchasing, you can receive detailed instructions on the installation, which will be described in the technical passport. A self-respecting manufacturer will indicate what distance during installation will be optimal, so that when using the water it will fall into the drain valve.

Of course, you can buy devices from different collections. So, if you have a sink with angular shapes, it is wiser to purchase a mixer of the same shape. Compatibility of such solutions is better to check in practice, that is, the chosen option should be brought to the installation and visually determined how everything will look ready. Not the best idea would be to buy modern mixers for retro-cutting.
As for the rest, your purchase should correspond not only to personal preferences, but also to convenience and ease of use.

To ensure that your sink and faucet are not just in harmony, but become one, it is very important to adhere to elementary selection rules.
If you are not able to make a purchase from one collection, then pay attention to the following recommendations:
- Pick matching combinations. As already mentioned, the round or angular forms should be identical.
- Maintain style. If your sink is close to modern style, then the mixer should have a modern look. Conversely, for retrostil need to find the original sustained version.
- The most important thing is comfort. Keep track of the height and length of the spout. If the sink is small, do not dwell on the L-shaped spouts. Otherwise, the water entering the bowl will splash onto the floor and walls.

It’s not so difficult to choose the right mixer from the variety, if you follow the recommendations above. Of course, there are still many factors on the basis of which to make a purchase. If the approach to the choice is correct, then your installation will be durable, reliable and safe. Only this way you will succeed in creating a unique design in your room, in which the mixer will play a significant role.

How to choose the right one?
The harmony in the bathroom can be supplemented with a convenient ratio of sanitary equipment with the interior. In the modern market of sanitary ware there are mixers that have a wide variety of design solutions, modifications, design features and functionality.
But before you buy one of the many products, you need to determine several points for yourself:
- what model of bath and sink installed or will be placed in the future;
- what kind of liner is used;
- what type of mixer will be mounted.

All this needs to be thought out in advance, as each modern device is very different from Soviet products not only in design, but also in additional functions, as well as in types of installation.
First you need to decide on the placement of the bath and sink. Most often, two faucets are installed in the bathroom - one for the sink, the other for use in the bathroom. However, if the bathtub with a sink is located nearby, then you can install one device, but with a long spout. In this case, he will be able to supply water to two points. This versatile model will be ideal if the bathroom is small.
The choice of the mixer should be made even before the repair begins, because it is what determines the order in which further installation work will be carried out, as well as the reconstruction of the water supply and sewerage systems.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that both sinks and mixers for them are selected on the basis of the height and length of the spout. This parameter will depend on the purpose for which the sink will be used. If you only need to brush your teeth and wash your hands, then a low or medium look will do. For those who prefer to wash their heads or feet of an animal in this tank, it is recommended to pay attention to high taps. In addition, preferring one type of spout or another, do not forget to take into account the angle of incidence of the jet.
For freestanding sinks, experts recommend purchasing short spouts and do not forget to consider the way they are connected, because some standard sink shapes do not match with modern types of sanitary appliances.

Rating modern firms that are engaged in the manufacture of mixers, you can make based on several criteria - reliability, material production, warranty period, cost, model range, availability for sale, ease of installation.
If you analyze the consumer demand and view reviews, then the rating of the best manufacturers will look like this:
- Oras;
- Kludi;
- Iddis;
- Carlo Frattini;
- Florentina;
- Vitra;
- Hansgrohe;
- Jacobe Delafon;
- Lemark;
- Hansa.



The first positions are occupied by such brands as Oras, Kludi, Iddis, which have been leading the plumbing market for a long time. Companies are able to provide the consumer with not just elite plumbing fixtures, but also provide the opportunity to purchase a complete set (sink and faucet). All this will be perfectly combined after installation. At the same time, their products are provided with a warranty period.
The following positions are occupied by Carlo Frattini, Florentina, Vitra - these are firms that can be called family owned. European quality and sophisticated style are familiar to Russian users. They are able to present a diverse range of design solutions. The presented manufacturers produce various models, ranging from classic to modern high-tech.


Carlo frattini

As already mentioned, today manufacturers produce a wide variety of mixers. The quality of the device you acquire depends on how long it lasts and whether it will be comfortable to use it. Before you make a purchase, consider every detail.

A few tips to help you make the right choice:
- Decide what purpose you will use the sink. Will it be a sink only for brushing your teeth or for more substantial domestic purposes. Based on this, select the height and length of the spout.
- Acquire the mixer based on their bowl depth. If it is deep, then the mixer can be low, and vice versa.
- Consider the type of feed and flow control system. The single-lever view can be considered the most functional. Thanks to him, it is possible to adjust the temperature index and not to change the water pressure.
- Do not forget to take into account the design. Mixer must be in harmony with the interior.
- Price can be an indicator of quality. You should not give preference to cheap options, since there is no guarantee that they will serve you for a long time. But overpaying is not the best idea.
- Choose models of those firms that have proven themselves in the market. Before you go shopping, check out the manufacturers rating. In addition, do not forget to request a passport for the product and inquire about the warranty period.

Separately, it must be said about the need to install a filter. Some people advise placing a dirt filter at the entrance to the apartment, but in this case it will not be able to fully protect your plumbing fixtures from small items and debris in the water. But it is they who lead to the rapid failure of plumbing, and in addition, can have a negative impact on health.
Experts recommend installing special main filters at the beginning of the water supply system. The structure of their filter fraction is smaller, which makes it possible to prevent the ingress of sand, rust or other debris into the water. Such a filter will help extend the life of your devices.

When you know exactly what device you need, you can safely go to the store. So you will be sure that the choice will be made correctly, and the mixer is perfect for your sink.
How to choose a mixer, see the next video.